
Whenever I try a challenge like this I get awful sugar cravings for the first week or so, does anyone have any tips for dealing with them?

I try gum, going for a walk, etc. but it doesn't always work!


  • bncheney
    I have the strongest cravings for sugar too! My whole family knows I'm a choco-holic. So I have the same problems! I do the gum thing as well, and it works sometimes. I think the biggest part of cravings is mental strength. I don't always beat the cravings, but I try to tell myself "this is only a craving. I'm not actually hungry in any way."

    Something I do to help is let the people around me know that I am not going to eat any of my regular junk foods. That way I have people around me keeping me accountable. Its easier to just keep your goals to yourself. Then when you "cheat" no one else every knows. When I have made declarations to others I tend to keep myself on track more often than not. If you don't live with anyone else, try posting to instagram, facebook, etc. (including here!) so that you still feel like you've made your public declaration.

    And don't forget moderation! You'll drive yourself crazy if you never allow yourself a guilty pleasure. But that's no excuse to cheat every day! Stay strong!
  • xopanda288
    I totally agree with moderation! If you tell yourself never to have another chocolate bar ever again its easier for you to cave in and binge out one day than feel super guilty about it! buy those little chocolate bars people give out at Halloween and allow yourself to have one every other day!
  • flabulousme
    I'm a bit different. If I let myself have some, I'll just end up letting myself have more. So giving myself a lil taste just doesn't work for me. Cold turkey is best for me WITH the exception that I give myself a free day once a week or once every two weeks, something like that. I'm craving all kinds of things right now and I'm only two days in. I just have to take it day by day and give it my best that day. And then onto the next :)

    There is one thing that I have done in the past... which is to cut up a banana and saute it in a lil honey and cinnamon and top it with a fat free whipped cream. It's really sweet and cuts that craving because it tastes like dessert :)
  • bmg1412
    That banana treat sounds good, maybe I'll try that next time! I have the same problems, once I have had a small treat I can't stop and end up bingeing. Really trying to get over it but for now I think cold turkey is best, or maybe eating a small treat if I am around others for a while so I can't go on a binge.

    Day one is going well, I really enjoyed my salad for lunch, problem is that the girls in my team have just put bags of gooey fresh cookies in the middle of our absolute major weakness. I will stay strong!
  • flabulousme
    Best thing is to get rid of them, give them to someone else or walk away but don't keep them around you. Out of sight out of mind!
  • laurzishot
    Have you guys tried the protein pancakes that are on the blogilates website? They're really yummy and satisfy the cravings. You could always add a small amount of fat free whipped cream or honey or something if you need it to be more sweet :)
  • bmg1412
    The Tone It Up girls have a huge list of different recipes for protein pancakes, all delicious! I think Cassey gets her pancake recipes from them? I like adding cocoa powder and coconut to mine, and they are also good with some almond butter on top!
  • flabulousme
    Yum those sound awesome!
  • njuhan
    njuhan Posts: 7 Member
    I love the fiber one brownies. They fill my chocolate craving and are only 90 calories.