
Nutmeg76 Posts: 258 Member
A Monday morning without a gain. Woot!


  • coltrane23
    coltrane23 Posts: 30 Member
    Congratulations! My big issue seems to be Friday night. I tend to lose weight during the week and put it back on with Friday night beer and pizza. It's temporary weight gain, but since I started packing on the carbs it hasn't been so temporary.

    Adding carbs has been the right thing to do, but it's pretty clear to me now that I am still compromised, metabolically speaking. My liver just doesn't seem to function efficiently when it comes to producing glucose out of fructose and/or sugar, and I'm sure that's because I enjoy drinking beer on the weekends. I'm going to cut back on the alcohol after the holidays. In the meantime, I'm mostly carb loading with starches, and I'm sticking to no carbs before noon. As a side effect, I'm not especially high carb right now, probably .75g/lb of bodyweight.

    I'm also simply learning to listen to my body more. I can usually tell the difference between a carb craving, a protein craving, and a fat craving, and if I start craving something I eat it. If I'm full, I stop eating, even if I'm short on macros or calories for a day. I think my big problem over the last few months has been trying to load up on calories on lift days, which has resulted in extra baggage I don't want.
  • Nutmeg76
    Nutmeg76 Posts: 258 Member
    I noticed something similar. I haven't had much alcohol lately just an occasional cider now and then, I think I have had the same 4 pack for three weeks now. But, the weekends where I drink more I really am sabotaging myself.

    I think I was over carbing and not exercising enough, so I added back more and hopefully that will show on the scale over the next few weeks.