November 13, 2013

FromHereOnOut Posts: 3,237 Member


  • FromHereOnOut
    FromHereOnOut Posts: 3,237 Member
    Good morning everyone

    Not the best morning here. I'm trying to keep up my relatively good eating streak but a certain little thing called hormones has already insisted on adding chocolate to my coffee this morning. :grumble:

    DH will pick-up/drop-off our son on his way to an appt this afternoon. I'll be stuck with lil girl. I could take her for a walk, and maybe I will, but given my terrific mood I might start a fight or a riot wherever I go. :tongue: Will definitely do calisthenics here (dunno if that's the right word, but bodyweight exercises like squats, situps, pushups, pullups, wall sits, leg lifts, etc--many modified for me). I need to get back to basics and what I did the Monday really felt good and left me sore.

    Okay, well I'm off to be hormonal and grumpy. Readya later!

    P.S. - if I don't get out and get a run soon, I'm going to need a kick in the rearend from you guys. I can't quite tell if I'm making up excuses, or life really has been getting in the way lately. But I do think this accountability thing is working, b/c I can't just drop into stealth lazy mode.
  • timothydriver
    timothydriver Posts: 147 Member
    @FromHereOnOut - Planning an exercise routine is never an easy task especially when you have other family commitments...What my wife told me today that helps her stay on track is plan your day around your work out not the other way around. If you plan your day and then try and get a workout in it usually doesn't work because you busy day gets in the way. So I would suggest that for you to try out and see if that helps also plan in advance. Hope you get to feeling better soon I know "that time of the month always sucks"

    Today I did my usual 5K run and a Leg work out for a total of 91 minutes and burned 817 calories all together.
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    @Tim you're a rock star with those workouts. Way to get a consistent high burn on your workout days!

    @Sherry I'm going to second Tim's advice. Time to make the workout a priority. I know that's easier said than done, but sometimes that's the only way to make it happen. Once you start letting life get in the way it's way too easy to make excuses.

    I've got a trainer session tonight after work.

    Also I love today's saying!
  • SD67
    SD67 Posts: 31 Member
    No workout today, still too much pain/stiffness in knee. Seeing Dr. this afternoon to get x-ray results and hopefully answers. I hope to be back to my workouts tomorrow. I miss my early morning workouts!
  • agingwithfitness
    agingwithfitness Posts: 1,404 Member
    Tim's right make exercise and eating right priority one, all else after. My daughter joined a YMCA gym that has 2 hrs of free daycare for being a member. Anything like that in Greece??

    Dale hope you heal soon!

    I woke up sore from class yesterday we do so many different types of movements hard to know what caused it, so just doing a walk by river today.

    When I say river walk we have paths near river downtown that last about 30-45 min. Always a pretty way to walk and easiest on back as most is flat.
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    SD67 I hope you get good news from the doctor!
  • maureli
    maureli Posts: 722 Member
    Ran outside today....WOOHHOO! First time in a month. I think the leg is finally all better, after 5K on the pavement it would be bothering me if it wasn't ready. A typical cold and raw November day here, -4*C with the wind chill I think. Going out was great, the wind was with me but after turning around, I was glad that I hadn't gone any further.

    Marla - a walk by the river sounds awesome. Exercise and enjoyment together in one. Oh....and I am in Nova Scotia :)

    Sherry - for me, eating is the toughest part. I have the exercise down pat....its the food! I like to snack in the evenings. If I could just remove evenings from my menu I'd be all set LOL Good luck, I hope that you keep up the good eating streak.

    Tim - great advice from your wife to plan your day around your workout! And, great job on the 5K

    Laura - hope you have a great session with your trainer tonight! Is your trainer like Bob, or Jillian?? And, I can't remember the other guys name....(biggest Loser)

    Dale - I really hope that your dr has some answers and maybe some advice so you can get back to working out. I know how frustrating it is when you want to...and can't!

    Gotta go...supper is almost ready (and I am hungry!)