
Please post anything about your weight loss journey thus far and your goals!


  • lng145
    lng145 Posts: 82 Member
    Hi! I would like to lose ten pounds! I currently weigh 133lbs. A little over a year ago, I was 122lbs... between a master's program, new position in management, poor diet, and no exercise.... I manged to pack on some pounds. I would love to join you on this journey.

    I am trying to track my diet in MFP... I have NEVER been a calorie counter, but want to be aware of what I am doing and if I need to make changes. I am trying to have nothing but water to drink. And I am trying to limit my fried food and carb intake where possible. My other part to accomplish this goal is exercise. I would like to work out every day... even if it is something like 15 minutes!!!!

    Mind you, today is day one for me on this journey... I did get up before work and hit pavement. I am going to start Insanity today as well for additional exercise. What are your plans to lose 10 pounds? Do you have any suggestions?
  • Hi! I've never posted on here before until this. I'm glad you responded! I never weighed more than 120 my whole life...until college and then carried it with me. A few months ago I decided the pounds needed to go. MFP and tracking my calories helped SO MUCH. They say abs are made in the kitchen and something like 80% diet 20% exercise. So using this app and tracking EVERY single thing I ate helped so much. I would feel so good at the end of the day if I didn't go over my calories. And when I did, I tried not to get upset and get back to it the next day. I also got a personal trainer and worked out as much as I could even though I HATE working out. I started to enjoy it once I started seeing results. So now I want to lose 10 more. I really have no plan right now other than tracking my food. I seriously need to start some sort of workout program. I don't have the extra money right now for a personal trainer again.

    So you're doing insanity? Tell me about it. Maybe I'll do it!!
  • lng145
    lng145 Posts: 82 Member
    I completely relate to you! In high school I was between 104-114lbs. Then the partying started and all that wonderful beer went, of course, to my gut! I am glad those days are long behind me! They were fun though! :drinker:
    If the abs are made in the kitchen, oh boy... I am in a world of trouble! I would love to have some abs!!! But I won't work on that until I drop this weight. I think they say to slim down and then you can reveal the abs after conditioning once the layer of fat is gone.

    I am the opposite of you... I love to work out, just hard to make time for it. For instance, I heard my alarm go off at 4:15 this morning so I had time to jog before work (walk today after Insanity last night). It took everything I had to peel myself from bed because I was so tired. I will say I felt so much better during the walk and was quite proud of myself for following through! I love the little accomplishments from working out. I love the soreness from my hard work knowing that I am making a change in my body. I ran track (3200 meters) growing up and enjoyed trail running after high school. I have a long term goal to complete a marathon one day.

    You sound like you are wonderful with the food aspect. I enjoy eating, but not counting calories or anything along those lines. I welcome any advice :flowerforyou: I do have a question about the calories on here. For me, it says 1200 calories. If I workout and say I burn 100 calories, it gives me an allowance of now 1300 calories that I can consume. Should I only eat 1200 calories or should I take advantage and eat the 1300? Yesterday was my first day and I bombed the calories by going over by about 174. I will say that the heavy workout schedule I intend to keep will push for me to be HUNGRY! More details on that below :)

    Insanity is a workout through Beachbody. It is a 60 day program working out 6 days per week. I have lost weight and gained lean muscle with it before, but not following the program to every detail (meaning I may workout 3-5 times per week with food modifications). I love Shaun T in the video... he is VERY motivating and I hear his words in my head which helps me to make better decisions. For instance, he constantly reminds you to keep your core tight throughout the routines. I hear him say that while I am out walking/jogging. The other thing I love is that it is strictly you and the floor. You don't need any equipment (although a yoga mat is nice to have). The routines are killer, constantly changing the muscles worked. It is motivating to see the people in the videos taking breaks in it because of how hard it is. Please don't let this discourage you. I can't keep up with them. My mother (who was 250 pounds) was able to lose 50 pounds with it by making many modifications to the exercises (she couldn't do any pushups so she use the wall to do them standing.) The program cost up to $120 new, but you have it forever (there are 8-10 discs). You should be able to snag a used copy on craigslist for around $50.

    Google "Elite Nutrition Guide" for the recommended nutrition while doing Insanity. According to their calculations, I need to eat just over 2000 calories per day... big difference in the 1200 on here. This is why I am going to try not to worry about it too much, but do want to be accountable if I don't lose weight so I know what I need to change.

    I will say it isn't for everyone. My sister bought it and returned it in a week when she tried it. I have invited many friends over to workout with me and they don't last over a week. You have to have a very strong will to push through and it starts with the decision that you deserve better for yourself. If you like a challenge and can push yourself when no one is looking, this is great!!!

    Have you ever used any products from beachbody? My first experience with them was Slim in 6. Let me tell you... it was BORING and I spent so much time trying to learn the moves, I gave up. Insanity isn't like that. I also have P90X.... another BORING workout that is slow paced and demands a lot of time (at times during the program you have to complete 2 discs). Insanity thankfully is very faced paced and lasts up to an hour. Plus the moves are very easy to understand so you don't have to keep going back just to figure out what they are doing :laugh:

    I don't mean to write a book! I am excited to find someone who is embarking on the same journey as me! How often where you working out with the personal trainer? Are there routines you remember that you can do on your own? Great job thus far on your success!!!
  • tristaj90
    tristaj90 Posts: 330 Member
    My name is Trista and I'm 23 years old. I got married in May 2012 and my husband and I have 1 child, William, who turns 2 on Nov 27th.

    I have struggled with my weight since I was 11 or 12. At 13 I weighed 130 pounds (and was probably 5'1" or 5'2" i'm not sure though)..
    When I graduated High school i was 178 (and 5'4").
    I'm still 5'4" and after giving birth to my son I got to 228 pounds. When I went back in for my post op check up (son was a c-section) I was up to 234 pounds...

    I decided enough was enough. Finally in March of 2012 I took it upon myself to lose weight. As of May 2013 I was down to 133.4 but now am back to 141.8. I would like to lose another 10-15 pounds and be between the 125-130 range.

    I love working out and am only a bit distressed to not have any soda in my diet, rarely drink juice or eat sweets (chocolate) and really watch my calories. Some days are harder than others. When I switched to maintenance I found I was over eating...As of this last week I have tried getting back on track to 1200-1400 calories a day and exercise.
  • lng145
    lng145 Posts: 82 Member
    @tristaj90 congratulations on your success so far! You have an amazing story and you are such an inspiration! I know you will conquer those last few pounds! It is nothing compared to what you have already achieved. What exercise are you doing and are you only counting your calories or are you following a diet? Just curious.
  • Hi everyone,

    My name is Anne and I need some motivation to help me with losing some very stubborn 10 pounds. I'm 5'10", current weight 150. I've put on between 8-10 pounds in the last 18 months (they seemingly came out of nowhere as soon as I turned 29) - it is so frustrating I can't even verbalize it.

    Currently, I do Pilates about 3 times a week and have been trying to get better with adding cardio in as well. I know what my main problem is - diet. I love pasta and other comfort foods and have not been as disciplined as I should. I also had been doing a bunch of cleanses over the last three years and I'm worried that putting myself into semi-starvation really messed up my metabolism. My ultimate goal weight is 135 pounds, which is where I was 5 years ago. I know I can do it, it's just a matter of being more cognizant of what I'm eating and upping my workout.

    Thanks, ladies, in advance for your support!

  • lng145
    lng145 Posts: 82 Member
    Hi Anne! Welcome! You have a very attainable goal, it will just take work. You mentioned about possibly being in "semi-starvation" mode. Have you tried the fast metabolism diet? I STINK at diets and only lasted 4 days of the one month program. I felt so much better during those days. My problem is that I am VERY picky and don't eat a lot of fruit and veggies (I don't like them). It is supposed to kick start your metabolism and I have read a lot of great reviews from real people who completed it. Other than a diet plan, you will need some cardio mixed with strength training to rev up you metabolism. Once it is back to par, you should be able to indulge a little more once you meet your goal. We are all here going through exactly what you are experiencing. So feel free to share with us :wink:

    I have never done a cleanse. How did that work for you?
  • Hi! I haven't tried the fast metabolism diet...honestly, I have done some pretty strict diets in the past, with the result that I really can no longer do anything super restrictive. it's just too hard! but I will def look into that one.

    i have mixed feelings on cleanses. I've done juice cleanses for up to 3 days (e.g., Blueprint) and they can be great right before a special event or vacation BUT it's all water weight loss that usually comes right back on. I did a very intense 21 day cleanse last year - for the first week you basically can only eat vegetables, seeds and very limited fats + fruit, then you slowly add in other food groups. I lost almost 5 pounds in a week (which is crazy for me), but I feel like being so strict adversely affected my metabolism. Similar to the juice's great short term, not so much long term.

    The best I've ever felt, weighed, or looked was a summer where I was a near-vegan (only occasionally eating dairy products, never any meat). I would like to concentrate on a more vegetarian/pescatarian diet, but again, it's hard with the holidays coming up. I would love to hear any healthy eating tips that anyone has! I'm going to focus on exercising at least 4-5 days a week + healthy (reasonable) diet and am counting on you guys to hold me to it!

    xo, A
  • lng145
    lng145 Posts: 82 Member
    Hi ladies!!! I just wanted to check in to see how your progress is coming along! I weighed in and took measurements yesterday... so far I have lost 3 pounds and 4" in 3 weeks! I am very happy about it and it has been through "diet" (meaning better choices) and exercise. That is a pound a week... I can't complain about that. I know we all want quick fixes and it doesn't work that way. Just like how eating something unhealthy is going to make you gain weight immediately after one occurance... My goal is to lose 10 pounds to get back to my weight this time last year... but I would love to lose an additional 3 pounds. :)
  • That's amazing! Congrats on your progress so far.

    I fell off the wagon a little bit this weekend (lots of pre-holiday celebrating) but I'm back on track today. Going to a hard core exercise class tonight even though it's COLD. Also did a 2 hour "turkey burn" workout over the weekend and plan to try to keep exercising all week.
  • lng145
    lng145 Posts: 82 Member
    Thank you! I must find out more about the "turkey burn" is it some class you took? Sounds interesting!!! Stay positive. This week is going to be a challenge... as long as we keep working out, one holiday won't kill us or our goals :)