How are you accomplishing your goal?

Hi everyone! Just thought I'd start a discussion here and see how people are doing.

What is your weight loss strategy and how's it been going?

I've been sticking to my calorie goal pretty well lately, and I started a strength training routine 4 times a week. Haven't been doing any cardio lately though :-/


  • discoveredamber
    discoveredamber Posts: 379 Member
    I have been sticking to my calorie deficient and doing 5 days strength, 3 days cardio with c25k, and one day yoga. then rest on Sunday.
  • sarah061
    I have been sticking to my calorie deficient and doing 5 days strength, 3 days cardio with c25k, and one day yoga. then rest on Sunday.

    That's awesome!! How's your c25k going? I started that last summer but quit after like week 3 :-/ Can't believe how difficult it was for me - Need to give it another go one of these days.
  • arrseegee
    arrseegee Posts: 575 Member
    I am almost at my goal weight (less than 1kg away!) so my goal now is to improve fitness. I have started C25K and am also walking on non-running days.
  • sarahslim100
    sarahslim100 Posts: 485 Member
    Since joining this group 2 days ago ive gone to the gym twice. Plan on going for the next 3 days straight then have a couple days recovery break. I have been under calories but can do with better food choices. Looking fwd to my first weigh in
  • discoveredamber
    discoveredamber Posts: 379 Member
    I have been sticking to my calorie deficient and doing 5 days strength, 3 days cardio with c25k, and one day yoga. then rest on Sunday.

    That's awesome!! How's your c25k going? I started that last summer but quit after like week 3 :-/ Can't believe how difficult it was for me - Need to give it another go one of these days.
    It is great. I am only on week 2. But I all ready am starting to love to run.
  • discoveredamber
    discoveredamber Posts: 379 Member
    I am almost at my goal weight (less than 1kg away!) so my goal now is to improve fitness. I have started C25K and am also walking on non-running days.
    How far into rhe program are you? I just finished week 2 day 2.
  • fitKT2B
    fitKT2B Posts: 39 Member
    What is the training schedule for the c25k? I have tried other running programs but always hit a roadblock when it becomes all running.

    My goals are to eat at a deficit and 5 days at the gym lifting and a bit of cardio
  • heatherc369
    heatherc369 Posts: 1,555 Member
    I have been doing Focus T25, I did ALPHA, BETA and I am ending week 2 of GAMMA.
    I have a 30 day challenge group also, and we did the Squat Challenge last month and we are doing an Ab Challenge this month.
    Next month I will be doing Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred with a challenge group I started in addition to a 30 day Arm challenge with weights that I created for my 30 Day challenge group :)
    I workout 5 days a week, sometimes 6? Weekends are harder for me when I don't have to work I do not like getting up too early, but if I have to work on a Saturday I usually get up early just like Mon-Fri and get a workout in before I leave ( I mean hey, its only 25 mins right?)
  • maguariento
    maguariento Posts: 72 Member
    c25k is awesome! Just finished it last week. I started at week 4, because for about a month I had been jog/walking for 15-20 minutes, and that's about where I was in the program. I've tried running numerous times before with no luck. For me, the key was to jog s-l-o-w-l-y. Like, I could walk faster than I was jogging!! It was torturous hell until week 7, when suddenly it wasn't bad! The key for me was to remember to keep the pace slow, even if the run was going well and I felt cocky :tongue:

    I stuck to the times for run/walking and didn't worry about distance. My 5k actually took longer than 30 minutes, but I don't care - I can DO it now! I used a music program (free download) to let me know when to start/run/walk/stop, and also RunKeeper (free app) to tell me pace, etc. to help me stay slow.

    Anyway, I hope it works as well for you all as it did for me! Yesterday had to be a run/walk (weird side cramp), but I'm still out there doing it!! I never would've thought it possible!!!
  • thundrks
    thundrks Posts: 43 Member
    I don't go to the gym (even though there is one in walking distance from my house).. I don't go because of several reasons but here are a few of them:

    -It costs a bunch of money
    -I don't like to go out in public in sweats
    -I don't like to go out before my morning shower
    -I don't like to go out when it's too cold
    -I don't like to go out when it's too hot

    The better idea for me was to set up a mini-gym in our front room, I've got a treadmill, bike, stepper, TV w/DVD player for videos and to watch the news in the morning and some nice gym mats for the floor. If you're like me about going to the gym but don't have a ton of room, the stepper machine is super small and can fit under my coffee table, the bike is small too and would easily fit in a few feet of space somewhere.

    My routine has been:

    Wake up & coffee!

    60 minutes of moving...
    Treadmill: 20 minutes @ 3.5mph & 10 minutes @ 3.0mph
    Bike: 15 minutes @level 5 & 5 minutes @level 4
    Stepper: 5 minutes
    Stretch & crunches: 5 minutes

    About 500 calories burned is my goal

    Here's the bike I got

    Here's the stepper (I'm not in the best shape but I'm not it the worst either..I can BARELY do 5 minutes on this thing before I'm about to drop! BTW- the calorie counter on this thing is off, WAAAYYYY too low)

    The treadmill was given to us free but you can pick one up for $50 at any thrift shop...I see them in there ALL the time.

    Then I drink about 30oz of water and have some greek yogurt, add in grape nuts and fruit with a bit of Truvia.

    Another coffee...or two..

    Early lunch (around 11:00 - 11:30) I'll have a salad or sandwich

    I get in another 30oz or so of water before 6pm (if I drink after that I don't sleep well ;) )

    a couple snacks throughout the afternoon (apples, nuts, guac, etc) .. another coffee

    about 6:30 .. Healthy dinner, high in lean protein, veggies, try to watch the carbs

    Usually some chocolate after all the kids are in bed...(I usually don't log the chocolate...I'm not sure why I don't.. )

    I try and keep my intake at about 1200 calories, that gives me a good deficit. I like to look at other peoples diaries, I see them eating 1800-2000 calories and losing! I envy them, I tried eating that much.. didn't work for me. I do up my calories on the weekend.. keep my metabolism guessing, lol :)

    ohhhh... and when I do log (hit or miss on that but I eat basically the same thing everyday) I log for the whole day in the morning.. that way I know what and how much of everything I can have. Would stink to be out of calories by dinner!
  • jennegan1
    jennegan1 Posts: 677 Member
    I don't go to the gym (even though there is one in walking distance from my house).. I don't go because of several reasons but here are a few of them:

    -It costs a bunch of money
    -I don't like to go out in public in sweats
    -I don't like to go out before my morning shower
    -I don't like to go out when it's too cold
    -I don't like to go out when it's too hot

    The better idea for me was to set up a mini-gym in our front room, I've got a treadmill, bike, stepper, TV w/DVD player for videos and to watch the news in the morning and some nice gym mats for the floor. If you're like me about going to the gym but don't have a ton of room, the stepper machine is super small and can fit under my coffee table, the bike is small too and would easily fit in a few feet of space somewhere.

    My routine has been:

    Wake up & coffee!

    60 minutes of moving...
    Treadmill: 20 minutes @ 3.5mph & 10 minutes @ 3.0mph
    Bike: 15 minutes @level 5 & 5 minutes @level 4
    Stepper: 5 minutes
    Stretch & crunches: 5 minutes

    About 500 calories burned is my goal

    Here's the bike I got

    Here's the stepper (I'm not in the best shape but I'm not it the worst either..I can BARELY do 5 minutes on this thing before I'm about to drop! BTW- the calorie counter on this thing is off, WAAAYYYY too low)

    The treadmill was given to us free but you can pick one up for $50 at any thrift shop...I see them in there ALL the time.

    Then I drink about 30oz of water and have some greek yogurt, add in grape nuts and fruit with a bit of Truvia.

    Another coffee...or two..

    Early lunch (around 11:00 - 11:30) I'll have a salad or sandwich

    I get in another 30oz or so of water before 6pm (if I drink after that I don't sleep well ;) )

    a couple snacks throughout the afternoon (apples, nuts, guac, etc) .. another coffee

    about 6:30 .. Healthy dinner, high in lean protein, veggies, try to watch the carbs

    Usually some chocolate after all the kids are in bed...(I usually don't log the chocolate...I'm not sure why I don't.. )

    I try and keep my intake at about 1200 calories, that gives me a good deficit. I like to look at other peoples diaries, I see them eating 1800-2000 calories and losing! I envy them, I tried eating that much.. didn't work for me. I do up my calories on the weekend.. keep my metabolism guessing, lol :)

    ohhhh... and when I do log (hit or miss on that but I eat basically the same thing everyday) I log for the whole day in the morning.. that way I know what and how much of everything I can have. Would stink to be out of calories by dinner!

    I have a gym in my town but I dont go either, I just put on you tube and do some cardio and some light weight strength training and yoga/ abs as well....not every day of course with that order like for instance yesterday was a rest day since I was doing something every day since Sunday.....what caught my eye is im the opposite I dont care ill go out in sweats til I feel comfortable enough to wear jeans... And im the same dont like to go out when its too cold or hot either lol
  • jennegan1
    jennegan1 Posts: 677 Member
    Switching up my routine or if I feel like doing a little extra either ill do some extra cardio or weights with abs....and staying consistent with in my calorie goal for the day.....and giving up on wine
  • LisaMfit4life
    LisaMfit4life Posts: 567 Member
    Great! Sounds like everyone has a plan and do what works for you!!! Great job!:smile:
  • smilesback
    smilesback Posts: 327 Member
    Great question! Thanks again for starting the group Lisa too. I am not doing too bad. I am paying more attention to my calories esp at dinner. Also getting hyped about exercise lately. I want to move more during the day. I am not feeling real ecstatic yet that I have made a difference but I do feel on-track. I esp do like our group members though - they are real positive and supportive people. That is helping me get the right mindset to work on improving. Thanks!
  • sarah061
    Great question! Thanks again for starting the group Lisa too. I am not doing too bad. I am paying more attention to my calories esp at dinner. Also getting hyped about exercise lately. I want to move more during the day. I am not feeling real ecstatic yet that I have made a difference but I do feel on-track. I esp do like our group members though - they are real positive and supportive people. That is helping me get the right mindset to work on improving. Thanks!

    Moving more during the day is something that I've been trying to work on too and it's actually been kind of hard for me. I read all these articles on how you need to limit your time sitting down and how working out a few times during the week isn't enough. I want to feel like I'm living an active lifestyle but it seems like no matter what I do the majority of my day is still spent sitting down. Definitely doesn't help that I live in the country and have to drive everywhere!!
  • thundrks
    thundrks Posts: 43 Member
    Totally understand about living in the country.. we have a small strip mall (dollar store, eye exam place, gym and pharmacy) and gas station nearby but no sidewalks. Closest anything is 5-6 miles. I grew up in a big city and really miss walking to the grocery store or even to café or coffee shop.
  • sarah061
    Totally understand about living in the country.. we have a small strip mall (dollar store, eye exam place, gym and pharmacy) and gas station nearby but no sidewalks. Closest anything is 5-6 miles. I grew up in a big city and really miss walking to the grocery store or even to café or coffee shop.

    Not having any sidewalks is very annoying! My dentist's office is across a highway from this Irish pub that I like so even though it would be just a short walk, it's impossible. Huge difference from a year ago when I was living in this great inner city apartment - literally 30 steps from my door was a grocery store, a coffee shop down the street. My work was about a half mile from where I was living. It was wonderful. I probably walked 3-5 miles a day easily. But not anymore! I love having a car, but I guess I hate having to be so reliant on it. Now the nearest store to me is a 15 minute drive away :-/
  • shoing
    shoing Posts: 114 Member
    Ya'll are still city to me. This is country living. My closest neighbor is two miles to either side of me. :happy: We live on a 158 acre farm 20 miles from town. Just husband, daughter, myself, some times two sons (middle son at college and oldest son & him share an apartment 60 miles from us), two dogs, two cats, a goat, 15 or so chickens, and wonderful open space. There is a country store 2 miles down the road on the highway but gyms are up at town. Just can't afford the cost of gym and gas too. My daughter Sarah and I do Zumba, Wii Fit, and other exercises on our own. Sarah holds me accountable for what I do and don't do. :smile: She is on the Archery and Dance teams at school so is very active and skinny. This week I have done, Zumba, & Wii Fit Sun, Mon, & Tues. Wed to Mass got home late. Thursday night had football banquet & I helped serve so stood serving for two hours. Tonight have some shopping to do then I'll go home and Zumba & Wii Fit for at least 30 minutes. I will also do the 100 hip lift challenge too. I wanted a hula hoop and it being so late in the season couldn't find a regular one so bought an exercise one that is 2.5lb. BOY will it give you a work out.:laugh: Even if it's just bending down to pick it up every time you drop it because you can't keep it up. :laugh: Heck to get older and not be as coordinated as used to be. :laugh: One more add I'm the high school study hall teacher so basically in front of a computer for 8 hours watching students so don't get a lot of movement either. So I try not to get caught up and sit at the computer too long. So I get up and move at least once hopefully twice per class period for at a couple minutes each. I will sit at my desk and do office exercises too. Stretch your arms over your head, Stretch your legs under desk and pull and point feet, and different stuff like that. Well have a great Friday everyone and a wonderful weekend.
  • thundrks
    thundrks Posts: 43 Member
    I want chickens desperately :) fresh eggs .. can't beat em!
  • IdahoM
    HI I have a question about your YouTube exercising: which video's do you like? I have looked around but get so overwhelmed that I just end up getting one of my old DVDs out again.... Please let me know. I need something new to get me motivated.....
    Thanks much!!!