Going To Start Juicing

I just finished watch Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead, and I feel like it is a wake up call. I am going to try fasting for 10 days. Any suggestions on recipes to get me started?


  • CountryMom03
    CountryMom03 Posts: 258 Member
    Hey there!:) Im going to be starting myself this Sunday:) I have found alot of recipes here at this website. The page that opens up is the plans page...they have paid guided plans with help, but they also have several diff types of plans that are free thats not guided, on these diff plans they list everything from the diff recipes, to how much of each and also have a total grocery shopping list that has it all together. Ive learned alot from it! Outside of that, you can click on the recipes tab and find many many other recipes too:)


    Good Luck!!:)

  • sloth3toes
    sloth3toes Posts: 2,212 Member
    Let us know how it's going.
  • blackdiamond912
    blackdiamond912 Posts: 54 Member
    thanks for the help
  • blackdiamond912
    blackdiamond912 Posts: 54 Member
    I probably won't get started until wednesday, because I am still waiting on my juicer
  • sloth3toes
    sloth3toes Posts: 2,212 Member
    Oh, and as for recipes.... I think the reboot with joe site is probably the best one out there.... but, what I did was... I bought a juicer, and a cr@p-load of fruits and vegetables.... and dropped 'em all in. The result was... I didn't like it. I found, that what I liked was... mostly one fruit juice at a time.... except for grapefruit, which I LOVED... with an apple thrown in. And, vegetable juice, I liked tomato, red pepper, celery, and carrot, and maybe cucumber, with no fruit. I got kind of stuck on those, and I liked them, and drank them repeatedly. Granted, I could have gotten more nutrition by varying and adding more vegetables... but, I was able to stick with, and enjoy my routine.

    So, my point is.... try the recipes, and if you find something you like, great... if not.... just figure out what you do like. I really tried to like juicing kale... but, I found that I got minimal juice from alot of kale, and that little bit of kale juice just wrecked the entire batch for me... so, I gave up on juicing kale.
  • blackdiamond912
    blackdiamond912 Posts: 54 Member
    thanks for the help
  • t_elliot
    t_elliot Posts: 38 Member
    Also check out myphytos.com Tons of recipes and you can search for ones with the ingredients you have or love. Also very helpful as it shows nutritional info and calories! Good luck and enjoy.
  • blackdiamond912
    blackdiamond912 Posts: 54 Member
    Ok....my juicer came earlier so I will start my juicing fast tomorrow.....hopefully it goes well.....I am wish myself good luck :)
  • sloth3toes
    sloth3toes Posts: 2,212 Member
    I wish you luck, too. :bigsmile: Please keep us informed how it's going. I think that starting out with a 10 day goal, is a good idea. You can decide from there, what your next move is.
  • blackdiamond912
    blackdiamond912 Posts: 54 Member
    Ok so this is what I did. I took the advice from all of you and this is what I decided. I went on the reboot with joe website and decided to do the 15day detox since I can still eat for 5 days and then juice for 10. So today I started off with a apple carrot juice which was delicious might I add and then I ate a small lunch and now I am going to drink a juice with dinner and then another before I go to bed. Thanks for the help everyone so far its going well. Day 1 is complete :)