November Challenge



  • guppi4ever
    Well, I'm not new to MFP.. when I joined a few years back, I was up near 175 :embarassed: I had never been that weight in my entire life. Depression will do that. I had just lost my mom from lung cancer, my sister moved out of state and I was alone. I used to be in body-building many years back (I know, can you believe that? UGH) I decided to get back on the band wagon and try to get off some of the weight at least! Just to feel better. My niece told me about this so I joined.

    So I went the old fashioned way of watching my foods and exercise. I had lost 30 pounds.. which was great! I then gained about 10 back because I had problems with my one foot (I broke it a year prior and it started acting up), but I never reached my full goal. I want to do the Atkins because I know I can lose and not exercise heavily with my foot problem. I'm on that mission now to reach my goal... "MISSION"............:bigsmile: . !! LOL I used to do Atkins YEARS ago from the old book. 20 carbs a day.. BUT NOW, I'm confused.....

    This new way of doing it with "Net Carbs" vs "Carbs"........... I need help - because I want to be in this November challenge!!! My first day I lost 1.6 pounds.. 2nd day when I found out about the net carbs - I ate some of those and didn't lose anything, however, I also know that much of this could very well be just water weight.. so I'm not too worried. I just need to know what is the best way. When I used the old way of Induction, I got so bored of it I just wanted to quit. I don't want to feel that way this time. What should I be doing??? Net carbs or regular carbs?? I'm also worried about the bathroom issue... :embarassed:

    I am also using the Ketone strips...... I used them years ago and it was exciting to see what my body was doing.. I found them helpful. I tried it today, but being that it was only my 2nd day, I wasn't expecting much.. it wasn't the lowest, it was just one up from that. Maybe in a day or two, it will be up in the purple zone.

    Any advice I could sure use it!!!!!! My goal is 20 to 25 pounds. Thanks everyone!!!!!!!! "GO TEAM" :smile:
  • BiancaCaputi23
    BiancaCaputi23 Posts: 25 Member
    Hi, I would like to join since I am pretty new to this. Weight this morning was 153.6 which is down 5 from two days ago. I have a big family reunion on Thanksgiving, seeing family I haven't seen in 6 years or ever. Six years ago I was 109 lbs so I have a lot of motivation to get a good 15-20 lbs off by then. Hoping for the best!

    CW 153.6 lbs
    GW 140-135 ..15 is 138 :D


    Hi everyone, hope everyone is doing good so far!! I decided to change my goal for this month. Just a lot of thinking and realized that it doesn't have to come off fast and I am more focused on having it stay off for life. So, I change my goal to 3-5 pounds by the end of the month. :D

    CW 151
    GW 148-146
  • LavaDoll
    LavaDoll Posts: 595 Member
    Check In Report - Weigh-In Fridays

    Personal November Challenge Goal: -10#

    11.01.2013 - begin
    11.08.2013 - down 3.8#

    Achievement To Goal: 38.0% Complete

    Time Lapse 30-Day November Challenge : 26.6% Complete

    <woo! ahead of schedule to succeed!>

  • jess_1993
    jess_1993 Posts: 151 Member
    Back on Induction again. Day one for me is today! All support is appreciated! I failed at induction before because I tried to prolonge it and honestly, what got me off track were the bars :/ They brought all my cravings back! But back at it again, good luck everyone! CW: 144 lbs. GW:120
  • abbyolurin1
    abbyolurin1 Posts: 153 Member
    Hey guys,

    I know many of you participated in the September/October challenges. Don't forget to say how you did over there! This month i'm trying to lose 10- 17 lbs. It will be rough but I intend to work really hard, particularly in the cardio and carb departments. Who's with me and what are your goals for the month of turkey and cake? LOL let the game of willpower begin. :wink:

    Last recorded weight: 152.2 lbs on 11/02/2013.


    I'm bouncing between 151 and 152. Hopefully I can be in the 140s by the end of this challenge!
  • abbyolurin1
    abbyolurin1 Posts: 153 Member
    I decided to face the music and stand on the scale this morning to see what the October train wreck damage was I gained 20 pounds, pretty ugly, its wierd how fast weight can go back on,I am sure half of it is water weight, but still,, yuck, i wanted to know so I can watch the weight come back off, I am going to do some VERY strick atkins for the month of nov and dec, ultra low carb, and tight on, with a mix of fat fasting each week also, I want to be at a certain place by Jan 1 and at another place by my birthday end of Feb in 2014, so, looking forward, not looking back,, here goes

    Good luck friend! Slow and steady wins the race. You'll be winning in no time with your plan!
  • abbyolurin1
    abbyolurin1 Posts: 153 Member
    Hey guys,

    Thanks Abby for starting this month's challenge!
    My Nov 1st weight was 193 and my current weight is already 189.5. Yay for whooshes! Goal is gonna be 180lbs.

    I'm still keto-adapting, so I haven't really being doing any exercise besides being on my feet and running around at work. I plan to start HIIT next Sunday with my spinning bike for 10 min 3x/wk plus some 5-10 min body weight workouts on alternate days. Keeping my diet ketogenic and between 1500-1600/day is my main focus this month.

    Goodluck everyone!!!!!!

    You're welcome! Good luck!!!
  • abbyolurin1
    abbyolurin1 Posts: 153 Member
    Yay for whooshes!

    Ok I am in, but what are whooshes???

    I'm in week 2 of Atkins, so far so good. Goal for November is 10lbs. I will say I am missing crunchy snacks, so if anyone has any suggestions, besides pork rinds, please feel free to share.

    Atkins bars are my favorite and there are PLENTY to choose from. I just discovered that the Chocolate Hazelnut Bar tastes like a giant Ferrero Rocher! Other crunchy snacks that are induction friendly include cheese crisps and flavored porked skins. I don't particularly like my pork rinds but I find the pork skins from the gas station (U-Gas) in salsa or salt and vinegar taste pretty good and very "chippy".

    Cheese Crisp Recipe:
    Pork Skins Brand:
  • abbyolurin1
    abbyolurin1 Posts: 153 Member
    Well, I'm not new to MFP.. when I joined a few years back, I was up near 175 :embarassed: I had never been that weight in my entire life. Depression will do that. I had just lost my mom from lung cancer, my sister moved out of state and I was alone. I used to be in body-building many years back (I know, can you believe that? UGH) I decided to get back on the band wagon and try to get off some of the weight at least! Just to feel better. My niece told me about this so I joined.

    So I went the old fashioned way of watching my foods and exercise. I had lost 30 pounds.. which was great! I then gained about 10 back because I had problems with my one foot (I broke it a year prior and it started acting up), but I never reached my full goal. I want to do the Atkins because I know I can lose and not exercise heavily with my foot problem. I'm on that mission now to reach my goal... "MISSION"............:bigsmile: . !! LOL I used to do Atkins YEARS ago from the old book. 20 carbs a day.. BUT NOW, I'm confused.....

    This new way of doing it with "Net Carbs" vs "Carbs"........... I need help - because I want to be in this November challenge!!! My first day I lost 1.6 pounds.. 2nd day when I found out about the net carbs - I ate some of those and didn't lose anything, however, I also know that much of this could very well be just water weight.. so I'm not too worried. I just need to know what is the best way. When I used the old way of Induction, I got so bored of it I just wanted to quit. I don't want to feel that way this time. What should I be doing??? Net carbs or regular carbs?? I'm also worried about the bathroom issue... :embarassed:

    I am also using the Ketone strips...... I used them years ago and it was exciting to see what my body was doing.. I found them helpful. I tried it today, but being that it was only my 2nd day, I wasn't expecting much.. it wasn't the lowest, it was just one up from that. Maybe in a day or two, it will be up in the purple zone.

    Any advice I could sure use it!!!!!! My goal is 20 to 25 pounds. Thanks everyone!!!!!!!! "GO TEAM" :smile:

    Also found on the website. Personally I stick to 20 net carbs or less and my weight loss hasn't stalled.

    What are Net Carbs?

    When you follow the Atkins Nutrition Approach, you actually count Net Carbs, which means the total carbohydrate content of the food minus the fiber content. The Net Carb number reflects the grams of carbohydrate that significantly impact your blood sugar level. These are the only carbs you need to count when you do Atkins. Foods that are low in Net Carbs are foods like nutrient-dense vegetables and fruits that don’t have a significant impact on blood sugar and therefore don’t cause you to gain weight. Sometimes we call these foods “good carbs.”

    You can calculate the approximate Net Carbs yourself by looking at the information provided on a food label (grams of total carbohydrates minus grams of fiber). For foods that don’t have a label, like fruits and vegetables, you can use the Atkins Carb Counter.

    Atkins science allows us to calculate Net Carbs in our products more accurately. In addition to subtracting grams of dietary fiber from total carbohydrates, we’re able to account for glycerin and other ingredients that have minimal impact on blood sugar levels that might not show up on a standard food label. We can also check Net Carbs using analytical techniques. But what is important for you to know is that all Atkins bars and shakes are low in Net Carbs.
  • abbyolurin1
    abbyolurin1 Posts: 153 Member
    Check In Report - Weigh-In Fridays

    Personal November Challenge Goal: -10#

    11.01.2013 - begin
    11.08.2013 - down 3.8#

    Achievement To Goal: 38.0% Complete

    Time Lapse 30-Day November Challenge : 26.6% Complete

    <woo! ahead of schedule to succeed!>


    Nice! Way to go!
  • abbyolurin1
    abbyolurin1 Posts: 153 Member
    Back on Induction again. Day one for me is today! All support is appreciated! I failed at induction before because I tried to prolonge it and honestly, what got me off track were the bars :/ They brought all my cravings back! But back at it again, good luck everyone! CW: 144 lbs. GW:120

    Good luck!

    This resource may help, have fun!
  • guppi4ever
    Thank you for your help! I'm still trying.. I am going on the net carbs now.. and I'm under, but I am not losing the
    weight. I'm VERY discouraged. My starting weight was 151.8 last Monday. By this past Saturday it was 149.6 and now it is back up to 150.6. Something is not right. I am using the sticks - it shows that I am in the light to moderate zone. I feel like I should have lost more by now. Especially giving up the carbs I was eating..

    I am having a shake in the morning because I can't always eat eggs and bacon or eggs and cheese, or eggs and eggs
    and eggs for breakfast. So, I'm trying to mix that up with the shakes. Also, I have a question when it comes to the coffee and coffee creamer & truvia sweetener. Before I started Atkins, I was drinking my coffee (Folgers 1/2 caff) with Sugar Free Vanilla Caramel and 1 Truvia packet... (yes, pretty sweet, but tasty!) In any case, I went off that and did the heavy cream with 1/2 truvia pack until I read that we can have the truvia.... THEN, I found Vanilla CarbMaster Nonfat Milk.. that is a 3 carb 3 sugar non fat milk for an 8 ounce glass. I decided to use that in my coffee.. with truvia.. BUT, I don't know if I am allowed to use it. I feel guilty drinking it! LOL
    It tastes so good and yet, there are no net carbs. So the question is - Can I have the CarbMaster nonfat milk? Can I have Truvia? I don't like to use the heavy cream, because all I can think of are my arteries getting clogged (YES, I know... but I just can't help it!)

    I'm trying to add more veggies.. but I can't always get everything fresh, so I have to buy some canned... It also seems that when I eat a chicken breast, I gain weight. When I eat a beef patty, I lose. ??

    I used to have the original Atkins book - which I can't seem to locate.. and then I have the next one that came out after that.. the new revolution diet. That is the last book I have. It also goes by net carbs, but I think the newest book might be a little different. I just wish I knew some way I could kick my metabolism into gear here... because being this discouraged makes someone want to quit. Every day that I get on that scale and it says the same thing - I want to throw it out the window. I went and bought new batteries for it because I thought it was broken! LOL

    Well - if anyone has any great induction tips - pass along! I don't think my weigh in for the November challenge is going to be that good at this rate. :mad:
  • LavaDoll
    LavaDoll Posts: 595 Member
    Check In Report - Weigh-In Fridays

    Personal November Challenge Goal: -10#

    11.01.2013 - begin
    11.08.2013 - down 3.8#
    11.15.2013 - down 1.2#

    Achievement To Goal: 50.0% Complete

    Time Lapse 30-Day November Challenge : 50.0% Complete

    <on schedule to succeed!>

  • tenagreear
    Tomorrow is the end of week 2 for me but I weighed today and am down 6.6 lbs!! So far so good!!!!
  • LavaDoll
    LavaDoll Posts: 595 Member
    Check In Report - Weigh-In Fridays

    Personal November Challenge Goal: -10#

    11.01.2013 - begin
    11.08.2013 - down 3.8#
    11.15.2013 - down 1.2#
    11.22.2013 - down 1.0#

    Achievement To Goal: 60.0% Complete

    Time Lapse 30-Day November Challenge : 73.3% Complete

    <behind schedule...odds to achieve goal: uncertain>

  • sb4480
    sb4480 Posts: 199 Member
    I'm in! I would love to lose 10lbs

    CW: 148
    GW: 138

    11/4- 148
    11/15- 144
    11/22- 142
  • abbyolurin1
    abbyolurin1 Posts: 153 Member
    Hey guys,

    I know many of you participated in the September/October challenges. Don't forget to say how you did over there! This month i'm trying to lose 10- 17 lbs. It will be rough but I intend to work really hard, particularly in the cardio and carb departments. Who's with me and what are your goals for the month of turkey and cake? LOL let the game of willpower begin. :wink:

    Last recorded weight: 152.2 lbs on 11/02/2013.


    Progress is slow but it's only the 22nd and i'm almost in the 140s!
  • abbyolurin1
    abbyolurin1 Posts: 153 Member
    Tomorrow is the end of week 2 for me but I weighed today and am down 6.6 lbs!! So far so good!!!!

    Way to go!!
  • abbyolurin1
    abbyolurin1 Posts: 153 Member
    Check In Report - Weigh-In Fridays

    Personal November Challenge Goal: -10#

    11.01.2013 - begin
    11.08.2013 - down 3.8#
    11.15.2013 - down 1.2#
    11.22.2013 - down 1.0#

    Achievement To Goal: 60.0% Complete

    Time Lapse 30-Day November Challenge : 73.3% Complete

    <behind schedule...odds to achieve goal: uncertain>


    You're doing awesome! Keep it up!!
    I'm in! I would love to lose 10lbs

    CW: 148
    GW: 138

    11/4- 148
    11/15- 144
    11/22- 142

    You're doing excellent, those 4lbs will be off in no time!
  • abbyolurin1
    abbyolurin1 Posts: 153 Member
    Thank you for your help! I'm still trying.. I am going on the net carbs now.. and I'm under, but I am not losing the
    weight. I'm VERY discouraged. My starting weight was 151.8 last Monday. By this past Saturday it was 149.6 and now it is back up to 150.6. Something is not right. I am using the sticks - it shows that I am in the light to moderate zone. I feel like I should have lost more by now. Especially giving up the carbs I was eating..

    I am having a shake in the morning because I can't always eat eggs and bacon or eggs and cheese, or eggs and eggs
    and eggs for breakfast. So, I'm trying to mix that up with the shakes. Also, I have a question when it comes to the coffee and coffee creamer & truvia sweetener. Before I started Atkins, I was drinking my coffee (Folgers 1/2 caff) with Sugar Free Vanilla Caramel and 1 Truvia packet... (yes, pretty sweet, but tasty!) In any case, I went off that and did the heavy cream with 1/2 truvia pack until I read that we can have the truvia.... THEN, I found Vanilla CarbMaster Nonfat Milk.. that is a 3 carb 3 sugar non fat milk for an 8 ounce glass. I decided to use that in my coffee.. with truvia.. BUT, I don't know if I am allowed to use it. I feel guilty drinking it! LOL
    It tastes so good and yet, there are no net carbs. So the question is - Can I have the CarbMaster nonfat milk? Can I have Truvia? I don't like to use the heavy cream, because all I can think of are my arteries getting clogged (YES, I know... but I just can't help it!)

    I'm trying to add more veggies.. but I can't always get everything fresh, so I have to buy some canned... It also seems that when I eat a chicken breast, I gain weight. When I eat a beef patty, I lose. ??

    I used to have the original Atkins book - which I can't seem to locate.. and then I have the next one that came out after that.. the new revolution diet. That is the last book I have. It also goes by net carbs, but I think the newest book might be a little different. I just wish I knew some way I could kick my metabolism into gear here... because being this discouraged makes someone want to quit. Every day that I get on that scale and it says the same thing - I want to throw it out the window. I went and bought new batteries for it because I thought it was broken! LOL

    Well - if anyone has any great induction tips - pass along! I don't think my weigh in for the November challenge is going to be that good at this rate. :mad:

    Acceptable sweeteners include sucralose (Splenda), saccharine (Sweet’N Low), stevia (SweetLeaf or Truvia) or xylitol. Have no more than three packets a day, and count each one as 1 gram of carbs. This is because, while these sweeteners contain no carbs, they are packaged with fillers that do contain a little carbohydrate to keep them from clumping.

    CarbMaster nonfat milk:
    You may want to try limiting it if you're on induction as it's not technically on the acceptable foods list. Personally I don't think the 3 carbs will kill you but it's worth a try in terms of eliminating first and then adding to see if there is a neutral/negative change.

    No book?
    Try the website. I always use it for quick refreshers and insight.

    1. Record everything, even seasonings
    2. Drink 8 glasses of water
    3. Don't starve, get enough calories and enough fats to sustain you and curb your appetite.

    Meal Ideas

    My blog
    Things listed keep me going and satisfy my sweet tooth and other cravings.