I need some support! :P

Neyllogem Posts: 14 Member
Hi there! My name is Cody. I am 22 years old and I am your typical fat vegetarian. I stopped eating animal products around April of 2011 and I went from about 240 lbs to 205 lbs in about 4 months. But anyway, after those 4 months I was sick of feeling like an outsider so I decided to start eating dairy and eggs again. Unfortunately after that I also started to slowly get lazier and fatter. Which leads me to where I am today at about 300 lbs.

Anyway, it's pretty apparent what I have to do again at this point and after stumbling upon a Starch Solution speech by Dr. McDougall on Youtube, I have decided that I am going to start my new low-fat vegan lifestyle today!

I look forward to having the support of like-minded individuals.

Anyone feel free to add me.


  • suomidrummer
    suomidrummer Posts: 2 Member
    I am in the same boat as you. I was vegan for a few years, then decided it would be easier to dine out with friends and such if I could eat dairy. I got lazy, fat, and unmotivated. I am having similar problems as you. Best of luck to you!
  • deb3129
    deb3129 Posts: 1,294 Member
    Hello! I weighed 338 pounds when I started, and I am a GIRL!! I went from the standard American night to nearly vegan overnight. Since then I have lost 123 pounds and I have never felt better. It was difficult at first, because I pretty much had to completely relearn how to cook and learn how to make eating at restaraunts work. But is has been so worth it. You are welcome to add me if you like. I am here pretty much every day, and am VERY committed to a healthy lifestyle.
  • Neyllogem
    Neyllogem Posts: 14 Member
    Hello! I weighed 338 pounds when I started, and I am a GIRL!! I went from the standard American night to nearly vegan overnight. Since then I have lost 123 pounds and I have never felt better. It was difficult at first, because I pretty much had to completely relearn how to cook and learn how to make eating at restaraunts work. But is has been so worth it. You are welcome to add me if you like. I am here pretty much every day, and am VERY committed to a healthy lifestyle.

    That is awesome! Very inspiring. :D

    I think the hardest thing for me is going to give up cheese and eggs. But I just need to remind myself how bad that stuff is! haha

    I'm going to add you as a friend, I hope that's okay!
  • catdoc1
    catdoc1 Posts: 227 Member
    I found watching the documentary "Forks Over Knives" 2 years ago very inspiring and turning point for me. I haven't looked back. You can watch it on Netflix - hope it has the same inspiring effect on you.
  • vegan4lyfe2012
    vegan4lyfe2012 Posts: 1,229 Member
    I sent you a friend request :)
  • mrtobias50
    mrtobias50 Posts: 93 Member
    Like Deb I weighed 338 when I started 2.5 years ago. I have lost 70 - I lost some before finding MFP. It is slow for me and I find I need to recommit and find support as I go. I am older so it does take longer. I wish I was as wise at 22! That said, I am the healthiest I have been in years.

    Keep at it and if you step off, forgive yourself and get back on...
  • deb3129
    deb3129 Posts: 1,294 Member
    I just wanted to add, giving up cheese was probably the hardest thing for me. I have found a vegan cheese called Daiya that is really good. It tasted good, and has the gooey stretchiness of cheese. I only eat it occasionally still, because it is much higher calorie than most other stuff that I eat. But it is good for stuff that you REALLY need cheese in, like quesadillas. I also finally found a homemade vegan cheese recipe that I like. I have tried a ton of them, and most of them tasted like ...well, poo. But I found one I am happy with.
  • BobbyDaniel
    BobbyDaniel Posts: 1,459 Member
    I ate vegetarian for about 9 months, not giving up eggs and dairy at first and then earlier this year I realized I hadn't had eggs in a while and was eating so little dairy that I could give that up pretty easily...and I did. What really has done it for me is the few times I've gone off eating vegan my stomach has REVOLTED against me, and that is a constant reminder why I chose to eat this way.
    Hope you can get back on track!
  • lolamosk3
    lolamosk3 Posts: 4 Member
    Good luck with your journey! It can be difficult to follow a vegan diet at first, but I found that it gets easier over time. One thing that I like to do is to always have a Kit's bar or another snack with me when I go to birthday parties or other social events where there will most likely be no vegan options. Other than going out, I find that cooking for myself can be fun and pretty easy. There are so many cookbooks, recipes online, and vegan options in grocery stores nowadays that the transition isn't too bad. Just remember how healthy this change is going to be! :smile:
  • Kymmu
    Kymmu Posts: 1,650 Member
    Add me if you like!
    I'm a low fat vegan of 11 months.
    The documentary 'Earthlings' will keep you on track!
  • Neyllogem
    Neyllogem Posts: 14 Member
    Add me if you like!
    I'm a low fat vegan of 11 months.
    The documentary 'Earthlings' will keep you on track!

    I saw "Earthlings" 3 years ago and that is what made me go vegan in the first place. Just somewhere along the way I decided to start eating cheese and dairy again and a lot of it.

    I've also seen Forks Over Knives. It's very good. I've also watched a bunch of lectures about veganism. I especially like John McDougall's lectures. I think I've hit the point now where I won't go back. I feel confident in that. I just have to make sure that I am a healthy vegan!