Daily Check in

Mwhitney76 Posts: 14 Member
This is the section where we will check in.
Please post based on your personal goals. Many of us need to work up to reaching certain goals and so set your own goals and post if you meet them. Feel free to share what your goals were, it might inspire someone else.

Post the following Daily:
1. Did you meet your calorie goals?
2. Water?
3. Exercise?
4. Brag or Concern/Need Motivation

Good luck!


  • denisejelinek
    denisejelinek Posts: 17 Member
    Excited for this group. I make good food choices, but have some habits I need to drop.
    Monday goals:
    1. No eating while standing in kitchen
    2. No alcohol
    3. No eating off my kids plate
    4. 30 min. Cardio
    5. Strength train 12 sets back, 12 biceps
  • kariweighsin
    kariweighsin Posts: 61 Member
    1. No excess snacking (eat only what I packed for lunch, including my morning and evening snacks)
    2. Finish at least one camelbak bottle full of water (not sure why I haven't been able to do that since I love water)
  • Mwhitney76
    Mwhitney76 Posts: 14 Member
    Wow... all good goals... Okay so my yesterday.. I checked in way too early.. after I checked in my hubby came home with ice cream and then walked by with a wine cooler and said ... oh this is soo yummy.. of course I had to try it and then get my own. But today was better...
    1. Calories goal..... yes still have 200 left to snack.. yahoo
    2. Water : I tried. got a couple sips... really need to work on this.
    3. What I can do better: WATER WATER WATER thats the goal for tomorrow.. get more water.

    Thanks to everyone for joining. your goals motivate me to work on mine.
  • kariweighsin
    kariweighsin Posts: 61 Member
    1. No excess snacking (eat only what I packed for lunch, including my morning and evening snacks)
    2. Finish at least one camelbak bottle full of water (not sure why I haven't been able to do that since I love water)

    I am happy to say that I can place a check mark by each of my goals.
    1. I stuck to what I packed for my lunch but didn't even get a chance to eat all of my snack. Only a few carrots and 1 piece of celery.
    2. I finished a 24oz camelbak (I was at the point where I was just chugging it at the end because I was either really thirsty or just ready to finish the bottle, probably a combination of both).
    3. I am really proud of myself for resisting the last piece of apple pie in the refrigerator. I didn't even have second thoughts about it either.

    Looking forward to tomorrow!

    Keep up the good work ladies, we can do it!
  • kariweighsin
    kariweighsin Posts: 61 Member
    Nov. 19th Goals:
    1. Drink another camelbak full of water
    2. Get in at least 30 minutes of exercise
    3. Make healthy food choices at lunch and dinner (watch those calories)
  • Mwhitney76
    Mwhitney76 Posts: 14 Member
    Daily Goals: I know seems small... but here they are
    1. Stay under calories
    2. drink at least one glass of water... this is huge for me..
    3. no snacking after dinner
  • kariweighsin
    kariweighsin Posts: 61 Member
    Nov. 19th Goals:
    1. Drink another camelbak full of water
    2. Get in at least 30 minutes of exercise
    3. Make healthy food choices at lunch and dinner (watch those calories)

    1. Water intake was successful today, another 24oz down
    2. I did get some exercise walking around my college campus but it is not the running that I had planned, so that will be a goal again tomorrow
    3. Pleased with my food choices, no excess eating today
  • Mwhitney76
    Mwhitney76 Posts: 14 Member
    Daily Goals: I know seems small... but here they are
    1. Stay under calories
    2. drink at least one glass of water... this is huge for me..
    3. no snacking after dinner

    1. Stayed pretty close about 30 over.. forgot how good spagetti squash was.. would have stayed under if wasn't starved when got home and had to eat left overs to make through till I could make dinner.

    2. Not one but 2 glasses of water.. excelent...
    3. no snacking..

    all in all I say an awesome day...
    Thanks for your support this is really helping me... to keep improving my healthy lifestyle
  • kariweighsin
    kariweighsin Posts: 61 Member
    Daily Goals: I know seems small... but here they are
    1. Stay under calories
    2. drink at least one glass of water... this is huge for me..
    3. no snacking after dinner

    1. Stayed pretty close about 30 over.. forgot how good spagetti squash was.. would have stayed under if wasn't starved when got home and had to eat left overs to make through till I could make dinner.

    2. Not one but 2 glasses of water.. excelent...
    3. no snacking..

    all in all I say an awesome day...
    Thanks for your support this is really helping me... to keep improving my healthy lifestyle

    Getting those 2 cups of water in is awesome! Keep up the good work!
  • kariweighsin
    kariweighsin Posts: 61 Member
    Daily Goals:
    1. Aiming for 25oz.'s of water today
    2. 30 minutes of cardio
    3. No excess snacking (especially of unhealthy foods)
  • Mwhitney76
    Mwhitney76 Posts: 14 Member
    Nov. 19th Goals:
    1. Drink another camelbak full of water
    2. Get in at least 30 minutes of exercise
    3. Make healthy food choices at lunch and dinner (watch those calories)

    1. Water intake was successful today, another 24oz down
    2. I did get some exercise walking around my college campus but it is not the running that I had planned, so that will be a goal again tomorrow
    3. Pleased with my food choices, no excess eating today

    Great job... hope today was as good as yesterday
  • kariweighsin
    kariweighsin Posts: 61 Member
    Daily Goals:
    1. Aiming for 25oz.'s of water today
    2. 30 minutes of cardio
    3. No excess snacking (especially of unhealthy foods)

    1. Managed to get in 4 cups of water, although I got a rather late start in drinking (after 5)
    2. Did NTC today, so 35 minutes of cardio / shoulders was knocked out
    3. No excess snacking today. Dinner, which was was off course, is another story
  • kariweighsin
    kariweighsin Posts: 61 Member
    Today's goals were to get in water, focus on balanced meals and complete NTC again.

    I achieved the water goal with what I am estimating to be 25 to 26oz. so far. My meals were slightly more balanced and pre-planned. The part of my day that I am most proud of is the fact that I actually wanted to complete NTC again, even passing up a nap (and when I've been up since 4:45am, I need a nap).

    I did eat crumbs (literally) of banana black walnut cake which was not planned; but those crumbs (broken pieces from cut pieces of cake) were better than eating one piece which packed close to 353 calories.
  • Mwhitney76
    Mwhitney76 Posts: 14 Member
    Today's goals were to get in water, focus on balanced meals and complete NTC again.

    I achieved the water goal with what I am estimating to be 25 to 26oz. so far. My meals were slightly more balanced and pre-planned. The part of my day that I am most proud of is the fact that I actually wanted to complete NTC again, even passing up a nap (and when I've been up since 4:45am, I need a nap).

    I did eat crumbs (literally) of banana black walnut cake which was not planned; but those crumbs (broken pieces from cut pieces of cake) were better than eating one piece which packed close to 353 calories.
    Great job gettting the exercise in.. you have accomplished something I haven't not been able to which is pass up a nap and exercise. I understand how waking up early effects you. I am at work at 5:30... good luck on today's goals.
  • Mwhitney76
    Mwhitney76 Posts: 14 Member
    Hello everyone.. a couple rough days here. Husband had a tooth extracted that was badly infected and so have spent the last couple days taking care of him. I couldn't resist when he asked me to stop at DQ for ice cream getting one for myself and so rushed cleaning and taking the dog to get spayed I didn't get any water or exercise. Today I WILL do better. No eating thangsiving food from the lunch room. Drink water and stay under my calories.
  • Mwhitney76
    Mwhitney76 Posts: 14 Member
    Not bad today... still a little crazy but stayed close to my calorie range and got more steps in today.... so all good... hope everyone has a good weekend. I won't be back on till monday.
  • kariweighsin
    kariweighsin Posts: 61 Member
    Hello everyone.. a couple rough days here. Husband had a tooth extracted that was badly infected and so have spent the last couple days taking care of him. I couldn't resist when he asked me to stop at DQ for ice cream getting one for myself and so rushed cleaning and taking the dog to get spayed I didn't get any water or exercise. Today I WILL do better. No eating thangsiving food from the lunch room. Drink water and stay under my calories.

    Hang in there! Making one stop at DQ isn't the worst thing that you could have had. Everyone deserves a treat now and then. Look on the bright side, cleaning burned some calories and the walking you did while getting your dog ready, carrying your dog, etc. burned some more calories. Today is a new day and you can do what you put your mind to!!
  • kariweighsin
    kariweighsin Posts: 61 Member
    Today, I really didn't know what my goals were going to be . Therefore, I didn't really set any. One thing that I am proud of is the fact that my internship supervisor took me and another coworker out to eat today and I picked white rice and grilled chicken, instead of the fried rice that I was going to choose. Today's water intake was the best this week.

    Updated measurements and weigh-in tomorrow. My goal for tomorrow is to not get discouraged by what I may see on the scale, I have to remember that I have been using free weights this week so it may be muscle; at least that is what I am telling myself :o) .
  • kariweighsin
    kariweighsin Posts: 61 Member
    My goals for today (Nov. 23) are to not regret the fact that breakfast will be at Golden Corral, but learn to appreciate food even if the calories are not what I want to see. Exercise related, more NTC!!

    And, for a non-weight related goal, knock out some of this homework so I don't have to worry about it over Thanksgiving break. On a side note, I will never understand why college seniors have to do homework, doesn't seem fair. :smile:
  • dozenrussells
    I am new here, just started on my fitness/weigh loss goals today. My two big goals are, 1) my son's wedding in June 2014 and 2) getting in better shape for when we are called back to the mission field.

    My immediate goals are:

    Daily workouts-- I am way out of shape again, so I am targeting 60 mins a day broken into 10 min increments, with the long term plan of working into 2- 30 min workouts. 6 days a week. I need the fitness level as much or more than the weight loss in my mind.

    Drink more water- I think this will help with hunger

    Work on staying under calories, I made my goals agressive (2 lbs a week) so my calorie limits are pretty low.