No more!

I have been eating at night for over 20 years! Sometimes I eat a little & sometimes I eat an entire days worth of food. I HATE :mad: it a lot, but that does not stop me. I might not do it for a month’s time, but something (usually stress) will cause me to back slide & start all over.

Here's my thought.... does anyone want to make a pact with me to stop? It can be a night at a time. I won't do it if you don't.

And on top of that let’s have a goal—I’ll go first with this small one…. I promise to not eat tonight & my reward tomorrow will be to splurge an entire $1.29 on that song from iTunes that I like.

Anyone else game? :flowerforyou:


  • boomajo
    boomajo Posts: 8
    Ok I did it! Almost messed up but I didn't yay! I'll do it again tonight & Monday night for a reward on Tuesday. Happy moms day.
  • boomajo
    boomajo Posts: 8
    Night #2 complete.....
  • boomajo
    boomajo Posts: 8
    Well it's not gone so good. Tonight though! I will not eat tonight. Promise.
  • boomajo
    boomajo Posts: 8
    Ugh. OK tonight.
  • boomajo
    boomajo Posts: 8
    Well this plan started off great but hasn't continued so well. Not too sure what to say. I guess I need to re-group......
  • Sounds like a plan to me :) I have been doin this habit for a year now and have gained 30-40 because of it! This is just what I need. Will keep ya posted on how I do! IT ENDS TONIGHT!!!!
  • boomajo
    boomajo Posts: 8
    I'm in--sorry I have been MIA, but I'll start tonight.......
  • Well last night woke up to eat some fruit and yogurt. Better than my usual, which is usually bread and chips. Gotta stop this habit for good! I don't want this to become a part of my life. Have been doin' this habit for a little over a yr now! Will try really tonight! But at least I am cutting what I have been eating at night :)
  • boomajo
    boomajo Posts: 8
    I was close, but I ate. Almost came here instead & should have first. Tonight I will plan on that.....
  • AWWW!!!!! I just lost it last night! Got into the cheese nips and brownies.... ugghhh!!!! Will try again....
  • Horray! Only one peach last night ;)
  • Horray!!! No night eating last night!!! I picked up that bag of chips, but put it down and listened to my ipod instead! 20 days left to make it a habit!
  • Have been really screwing up these past days. But last night only had cereal ;)
  • sophier933
    sophier933 Posts: 7 Member
    IM soo game ive had this habit for 3 years!! So cursing sick of it i feel like the only way out is to live by myself with noo food in the house