Support needed!!!

I wanted to lose 7 lbs by Dec. 7 for a show I'm in. I'm failing miserably. I've lost 1 lb and it's only 3 wks away. At this point I'd be thrilled to lose 4 lbs by the show and that seems reasonable. But evenings are my downfall. I can't resist the snacking, especially if I'm tired. I've tried everything except reach out to an online support group, so I thought I'd try this. I need a buddy (buddies)!

I weight 136 now. Ultimately my goal is 128.


  • Slivnfree
    Slivnfree Posts: 152 Member
    I used to have this problem! My solution? I choose healthy snack with low calories. Carrots, celery, flavored rice cakes(there are good ones), Dried fruit (Chewy kind), and most important...Made myself stop eating with mind over matter. Drinking lots of water and fiber rich foods also help you stay fuller longer.
  • Saree1902
    Saree1902 Posts: 611 Member
    Clean your teeth! Everything tastes weird after minty toothpaste so the temptation won't be there.
    I also second the drinking lots of water.
  • Sailor_Xa
    Sailor_Xa Posts: 13 Member
    when you wanna a eat someting just drink some water or chew sugar-free gum it will help a lot trust me, try it and let me know ;)
  • Shaki27
    Shaki27 Posts: 1 Member
    Do you eat small meals throught the day? What kind of snacks are you reaching for at night? I agree with Slivnfree about the healthier snack options.
  • ann121212
    ann121212 Posts: 290 Member
    I am also a night snacker. My 'cure' is a packet of arrowroot biscuits (they are the only ones I keep in the cupboard) - they are not terribly high in calories/fat/etc - and I dont really like them. So if the night munchies hit bad I can have a biscuit - and thus satisfy the craving and I KNOW I wont go back for a second.

    It is more of a head game with me - just the fact that there is something there if I want it takes a lot of the desire away.
  • slimmerchick
    slimmerchick Posts: 189 Member
    If I fancy a sweet treat I sometimes have one or two mini meringues (15 calories each), plus some low fat natural yogurt and a sugar free jelly. It fills me right up and satisfies the sweet craving.
  • parselysage
    I'm a night eater as well, I purposely save some calories to spend in the late evening.
    I find drinking a herbal tea just barely sweetened has helped me tremendously in reducing my night time eating. i can sip it and sip it and sip it instead of munching. My current favorites are lemon ginger & (decafe) Candy Cane Lane, with one tea spoon of sugar it tastes exactly like a candy cane. It helps… when the sugar munchies coming looking for me.
  • Maris421
    Thanks for all the support. I’m familiar with most of these techniques (after a lifetime of weight loss struggle) but it’s good to be reminded, especially about the water, fiber and teeth brushing. I eat small regular meals though the day and save a small amount of calories for evening. I rarely have high calorie snack food in the house. Most of my snacks are healthy – I just eat too much of them!

    It’s a familiar adage: I know what I SHOULD be doing, but that old state of mind kicks in and suddenly I’m in the kitchen. It’s a matter of awareness – which is why I decided to join these discussion groups. Awareness can lead to changing habits. I’ve done it before but nighttime eating is such an old ingrained one (fond memories of eating crackers and cheese with dad). It’s so easy to slip and then I’m back where I started.

    I’ve upped my exercise and am faithfully recording my food – which has helped in the past. I will make a plan, using your suggestions. I’m going to the store to get that Candy Cane Lane tea – sounds great!
  • Kell_Smurthwaite
    Kell_Smurthwaite Posts: 384 Member
    Clear out all the unhealthy snacks - if they're not there, you can't be tempted by them. Set up healthy snacks that are ready to grab - veg sticks and houmous, fresh fruit, nuts - and make sure they're all packaged up in individual portions. Take up baking - there are plenty of healthy bakable snacks you can make that will satisfy a sweet or savoury craving! :)
  • srosek217
    Additional trick: try drinking warm/hot water. I think I trick my body into thinking of it as "soup" and it seems to not only take away the hunger pains/want for snacking, but helps me reach my goal of 12 glasses of water a day.
    Thanks for all the support. I’m familiar with most of these techniques (after a lifetime of weight loss struggle) but it’s good to be reminded, especially about the water, fiber and teeth brushing. I eat small regular meals though the day and save a small amount of calories for evening. I rarely have high calorie snack food in the house. Most of my snacks are healthy – I just eat too much of them!

    It’s a familiar adage: I know what I SHOULD be doing, but that old state of mind kicks in and suddenly I’m in the kitchen. It’s a matter of awareness – which is why I decided to join these discussion groups. Awareness can lead to changing habits. I’ve done it before but nighttime eating is such an old ingrained one (fond memories of eating crackers and cheese with dad). It’s so easy to slip and then I’m back where I started.

    I’ve upped my exercise and am faithfully recording my food – which has helped in the past. I will make a plan, using your suggestions. I’m going to the store to get that Candy Cane Lane tea – sounds great!