Welcome and what's your ultimate goal



  • toyzdawn
    toyzdawn Posts: 2 Member
    Tue 11/19/13 02:08 PM
    Thank you for starting this group! I lost about 20 lbs. during my divorce, then I gained most of it back after I fell in love! : ) It was like I needed a fight to keep going. I needed someone yelling at me to keep moving, but now that I am happy I don't want to just give in to the comfort. I want to stay strong! I'm turning forty next month, and I am getting married and starting a new life with someone who gives me the love and support I deserve (dream wedding in April 2014.

    I know that I can do this!!! My current weight range is between 172-174 (it fluctuates) and my goal is to get back down to 155.

  • Hi All! My name is Emmy and I'm brand new here on MFP. My goal is to get back down to 120. I got sick and lost momentum and gained back a bunch of the weight I had lost so I'm trying to get back on track now. I'm also trying to get back into the gym which is hard because of a lack of time but I do Tae Kwon Do and that helps a lot! I'm looking forward to getting to know everyone and please feel free to add me as a friend- I only have 3 right now!
  • Hi! I'm Shelley. Just got on here yesterday, what a great site! I'm syncing with my Fitbit, so hoping between the two I can keep my motivation up!

    My ultimate goal is to eat better, get in shape and stop beating myself up for where I am right now! Every day is a new day, gotta learn not to be so hard on myself.
  • SkinnyWannabe30
    SkinnyWannabe30 Posts: 24 Member
    Hello everyone,

    I have been on a weight loss journey for what seems like my whole adult life, back and forth and all over the place. I definitely need to get back on track and I really want to try and lose 40 pounds by my 40th Birthday February 28th! I want the next half of my life to be much healthier and happier and its time to do this! Groups like this I think are essential for getting motivation and support to reach our goals.
  • Hey Everyone,

    My Name is Ambrosia. I have been a member before and lost 20#. I have been slacking and not Journaling. My Ultimate Goal is to lose 100#. My starting weight is 250#. I could use all the help i can get. My user is Tull2012. I'd appreciate all the adds to help as i can get. Thanks
  • ddiana21
    ddiana21 Posts: 68 Member
    My name is Diana. I recently lost 20 pounds, but gained them all back:(.. My goal is to stay motivated and get back to where I was. I am not really able to exercise much due to back problems. My focus will be on trying to walk and watch what I eat(which is my biggest weakness). Happy to be here and get started..
  • Klavon70
    Klavon70 Posts: 2 Member
    Hello my name is Kim, my goal is to battle the bulge that has been plaguing my life for ever! I have lost and regained weight repeatedly and I am sick of the roller coaster ride. I want to loose MY ideal weight, get toned, increase my energy level, be healthy and enjoy my life.
  • Divya365
    Divya365 Posts: 95 Member
    Hello Everyone

    My name is Divya. My goal is to lose 16 lbs by March so that I can get to my ideal weight and run my first 5k.