
Hello! I looked and did not find a group here for Keto tumblr users. Well that just would not do. So, hi! I'm Wendy, or Wen. I live in NYC, am a yoga instructor and have a fancy corporate job in midtown during the daytime. I take a ridiculous amount of photos, am a social media fairy and think the world is a better place in yoga pants. Also I'm a ninja.

I just began trying out keto after reading a lot about in on Tumblr. I'm hoping to sweet talk a few of the women who's posts helped me so much to contributing here, cause they're amazing and smart and can really help new people with questions out. :)

On Tumblr I am also Damewendy


  • danalalevee
    Hey there! I'm Dana, aka puttingtheforkdown on tumblr. 25 year old lady living in Nashville, Tennessee. By day I work in operations at a major music rights/performance rights company. By night I work on digital media for two major pet food/treat/supplement companies. Somehow I fit life in between all that - including cooking which has become a keto must (even though I'm such a lazy *kitten*).

    I'm on my second week of keto and loving the hell out of it. Hoping we can all learn and grow together as a group!
  • TL;DR: I'm excited for this!!

    This is perfect! The genius you must be!!

    My name is Johanna, or Jo to make it more manageable (funny enough shorted to Anne for MFP, should probably change that....). 23, Dutch but aspiring to end up back in Australia in the future, and finally finding my way with my health/fitness/nutrition/happiness. I'm a student ploughing to a bachelor's program of my own design, and hopefully will be able to (find the motivation to) finish a master's degree as well! I've fallen in love with running and lifting heavy stuff, although asthma kind of stands in the way of the first at times (only now really, when its cold).

    I'm VERY new to keto, and do not have a lifestyle, or more-so environment, that will easily allow me to keep it up, so I'm expecting to be kicked in and out of ketosis quite regularly. About once a month. Don't start :(

    Low carb products are neigh impossible to find around here, and I don't think my cafeteria realises you don't need to breadcrumb /everything/. We're not allowed to reheat anything, nor are we allowed to customise the menu, so I need to be pretty damn creative with my lunches to ensure I can pack them, enjoy them, and not grow tired of them. Dinner won't be difficult usually, but eating out will mean low carb, not keto suitable, at best, and considering most of my friends think I'm a freak for eating low carb, having dinner with them isn't going to be easy either (but I need my social life dammit!!).

    So looking forward to everything on here, for all of the above reasons (if there were any or if I'd need any!)! Can not wait for all the mouthwatering recipes, inspirational progress pictures, and life hacks regarding keto!

    On tumblr, if anyone for some ridiculously, un-understanable reason would want to chat: incrediblydistracted. Hopefully soon there'll be fewer personal, Immacrymyheartout, posts, and more health/keto/fitness related stuff!

    Keto me up! :) But really, turn me on! ;)
  • lovehealthlift
    lovehealthlift Posts: 13 Member
    Hey I'm Rae and if Keto was a man we would be married.

    Hahaha, no seriously though. I lost around 45lbs through clean eating but me and Keto have come together like a dream - mainly for energy reasons. I have lost around 10lbs so far, most of it water weight.

    p.s lovehealthlift on tumblr
  • BrayFit
    Hiya! My name is Whitney- but all my friends call me Tabby! I've been on Keto for almost 2 months now and I am loving it! My tumblr is
  • coleeli
    coleeli Posts: 40 Member
    My name's Nicole! I just started low-carb and have been transitioning into keto as I get better at meal planning. Love to look for tips and recipes. So far, I'm feeling pretty great and I'm never bloated.

    My tumblr is so add me!
    (I follow from my personal blog though)
  • transmute
    transmute Posts: 50 Member
    Hello everyone! I'm kickingasstakingnames on tumblr as well and have been spending the past few days slowing down my carb intake like WHOA in preparation for going full keto from tomorrow onwards!

    Also I actually did not stalk you here, Brayfit, we're just destined to find each other everywhere ;)

    Edit: And I should probably tell you my name, right? Oops! I'm Evan. HI!
  • fruttibiscotti
    fruttibiscotti Posts: 986 Member
    Hi I am fruttibiscotti and recently discovered how to do keto the right way. It took me more than a year to figure it out. And it was painful going through the trials and errors. Even though I have been eating low carb for more than a year, I struggled to lose weight and keep it off. And I was hungry ALL day long. Only about a couple of months ago, I discovered that albeit the low carb levels, I was eating too much protein and not enough fat. I got the first hint of this when I traveled to Scandanavia on a business trip and discovered a low carb diet that is very popular and successful there. They call it LCHF, which stands for low carb high fat. I now follow the advice on how to do keto the right way by Dr Andreas Eenfeldt from Sweden. If you google his name you will find his website where he offers the advice for free. I am now losing weight without the struggles like before - it's like it's coming off by itself with me hardly trying, and best of all, I don't feel hungry all the time. The keto ratio I follow is this: 10% carbs, 20% protein and 70% fat. It was a psychological challenge for me to get over the very high fat percentage, but I took the plunge and tried it out - and I'm so glad I did it!!!!!! It works - yay!
  • Megume
    Megume Posts: 74
    Hi there!! Not on Tumblr but I'm on Keto, if that counts :3
  • lovehealthlift
    lovehealthlift Posts: 13 Member
    You are welcome here always!
  • damewendy
    damewendy Posts: 9 Member
    So happy to see everyone!
  • -Off topic-

    Replying to fruttibiscotti

    It is so popular in Scandinavia indeed! My best friend is from Sweden, and she's been eating like this, and feeling and looking fabulous because of it, for over 2.5 years now, together with most of her friends and family, while over here (Netherlands) almost no one has heard of it yet (but we have managed to cause a 2.3% decline in bread based sales! WOOOHOOO!)! Also, Sweden is the first country to officially use LCHF as their guideline for combating diseases and threats like diabetes, circulatory threats (not sure how these are called in English), obesity, and a range of other afflictions! All based on this extensive, non-industry funded, research! We're slowly taking over the world!! :D
  • fruttibiscotti
    fruttibiscotti Posts: 986 Member
    Replying to Anne's reply:

    Yes it is awesome. Funny how Scandanavians keep experiencing butter shortages because of LCHF popularity. I saw a few reports on the news like CNN when the local economy even resorts to the mafia like underground smuggling in butter fron Poland and Slavic countries and selling it for lots of money. I remember a few times at the hotel when I was there, they would place a "sorry no butter today" sign at the breakfast buffet. So weird how we North Americans "throw out" our milk fat (0% fat milk, yogurt, cheese, etc) while they WANT the fat so much that they go through periods of shortages.
  • underpsi01
    underpsi01 Posts: 14
    I've been on keto for 11 days and I'm loving it, first time doing it. I was low carbing 10 yrs ago lost some weight . But now it's for health reasons. Im researching any info on the keto diet. Eating lotsa fat including coconut oil, fat bombs, avocado, met oil. I'm feeling satisfied with this diet.