
Welcome to Mino Aanji Bimaadiziwin!!! As a student involved in a diabetes prevention class we wil use this site to help us do the following:

1. Become more conscious of what we are putting into out body

2. Recognize the various ways we burn calories and increase the amount of time we exercise

3. Record any of the good changes that we make for our mind, body, emotions, and our world!

4. Make fitness, nutrition, balanced lifestyles and health a lifelong goal!

5. Understand that diabetes effects everyone, but American Indians moreso than any other ethnicity, and work on preventing this in our own life, our families, and community!

Please reflect on the five descriptions (listed above) for our group. Which one of the five do you need to focus on the most? Why? and how do you plan to make improvements in this area? Who can help you with this?


  • The most that I need to focus is be more conscious of what we are putting into out body because there are some food that i don't know and what they do to our body. So to improve in this area is to search the food that I want to eat then ask friends or teachers to see if is ok to eat.
  • make fitness, nutrition,balanced lifestyles and health a lifelong goal because its fun being active and ii like sports and loosing weight
  • The one i need to work on is number 1 because I sometime just eat good tasty stuff without knowing what's in it.My plan to improve on this is to be more careful and ask before eating anything...
  • I will pay more attention to number 4 and some one who can help me is my family members.
  • I need to focus on the amount of time i put towards my daily exercises. I exercise but i don't keep track on how long i do it because I loose track of time as I do stuff. I would be good to improve it because It would make my data on my fitness pals more accuarte AND MORE HELPFUL
  • I need to work on number 5 mores than anything because i want to learn about other cultures
  • work out more
  • work out more
  • Be more careful of what i put into my body.
  • qyiam
    qyiam Posts: 2
    i want to maintain the balance of my weight.
  • Be Careful Of Putting Stuff Into My Body
  • i need to get off my butt and work out
  • TM9nh
    TM9nh Posts: 6
    I realize that I consuming less calories than I should in a day.
  • I need to focus more on Num. 3 because although I loggin everyday on myfitness pals , I still need to record more information. I still record the major information on my calories intake but i dont go into depht of how much I consume. Excercise is another thing I need to recorod because I excercise a lot everyday but I dont record much of it because of my schedule. I can change this by recording it after I eat and excercises so i can accuratly record what i do.