Weight Gain?



  • Lady_Lamb
    Lady_Lamb Posts: 103 Member
    I think the fact that nobody knows I am pregnant yet is making it worse, too. I just feel like everyone must think I am getting so fat!
  • I think the fact that nobody knows I am pregnant yet is making it worse, too. I just feel like everyone must think I am getting so fat!

    This. Exactly.

    The other day it was suggested I may be carrying twins (the person knows I'm expecting). That immediately killed whatever little bit of self esteem I had left.
  • SW: 162.3
    8W: 166.1
    11W: 167.1

    That's not too bad I guess.... :)
  • amyjpage
    amyjpage Posts: 97 Member
    SW: 184.4
    11w: 188.4

    I'm okay with this ...
  • usernameMAMA
    usernameMAMA Posts: 681 Member
    I'm less than what I was when I got pregnant and I'm 12w tomorrow. Morning sickness has not been kind. Today I just ate through my nausea and it seems to have worked. Maybe it's finally lightening up. I know it's normal to lose weight in the first trimester but I can't help but worry that it's not good for the baby. I've also been trying to eat calorie dense food since eating a lot doesn't work. Peanut butter, nuts, hell I even ate a McDonald's biscuit this morning because I felt good and I know it's packed with calories.
  • Lady_Lamb
    Lady_Lamb Posts: 103 Member
    SW: 149
    4 weeks: I almost immediately jumped up to 152 after finding out I was pregnant.
    8 weeks: At my first appointment, I weighed 155.
    11 weeks: I'm still around 155... 6lbs, not thrilled.
  • RatherBeInTheShire
    RatherBeInTheShire Posts: 561 Member
    I've lost 3-4 lbs. Not being able to eat sucks. I know i'll gain it all back in the 2nd tri.
  • SW: 126
    Weeks 8-13: fluctuating between 127-130

    Other than scoffing ALL the chocolate I have been eating and exercising pretty normally.
  • For the most part, still holding steady at 10w5d. If anything, I may be down about .5 lbs. I had some pretty mean nausea, but never got sick so I continued to eat at maintenance and seem to be maintaining.
  • I'm 12 weeks and 6 days and up 5 lbs. Four of those pounds were gained just in the last week while I was on vacation in Houston. I guess that's what happens when you stop logging and you're in a home without a scale.

    Hoping the water aerobics once a week now will slow down the weight gain a little. I gotta spread out 10 pounds in the next 27 weeks :noway:
  • I gained the full 5 lbs in the first trimester and now I've already tacked on another two pounds.... Yikes! I'm only at 13w5d!
  • SonaliShukla
    SonaliShukla Posts: 43 Member
    Still hanging on to the same number.I am 11 weeks now,but guess looking at all you guys seems I might gain in the next 2 weeks:-(.
  • Down 2 lbs today, so that brings my total weight gain down to 3 lbs. I'm officially 13 weeks today :smile:
  • cleaneater80
    cleaneater80 Posts: 461 Member
    Haven't gained any weight at 13 weeks waiting for the scale to jump up one day to show I'm growing also not showing very much can't wait for a bigger bump.
  • usernameMAMA
    usernameMAMA Posts: 681 Member
    14 weeks today and I've gained 2.8 pounds in the last week and a half!
  • tiggerhammon
    tiggerhammon Posts: 2,211 Member
    With my first baby I suffered with severe hyperemesis until 5 months and lost 30lbs before beginning to gain again. The doctor decided he had seen enough weight loss and put me on PICC line IVs with dextrose water for weight gain and I ballooned. I gained back that 30lbs plus almost 30 more before delivery. There was no way I was going to let myself repeat that again!
    This time around, I only went through severe hyperemesis for just over a month before it trailed off into just plain nausea and is now beginning to fade a lot, hoping it will be totally gone very soon.
    So far, I have lost 14lbs but my last two home weighins have been gains! Looks like my weight is on its way back up and I am glad. However, I plan to try to limit the weight gain this time around. I hope to not gain more than 24lbs from here (10lbs over prepregnancy) but wpuld be okay with a little more. Doctor said, because I started overweight, 10-15lb gain would be good.
    I am afraid I am going to hit that awful 200 mark :( When I hit 200 before I decided I absolutely must do something about my weight and came to MFP. I hadn't lost much before getting pregnant so I am afraid it is probably a number I will see again.

    eta: I am 13 wk 1 day
  • RatherBeInTheShire
    RatherBeInTheShire Posts: 561 Member
    SW: 158
    CW: 151.6 (as of this morning)

    I'm not throwing up, so I'm not sure why I keep losing.

    Doctors didn't seem concerned though.
  • amyjpage
    amyjpage Posts: 97 Member
    SW: 184.4

    11w: 188.4
    14w3d: 188.6 (+4.2)

    still this is sitting well with me :) although I'm surprised it's not higher. I really have not been active at all (still too exhausted) and some days I eat much more than I should be! I am really hoping it doesn't catch up all at once!

    I am not yet showing a bump, but the bloating starts around early afternoon now, but isn't nearly as uncomfortable as it was in first trimester. I am certainly feeling better (less nauseous and not as tired - most days).
  • SW: 162.3
    8W: 166.1
    11W: 167.1
    14W: 169.2
  • tiggerhammon
    tiggerhammon Posts: 2,211 Member
    Went in for a check up today and have lost weight again. :( I am actually jealous of all of you who are gaining. I need to start catching up :p