Deadlifting your own bodyweight!



  • beautifulswan1
    beautifulswan1 Posts: 58 Member
    I'm considering restarting the program since I fell off, but I am 10 lbs from deadlifting my bodyweight. Haven't actually tried yet, so you've inspired me to try it now. :) Keep at it! You can do it.
  • jw203
    jw203 Posts: 50 Member
    I just hit 1.5 times body weight by hitting my 100kg finally! I have a video.

    I'm happy.

    I've been lifting for probably just under a year, but haven't been doing stronglifts for a while. I train with a club doing mostly OLY lifting and try and fit in some power lifting on my own too.
  • pandorakick
    pandorakick Posts: 901 Member
    I've been lifting since March and hit 60 kg on SLDL last week, my current weight is about 56. I'm not doing SL though.
  • Gwyn1969
    Gwyn1969 Posts: 181 Member
    Apparently novices often have very different capabilities when it comes to the deadlift. However, where ever you start, everyone is capable of adding weight to the bar over time. Don't worry about your DL to bodyweight ratio, just keep adding weight to the bar! The best way to build strength is to be committed over the long haul.
  • emirror
    emirror Posts: 842 Member
    Apparently novices often have very different capabilities when it comes to the deadlift. However, where ever you start, everyone is capable of adding weight to the bar over time. Don't worry about your DL to bodyweight ratio, just keep adding weight to the bar! The best way to build strength is to be committed over the long haul.


    I got stuck on squats at #90. Seriously, I was stuck there for what seemed like forever. I started doing calf raises loaded at #130, and then threw in a squat at the end of it, just to see what would happen. I was able to do one rep at the end of each set (5x10) of calf raises. Next workout, I did 2 squats at the end of each calf raise set. Next workout, 5, 3, 2, 2, 2. I don't know if it was a mental block or a physical one, but I know I went from barely squatting #90 to #130.

    Point is, keep adding weight, and you'll get there.
  • Jcao1214
    Jcao1214 Posts: 19 Member
    I weigh about 135 and about 2 months into SL I could deadlift 165 but keep in mind I had been working out with a personal trainer for a year prior to starting SL. Things that really helped me was one changing my shoes, I switched from typical running shoes to converse and I was amazed at how much more I could do with squats and deadlifts and overhead press. The second thing was using gym chalk, with deadlifts it wasn't so much the weight that hindered me it was my lack of hand strength. I just ordered lifting straps so I'm hoping to try 175 pounds next week.
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    I've been doing 5/3/1 for about 3-4 months and I started lifting back in june this year. Today I pulled 170 for 2 reps (this was my 3's day but I decided to be a little ambitious and added some "joker" sets). I'm 180lbs. So I'm almost there. I think at this point I'll add the pounds on the bar faster than I'll lose the weight haha.

    However my OHP sucks. I've been stuck at 65 for the past 2 months. I managed a 70x2 about a month back but have been struggling doing 65 since. My workouts have been weird lately though. I'm hoping switching to 5x5 will help me balance out a bit more. Or at least not plateau as much. I might try to hunt for weighted collars to try and microload that press lol
  • I deadlifted my lean body mass today (172) but uhh.... I actually weigh 250. womp womp.
  • arabianhorselover
    arabianhorselover Posts: 1,488 Member
    I can't seem to get past 40 on the OP!
  • victoriannsays
    victoriannsays Posts: 568 Member
    I started lifting mid-January last year. My OHP has gone up
    And down all year and now soon January will be here again and my OHP max is still 70lb. I get discouraged at times but the progress will come, however slowly.
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    Uzzah! I went into the gym today and not only did I totally crush my OHP PR (and probably coulda ramped up the weight 5 more lbs here), but I also actually DID deadlift my own bodyweight. Man, I'm heavy! lol!

    As i've said in the other thread though, I haven't been keeping any sort of check on my diet. All those extra calories (and mostly carbs) have been very nice to me. They also did tip the scale up 3-4 lbs but I can fix that later xP

    Now to go back to cutting for a month xD