Regained 100 looking for support from people who get it!

Hi I'm Chelsy and I had gastric by pass in 2003. I weighed 335 lbs prior to surgery and got down to 195. I slowly gained 50 back but stayed there. After I had my two kids back to back I gained another 50. I am now 285 and I am focussing on getting to 175. Weight loss for us is or can be different than other people so I just found y'all.


  • grim_traveller
    grim_traveller Posts: 627 Member
    I'm glad you are getting back to work on this. I'm sure you can do it if you want it bad enough. I'll be rooting for you.

    I'd love to hear about your plan. Dig in and go for it!
  • JoelleAnn78
    JoelleAnn78 Posts: 1,492 Member
    I agree that the weight loss can be different for those of us who hae had WLS and regained. I found the most difficult part for me was this:

    I needed to recognize that in order to lose the weight I had regained with my pregnancy (and the 20 I put on before I got pregnant) I needed to approach the matter as if I had never had gastric bypass.

    I needed to forgot the mal absorption, forgot the tiny pouch, forget the inability to eat certain foods -- those were tools I was gifted immediately following my RNY in 2009. Now, four years later, I had only the dumping to rely on -- I cannot tolerate sugar in any form still.

    I am happy to help and support you - I've come down from 219 - 9 months after my son was born - to 191 this morning. I am shooting for 175 overall. My story regarding highest weight and WLS is on my profile.

    Best of luck. You can do this!
  • jfarmer727
    jfarmer727 Posts: 1 Member
    So glad you started this post. I had RNY in 2007 and lost from 308 to 168 but then slowly started gaining back. I weighed 260 just a couple of weeks ago so decided to go back to low-carb as that is the only thing I can do without feeling like I'm hungry all the time. I've since lost down to 244 but it has definitely slowed lately. Would love to get down to 168 or even lower. Hopefully we can support and encourage each other.
  • bethlaf
    bethlaf Posts: 954 Member
    the biggest thing i have found that works for me ,
    ( this is my results YMMV)

    DO NOT eat back your calories,
    experiment and find your set point, mine is 1550 -
    i can eat that much regardless of activity and maintain -
    if i exercise more then it comes off,
    but i need to stay between 1400-1500 every day
    more and i gain - exercise no matter what i do only gives me about 100 extra calories of food ..

    everyone is different, just like on the original surgery..
  • I know how it feels to gain I started at 365 and got down to 165 I'm now at 205 so I'm staying under 1200 calories and my goal is 100 protein a day. I want to loose what I have gained back
  • jade_Orchid30
    jade_Orchid30 Posts: 6 Member
    In 2008 I went to a surgeon and found out I qualified for the surgery, but I had to loose 45 pounds before I had the surgery. I weighted 315lbs when I had the surgery and I got down to 200 pounds. Then I plateaued and stopped loosing weight. Long story short I gained 88lbs and about 4 weeks ago was diagnosed with high blood pressure. I am now taking meds and on a low sodium diet. I have lost 15 pounds so far and it's been difficult adjusting to this low sodium diet.