


  • SassieFit
    SassieFit Posts: 119 Member
    Hi All


    My overall weight loss goal is 50 lbs and if I can do that in 90 days that would be FANTASTIC!

    However my realistic goals for the 90 days are:

    • Consistently run 3x/week
    • Maintain my Pilates and Tai Chi classes at least 2x/week
    • Increase my strength training to 1-2x/week
    • Run a 10k without stopping
    • Eat clean 80-90%
    • Lose 30lbs (but I’ll take the 50 if it happens! *smile*)
  • * My Goal is too lose 35 Pounds

    * Keep on track with exercising

    * Eat smaller portions of food

    * Try to get my family to join me
  • puppylove12601
    puppylove12601 Posts: 2 Member
    My goals are:

    1. Maintain my current weight.
    2. Gain muscle
    3. Complete a series of workout videos. Example: 30 Day Shred By Jillian Micheals
  • sithmuffin
    sithmuffin Posts: 88 Member
    I've never done anything like this before so my real goal is to just stick with this
    besides that tough I'd like to lose at least 15 pounds, and learn how to keep myself motivated and consistent
  • kikimuffy
    kikimuffy Posts: 9 Member
    hello all on this 90 day adventure...

    goal: to lose 20 kilos.

    i have set my goal into 4 phases....
    phase 1: 12 weeks: - 10 kilos
    phase 2: 12 weeks:- 5 kilos
    phase 3: 12 weeks:- 3 kilos
    phase 4: 12 weeks:- 2 kilos...

    why in phases...makes my goals in time limits..
    and i believe achievable goals..

    my aims
    - complete insanity work out dvd
    - healthy lifestyle.
    - to look and feel good.

    starting 1 december......
  • Hi all!

    My goals are pretty simple:

    - meet my daily nutritional goals on MFP
    - work out 3x/week (60 min each time)

    I hope to lose 20 pounds this way by March, but the weight loss isn't actually a goal, since I can't control it!

    Best wishes to everybody!
  • ttiger33
    ttiger33 Posts: 165 Member
    Hi everyone..

    My goals:
    1. is to eat my daily nutritional intake per the MFP
    2. physical activity daily at least an hour
    3. no longer be considered obese by the BMI calculations, Reach the normal BMI range for a 5'6"
    4. Lose 30 lbs.
    5. Stick with this challenge
  • JenniferM_017
    JenniferM_017 Posts: 9 Member
    I need to lose 55 pounds total but for the 90 day challenge my goals are:

    * lose 20 pounds

    * drink water every day

    * limit dr pepper intake to one a day or stop all together

    * work out at least 3 days a week if not 4
  • SorryMsJohnson
    SorryMsJohnson Posts: 3 Member
    This is my first group and challenge.

    My goals:

    -log every day
    -lose 40lbs
    -incorporate a solid strength training routine
    -be able to do 20min on the stair master
    -start/compete C25K
  • thistimesucess
    thistimesucess Posts: 169 Member
    Hi everyone. I've joined this group because I have finally broken through an eight month plateau and I want to keep the momentum going. My goals are:

    Complete a jillian michaels workout every day between now and dec 23 (except the days I am flying)
    Survive a 2 week cruise over Christmas and New Years with maximum of 1kg weight gain
    Loose 3kg total (to get to 64kg) by the end of the challenge
    Pick up c25k again in the new year and actually complete it!

    As you can tell I have some challenges over this time period with travelling etc but I want to get through them successfully and to come out the other side meeting the end goal I set myself 2years ago,
  • BekaP89
    BekaP89 Posts: 28 Member
    So I have a few goals I want to accomplish by march 1.
    Goal # 1. Lose 20 pounds by Christmas, I know this will be hard but I already lost 3 so only 17 more to go.
    Goal# 2. I want to be able to play and run outside with my kids without getting tired after ten minutes.
    Goal# 3. I want to be able to do a push-up, I have never been able to do one.
    Goal# 4. This is my finale goal, I want to lose a total of 50 pounds and be a size 6 again, my anniversary is march 6 also so I want to lose all this weight by then.
  • T1Holly
    T1Holly Posts: 15 Member
    Thanks for starting this group - what an excellent way to ring in the New Year. My goals, in no particular order:

    * Lose 10 lbs
    * Complete the 90 days without flaking off (I do good for a couple weeks & then stop)
    * Complete the Body Beast 90 day challenge (start date is 12/2)
    * Finish my half marathon on 1/11 in under 2:45
  • yorkkiki
    yorkkiki Posts: 8 Member
    Ok! I joined MFP a few months ago and I slowly stopped! I started back with it this week!

    My short-term goal is to challenge and prove to myself that I can do it! If I can last just 90 days always sticking to my daily allowance and getting more exercise, I can reach my long term goals and get down to my desired weight.

    So it is more about sticking to it every day and see how I do.

    If I loose 15-20 Lbs, I would be very happy :)

    So here it goes :)
  • I am excited to join this challenge! It will be fun to celebrate goals with others. Thank you for starting this 90 day challenge!!


    1-to eat healthy and not try anymore fad diets
    2-track nutrition daily
    3-lift and/or do cardio 4/5 times a week
    4-allow one pig out meal a week(probably mexican food)
    5-lose 15 lbs and have some definition of muscles show again
  • Just found this app and site and this group looks great. I lost 60 lbs few years ago and gained part of it back but have lost 15 lbs this year and want to kick it up a notch now. Final goal is to weigh 150 lbs so that is 53 lbs to go for me

    My goals for the next 90 days:
    Lose 20 lbs/10 kg or more
    exercise at least
    3 x wk in December
    4 x wk in January and February
  • RamonaMoon
    RamonaMoon Posts: 321 Member
    Hi everyone! Really looking forward to starting this challenge. I think it's exactly the motivation I need!

    So my goals are:
    -Get into the 140's for the first time in years- currently 161 so my aim is to loose 12-15 lbs.
    -Get back on the exercise bus- aiming to burn about 1500 calories a week walking and swimming.
    -Reduce measurements!
    -Complete the 30 Day Shred but I'll leave this until after Christmas. It will be a new yeas resolution!

    Good luck to all :-)
  • My goals are

    Lose 30lbs
    track my calories daily
    drink lots of water

    I'm excited to see how the next three months goes
  • NiccoleG
    NiccoleG Posts: 37 Member
    I hope to lose at least 20 lbs. I don't want my weight to stop me from celebrating Valentine's 2014!
  • kawookie
    kawookie Posts: 813 Member
    Goals for this challenge:

    Weight loss goal: 25 pounds
    My big goal is to get to Onederland before the end of this challenge.

    I will continue to stay within my daily calories and attempt to keep my water levels at 12 glasses a day.
    December's excercise challenge is Leslie Sansone's 30 day Just walk challenge.
    CULTIVATE140 Posts: 22 Member
    My goal is
    to be consistently under 219 before the end of the challenge

    have a healthy sleep pattern
    drink 100oz of water daily
    to exercise 5-7 a week for at least 20 minutes
  • trugift
    trugift Posts: 102 Member
    My goals:
    1. Be consistent with my plan
    2. Develop a regimen (workout at least 5 days a week for an hour)
    3. I would like to be 200 by then
    4. Know myself better
    5. Be able to say "I did it!"
  • jessIcalynn63
    jessIcalynn63 Posts: 17 Member
    My goals:

    1. To stay focused!
    2. To workout at least 5 days/week
    3. To lose about 15 - 20 lbs.
    4. To run a 5K and/or walk a 10K.
    5. To stay smoke free (currently 3 weeks without a smoke).
    6. To eat clean and limit the amount of processed foods.
  • mommary1
    mommary1 Posts: 8 Member
    My goals:

    1. Challenge myself more
    2. Lose 25 lbs
    3. Motivate my friends
  • auteurfille22
    auteurfille22 Posts: 251 Member
    -Get to 130 (or lower)
    -Stay on track over the holiday season
    -Run a 5K in less than 35 minutes
    -Run a mile in under 10 minutes
    -Work out four days a week
    -Regularly incorporate some toning/strength training into workout routine
    -Fit into my "goal" dress in a size medium instead of large (I own both sizes, and now only the large fits)
  • fortJzCh
    fortJzCh Posts: 9 Member
    - lose 18 lbs
    - run 10k
    - (buy a car?)
  • Saree1902
    Saree1902 Posts: 611 Member
    I've been on MFP for over a year and am a serial yoyo-er.
    My goals for the next 3 months are...
    1) not to get completely derailed by Xmas...it lasts a day, not a month!
    2) try some new exercise classes.
    3) get back to half-marathon fitness
    4) stay away from the constant office cake supply! At least once or twice...!
    5) eat more than 5 portions of fruit and veg a day.
  • Trent1612000
    Trent1612000 Posts: 57 Member
  • Trent1612000
    Trent1612000 Posts: 57 Member
    My goals:

    1. To stay focused!
    2. To workout at least 5 days/week
    3. To lose about 15 - 20 lbs.
    4. To run a 5K and/or walk a 10K.
    5. To stay smoke free (currently 3 weeks without a smoke).
    6. To eat clean and limit the amount of processed foods.

    Awsome job not smoking!
  • asbrassard91
    asbrassard91 Posts: 65 Member
    My goals:
    1.) Follow TDEE method to lose weight at a steady pace
    2.) Hopefully lose about 15 pounds
    3.) Complete Blogilates 12 Week New Body Makeover
    4.) Establish healthier eating habits and drink more water
  • Trent1612000
    Trent1612000 Posts: 57 Member
    I want to weigh less than 200 Lbs. Currently 220 Lbs.
    I want to complete C25K, no more stoping and starting over, stay on schedule
    Be able to run 5K non-stop

    How is everyone doing? Lets get an update.

    CW 217
    GW >200
    completed third day this week of C25K