Season 4 - Ep. 8 - "Too Far Gone" - 12/01/13

This thread serves as a place to discuss speculation, and then reaction to the 12/01/13 episode


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  • SMarie10
    SMarie10 Posts: 956 Member
    Damn… I'm not happy that they killed off Hershel. He was like the moral compass for the show.

    Also, I think Daryl was much more calm about Carol's banishment than he should have been. I was kind of hoping that Carol would show up for the finale.

    I don't think Judith is gone. She was not shown as one of the people killed off on the Talking Dead.

    I knew that Meagon was going to be gone soon - she was off on her own on the edge kind of like Carl was when he was her age, although I kind of hoped for a better ending for her.

    What was with the guy trying to cross the water - was he a walker or just someone trying to get away.. I'm sure there is more to come with all the characters.
  • soaps54
    soaps54 Posts: 567 Member
    Man, oh man. I was expecting Hershel's demise in this episode but it was still heartbreaking to see, especially that it happened in front of Maggie and Beth and the manner in which he died. I'm really going to miss his presence on the show, I loved his character.

    How stupid were the Governor's new posse? I mean if you mow down all of the fences with a tank and bomb the hell out of the prison, what good is it going to be to you? I literally clapped when those two little girls shot and killed the two people from the Governor's camp.

    SMarie, I thought the blood in the cradle was used to imply she was eaten but you may be right because I didn't see her pop up in the memorial on Talking Dead either. I thought the dude crossing the water was a walker, I may have imagined it but I thought I saw decaying skin on a close up.

    As sad as it was, this was still an amazing mid-season finale especially in comparison to the season finale last spring which I was not a big fan of.

    I'll be re-watching it tomorrow!
  • Mgregory723
    Mgregory723 Posts: 529 Member
    OMG! What an epic show!

    RIP Hershel :sad: :sad: :sad:

    WTG Michone, she finally got her chance and took out the Governor! :drinker:

    I thought I was going to pee my pants when Daryl was shooting and the walkers were getting closer and closer....I think I yelled "Turn around, turn around Daryl!!!" a billion times!

    I knew that creepy Lizzy had something to do with those deaths. She is one messed up little girl. Kiddos to her for shooting that lady in the head though, and protecting Tyrese.

    I sure hope someone got Judith out of there.
  • Booksandbeaches
    Booksandbeaches Posts: 1,791 Member
    Sad to see Hershel go. He was a great moral compass to the show without all the annoying mannerisms of Dale from Seasons 1 and 2. I hope they find another senior person who can provide some moral guidance to this group.

    I don't think baby Judith is dead. I think we're supposed to think she is but that baby carrier was too tidy and not torn up enough. If Walkers got to her I think there would have more damage. I bet Michonne went back for her after she gutted the Governor. I really wanted her to make him her new armless jawless walker.

    I wasn't sorry Meaghan died. Her mother is just too stupid for me to like.

    Darryl is a tough SOB...I hope he and the group on the run meet up with Carol on the road somewhere.
  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
    Now that was worth the last two weeks of build-up. But I am so upset about Hershel. Though not unexpected. It's been quite awhile since we lost a loved member. He's been like a cat with 9 lives though and so lucky! After he was bitten, leg chopped off, the flu, etc. I'm shocked he made it as far as he did with a bum leg!! The prison was the only reason I think, otherwise I think he would have been gone a long time ago just by not being able to keep up. Still sad though!! :(

    The blood in the carseat could mean Judith is gone OR that the walker about to get her was killed and it sprayed. They left that one open-ended for sure. We will see in Feb!!

    I think the point of that walker going across the water was it got the mom's focus on it..and what the Guv had said..and that's where her worry she didn't think to worry about any possible harm that might be literally just under them. She was stupid but in all honesty, who would expect a walker to suddenly burst out of the ground like that?? I guess the lesson is to never let your guard down..even for a second.

    Back to Hershel, I knew when he smiled all hopeful and proud of Rick..that we were about to lose him! :( There is no way the Guv would let them feel hope!! And he knew what killing Hershel would do to the group. And in a way, they all got some licks on the Guv with his death. Rick got to beat on him, Michonne got to stab him with HER katana.....and the mother got to finish it.

    Ahhh great episode...but cannot wait until Feb!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
  • JeniferEverx3
    JeniferEverx3 Posts: 219 Member
    My thoughts:

    - That was definitely a walker crossing the water.

    - I was not expecting that walker to pop up out of the ground either, but the truth of the matter is Megan's mom was just like Carl's mom - I understand the people need some normalcy but I don't know how many times these people need to be reminded that they are facing a zombie apocolypse. I would keep my child near me at all times. What good was Megan's mom ever going to be to her when she was all the way up on top of the trailer? She wasn't and look what happened - she didn't give herself enough closeness to her daughter to protect her from anything.

    - They did an amazing job making this episode exciting - I liked how I was scared that Herschel AND Michonne were gonna die, Herschel did but thankfully Michonne did not. I was certain if the Governer was going to use one of them as an example it was going to be Michonne just bc he hated her so much. I thought Daryl was going to die when that walker looked like it was about to bite him. I thought Rick was going to die when the Governer was strangling him. And then when they stopped showing Carl and Rick was screaming for him I was half-expecting Rick to find his corpse or find Carl as a walker - I was TERRIFIED. Then lastly we don't know Judith's fate. I always say I'm satisfied as long as Daryl, Michonne, Carl and Judith never die. I am sad that Herschel died, especially the way he did thinking that Rick had gotten through to the governer, and seeing Maggie and Beth watch it happen.

    -I knew the governer was still a big stink piece of crap. I'm so glad he's dead and I'm glad Michonne left him there to suffer before Megan's mom came over and popped him.

    - I wonder if the prison crew, since they seemed to have a backup plan for leaving the prison (with the bus and everything), if part of that plan included a meeting place? I don't want to see them broken into seperate groups.
  • JeniferEverx3
    JeniferEverx3 Posts: 219 Member
    Oh and when that older little girl shot the people from the Governer's crew and saved Tyrese, I was shocked and I clapped for her too. I really disliked this girl since her first appearance on the show, and I turned to my bf and I said "d*mnit now I can't hate her anymore." :laugh:
  • AnaNotBanana
    AnaNotBanana Posts: 963 Member
    Wow!! They definitely ended with a bang. I don't think I've ever screamed or cried so much while watching a TV show.

    The walker in the river was used to illustrate the fact that Lilly was starting to not trust the Governor. He had told her that the zombie couldn't cross the river yet here comes a zombie crossing the river. I think she already had her doubts when he started talking about killing people at the prison. There must have been a camp of people near the river's edge, then the river flooded, the people at the camped died and got buried under the mud and that's how that zombie was there at bite Megan. I didn't think that little group of Megan, Lilly and her sister were going to last very long.

    So Carol might have been the one that killed the two sick people but who the hell has been setting up all these dead rats?!?! At first I thought it was the Governor but I don't think he would have snuck into the prison. That can only mean that someone inside the prison was doing it. I still think it might be Bob just because we don't know that much about him. And what did he have in that box when he was talking to Sasha???

    I'm not sure if little Judith is dead or not. I doubt they would show a baby getting attacked on TV. Maybe the blood on the car seat was as graphic as their were willing to get. But then again someone may have picked her up.

    Carl showed some serious balls in this episode but I'm glad that they showed that he can still have emotions too. Seeing Judith's empty car seat sent him over the edge. He is really turning out to be a good complex character.

    I'm glad Michonne got her chance to kill the Governor but I wish she would have finished him off. I'm sure she figured he would suffer more once the zombie got their teeth into him. I wonder what was going through his head when he saw Megan dead and that everything that he just did was all for nothing since his entire mission was to keep Megan and Lilly safe.

    I can't believe that we have to wait until February for the show to start again!!!!
  • AnaNotBanana
    AnaNotBanana Posts: 963 Member

    Also, I think Daryl was much more calm about Carol's banishment than he should have been. I was kind of hoping that Carol would show up for the finale.

    I have to agree with this. He seemed somewhat upset about it but not as much as I thought he was going to be. I guess maybe I'm underestimating how much of a leader he has become. Maybe he was just putting the welfare of the group ahead of his own feelings and relationship with Carol.
  • soaps54
    soaps54 Posts: 567 Member
    Oh yeah, the rats! I totally forgot about that and the weird carcass thing in the tombs that Tyreese was pointing out right before all of the craziness started. What's up with that?

    I guess I'm evil but I was hoping to see a herd of walkers absolutely devour the Governor after Michonne left him there. Kudos to David Morrissey because he absolutely made my blood boil yesterday throughout the episode - chalk it up to great acting. :)
  • AnaNotBanana
    AnaNotBanana Posts: 963 Member
    Oh yeah, the rats! I totally forgot about that and the weird carcass thing in the tombs that Tyreese was pointing out right before all of the craziness started. What's up with that?

    I guess I'm evil but I was hoping to see a herd of walkers absolutely devour the Governor after Michonne left him there. Kudos to David Morrissey because he absolutely made my blood boil yesterday throughout the episode - chalk it up to great acting. :)

    That carcass that Tyrese found was a dissected rat. It was pinned open to expose all of it's innards. Like the dissections you had to do in biology class. That kind of seems like a skill that someone in the medical field, Bob I'm looking at you, would have. Also that shoebox that he was carrying might have been full of booze or full of rats.
  • Booksandbeaches
    Booksandbeaches Posts: 1,791 Member
    Bob and his box...I also what's inside. He's still shady to me. I don't trust him too much.

    Well I guess Carol's School of Self-Defense was a good idea after all! :laugh:

    I think Michonne went back for the baby. Remember a few episodes ago how she cried a bit when she was holding Judith? It seemed to me that it was hinted Michonne lost a young child in the past, so she probably wouldn't want to lose another one to Walkers. Maybe that's why she ditched Rick so soon after she gutted the Governor. She had to make sure that Judith wasn't still in the prison.

    I seriously doubt they killed off Judith.

    Hershel's little smile when he listened to Rick's speech touched me. It was like he knew Rick finally got some of the lessons he was trying to impart. Yes, we've done bad stuff, but we can come back from that and keep our humanity.

    - I was not expecting that walker to pop up out of the ground either, but the truth of the matter is Megan's mom was just like Carl's mom - I understand the people need some normalcy but I don't know how many times these people need to be reminded that they are facing a zombie apocolypse. I would keep my child near me at all times. What good was Megan's mom ever going to be to her when she was all the way up on top of the trailer? She wasn't and look what happened - she didn't give herself enough closeness to her daughter to protect her from anything.

    Yep. This is a zombie apocalypse. It's not the time to keep your kid like 50 ft from you. And Meghan's mom KNEW that Walkers could pop up quietly. The day before one had nearly gotten Meghan when she was near the clothesline at the trailer camp.
  • thelaurameister
    thelaurameister Posts: 689 Member
    I don't cry at movies/TV shows very often. But I was crying like a baby by the end of this. Seeing Daryll's reaction to the news about Carol (although I agree it was disappointing how calm it was). Losing Hershel, who's always been one of my favorite characters. Having to witness Beth and Maggie watch their father get murdered and not be able to do anything about it. Finally seeing Michonne get her redemption on the Governor (SO glad that she was ultimately the one to seal his fate...even if she didn't technically seal the deal, we all knew that he would bleed out eventually). Not knowing Judith's fate. And oh man, that scene when Rick finds Carl and cries tears of happiness, only to see them both break down into tears of despair when they see Judith's bloody car seat. 10/10 stars for this episode from me. I'm going to have to watch this a few more times between now and the mid-season return. Made the two extremely slow and boring episodes about the Governor well worth it!!
  • JeniferEverx3
    JeniferEverx3 Posts: 219 Member
    I loved how when the governer first captured Hershel and Michonne, and was making his threats, Michonne just says "I'm going to kill you." AND THAT SHE DID (kind of)!
  • AnaNotBanana
    AnaNotBanana Posts: 963 Member

    Well I guess Carol's School of Self-Defense was a good idea after all! :laugh:

    Lizzie definitely redeemed herself a bit by saving Tyrese in the garden. I thought he was dead for sure. It's odd that she didn't want to see the zombies killed but had no problem shooting two people in the head. Maybe she is able to rationalize the difference between zombies being peaceful creatures (in her mind) and people who are trying to her the people she cares about. I wish she would have had the foresight to have one of the younger kids take Judith to the bus.
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    I cheered when Michonne gored the Governor. It was poetic justice.

    Also, creepy little girl? I like you. Now please stop being weird.

    I agree that Michonne probably saved Judith. The scene alluding to her having lost a baby had to have a point, and I'm hoping that was it.

    I'm glad the Governor is finally dead, though. He was starting to annoy me. I didn't even love to hate him anymore. But excellent job on the part of David Morrissey!
  • A_Healthier_Me2013
    A_Healthier_Me2013 Posts: 227 Member
    I really loved the mid-season finale! For a second there I thought that the Gov was going to kill Rick when he was punching him so hard. Glad he didn't. Oh and I got scared for Darryl too when that one walker was walking towards him and he wasn't paying attention. I would've thrown a fit if he got killed! He's my fav :heart:

    I'm happy and sad that the Gov is dead. Happy he's gone because he was the Devil but he was a really good villain. Who's going to be the antagonist now?

    I guess the upcoming episodes will be how the survivors get back together. I have a feeling that Carol will encounter someone from the prison. Maybe it'll be Tyrese and the children? So how was everyone separated? I know Glenn was in the bus, but who else was with him? And then Maggie was with Sasha & Bob, Tyrese with the kids, Rick with Carl, and Darryl with Beth. Am I missing anyone? Wait, who is Michonne with?!?
  • soaps54
    soaps54 Posts: 567 Member
    I guess the upcoming episodes will be how the survivors get back together. I have a feeling that Carol will encounter someone from the prison. Maybe it'll be Tyrese and the children? So how was everyone separated? I know Glenn was in the bus, but who else was with him? And then Maggie was with Sasha & Bob, Tyrese with the kids, Rick with Carl, and Darryl with Beth. Am I missing anyone? Wait, who is Michonne with?!?

    I think Carol will show up in the second half of the season too, probably with a new group or something. Michonne was on her own but I have a feeling she'll have Judith with her like other people mentioned. On Talking Dead Lauren Cohan (Maggie) mentioned that a lot of people didn't realize the group was completely split up so we're going to see how they cope on their own and what they do to survive. I figured she was implying that the first few episodes may focus on everyone on their own and the drama of trying to find each other.

    Hurry up, February!
  • glenner
    glenner Posts: 160 Member
    Agreed that Judith is alive- but am I the only person in the world that doesn't trust Governor is dead? If they didn't show him being shot- I don't believe lol! Remember we thought Meryl was a goner when he was chained to the roof!!!!!!