ROUND #1 - coming to an end

So how is everyone doing? How motivated are you to keep going?? Did you reach goal, or close (like me!)? Any thoughts :)

Me, well, I've struggled some this time. I've been doing the work and eating under goal (probably too much) but the scale was just stubborn so far. It's been going up and down, and yesterday was the first time it went down in about a week. I'm not giving up hope. But it's hard because I want to make it in time for the round weigh in!!!


  • ChasingKatie
    ChasingKatie Posts: 331 Member
    Im excited! I surpassed my goal, so much so that I only have to lose 2 more pounds for round 2! I guess my goal of losing 4% every month can really happen!
  • ButterflyAngela97
    ButterflyAngela97 Posts: 97 Member
    I also surpassed my goal for round one. I am working on getting to round 2 now which I need another 4-5 pounds or so.
  • SD67
    SD67 Posts: 31 Member
    I am also excited and happy to have Round 1 done. I am 4 lbs away from my round 2 goal now so I am good and should hit my overall (since Sept 19) goal of 50 lbs lost by Christmas. It could even be more, who knows.
  • Irisblossom81
    Irisblossom81 Posts: 6 Member
    I'm going to be close. Going to work really hard this week to make it!
  • laneer75
    laneer75 Posts: 45 Member
    i'm going to make it for the Round 1 goal, and have a bit less than 6 lbs to go for the Round 2 goal. That one is going to be more difficult because WI in a few days after I fly back from visiting my boyfriend for a week and a half ... I'm going to try to lose as much as possible *before* going on vacation.)
  • verifiedvalerie
    verifiedvalerie Posts: 880 Member
    I've surpassed my round 1 goal by 5.1 lbs and it feels AWESOME. That leaves with a pound and change for Round 2. I've decided to keep staggering 4 week bets though - so in theory, this should all just be gravy on the side! :) Here's hoping...!
  • YzzyBella
    YzzyBella Posts: 12 Member
    I've been a bit up and down. I had 3lbs to go last week and all of a sudden a couple of days ago dropped .1lb under target but in the last couple of days it's been hard to keep it under. Drinking plenty of water today and keeping away from the salt!

    Going to try and kick start my weight loss for Round 2 so I have a little time to recover if I have a blip over Christmas Day where my family are a load of gluttons :)

    Good luck to everyone for the weigh in & the next round!
  • AllyBird82
    AllyBird82 Posts: 43 Member
    I have been having trouble this round, and keep losing and gaining the same lbs, so I was back where I started last time I weighed in. I'm not giving up because even if I don't meet the goal I'm closer to my Round 2 goal!
  • ukredhead19
    Don't give up!! I was not under yesterday, but the gallons of water I drank yesterday worked and I was down 2 lbs this morning (well after my 4:30am zumba!). SO excited that I made it...have a little celebratory lunch and then right back on the wagon. I want to be way under next time, so I don't have to kill myself so much the last week!
  • ascjstep
    I made my round one goal and have about 4 1/2 pounds to make my goal on round two. I'm really trying to focus on my workouts, eating clean, and especially my water intake which I always seem to struggle with!
  • yogakitty2014
    Congrats to everyone who's sticking with it and making progress, whether you made your first round goal or not!