
MarineCodie Posts: 256 Member
Hey everyone!

I just joined the group. I've been considering doing a competition for a few years now. I've gone through phases where I've been lazy, then was my running/marathon craze and now I'm looking for something a little different. My natural build is quite muscular and everyone always tells me I should do something like this.

I guess my question is how do you pick a show and how far out should you pick it? Is there a typical "season" where a lot of shows are done?

Also, I think I'd want to go for figure. I thought about bikini but I want to be a bit more buff than that.

Are there any books you can suggest? I don't think I'll hire a trainer until I have everything narrowed down.

Any and all advice is welcome! thanks!


  • temple_n
    temple_n Posts: 29 Member
    I did my first one this year. Having that goal date made all of the difference for me. Plus I had a blast the whole day. It is wild!
  • temple_n
    temple_n Posts: 29 Member
    Sorry, I'm tired and I didn't really answer your questions. I didn't have a trainer officially. I did hire a posing coach towards the end and it was a very smart move. I did a lot of research and left myself plenty of preparation time to experiment with my body to see what macro proportions worked best for me. My downfall was all mental at the end of preparation, I had some setbacks that landed me with a flat abdomen on show day. BUT live and learn! I'm definitely doing it again. Still no trainer but this time I have a workout partner who also competes, she has more experience than I do and she is a certified trainer. BOOM! I'll be glad to help you any way I can.
  • MarineCodie
    MarineCodie Posts: 256 Member
    Interesting. Thanks for sharing your experience. Did you follow a specific plan as far as workouts? I currently follow phase II of Jamie Easons LiveFit Trainer. I know I really need to take a look at my diet… I eat horribly (and I like it -haha!)

    How many sessions did you do with your posing coach and what was the average rate if you don't mind me asking.
  • nikita1908
    nikita1908 Posts: 22 Member
    Hello! I did my first show in August and to prepare for it, I used the LiveFit trainer. It was a good starting point for me. I did have a posing coach and we met about 6 times or so before the show. I also did a lot of posing practice on my own. I did a military show so it was more for experience than anything because I didn't get nearly as lean as I should have been. This time around I have a trainer/nutritionist/coach who will help me all the way until I hit the stage in about 16 weeks. You should definitely go for it! :)