Summer 2014 Due Date Club

Hello everyone! I found out last night that we are expecting baby #2. My own estimate of the due date is August 3rd. (It's very early and I have an appointment to confirm all details with my doctor.)

Is anyone else due next summer?


  • Putcake
    Putcake Posts: 93 Member

    We're also due with baby #2 (we have a little boy who is 2) and due 7/22. Also my estimate - I had a doctor's appointment scheduled yesterday, but it was canceled because he had an emergency c-section. The downside of a one practitioner practice, but I love him, so I'll deal! I am rescheduled for next week.

    My son was due and was born on 6/22, so we'll see if the next one arrives on his/her due date!
  • misskerouac
    misskerouac Posts: 2,242 Member
    This will be our first and my estimated due date is June 16th :)
  • StrongAndHealthyMommy
    StrongAndHealthyMommy Posts: 1,255 Member
    JULY 10!!!! 1st baby!!! very happy!!!!
  • SonaliShukla
    SonaliShukla Posts: 43 Member
    I am due for June 26th!! First baby for me as well,pretty excited:-)
  • redheadeddiva
    redheadeddiva Posts: 1 Member
    I'm due July 18th I believe. Things will be confirmed tomorrow via ultrasound, and I can't wait. This will be #3 for me, and I'm much older (37) this time than last. My youngest is now 6. Hoping this time around I won't gain 60 lbs like the other ones.

    Congrats to all the expecting mommas!
    VEGGGA Posts: 12 Member
  • Just found out Friday we're having our first BABY due around July 21st (dr appt next week)!!! So excited. Totally overwhelmed by all the new information, but very excited. Don't really know the ins and outs of staying fit during pregnancy. I finally had gotten myself into a great weight loss routine and had lost 18 of the 30lbs I needed to lose. I guess this is going to change things :)
  • Hi all, expecting baby number 3. Daughter is 15, son is 2 :). I gained over 50 lbs for each pregnancies and I was left with an extra 20lbs from the last bump. I am due July 15, 2014.

    I have started with Leslie Sansone Walking 4 miles video. I hope to be able to keep up.

    How are you ladies keeping fit?
  • wifeymou1112
    wifeymou1112 Posts: 129 Member
    We are due around about 12 June according to Doctors but by my calc's it's around 23rd:-) Scan tomorrow :-))))

    Gained so much weight in previous pregnancies! Have lost all plus more but am going to be very careful this time round (repeat to myself: eating for ONE, eating for ONE, eating for ONE!!!)
  • June 4th for us, first baby and we just found out it's a little girl!
  • lolymommy
    lolymommy Posts: 11 Member
    Baby # 3 due first week if August. Walking 30 minutes every morning (known for 12 days) and praying that pregnancy sickness doesn't set in. It feels so good to be healthy at this point- very sick with first two pregnancies.
  • HI there!
    Im new here. 39 yr old, 4th pregnancy.SUPRISE! :) Oldest is 18, then a 12 and 10 yr old that home school.Pretty busy already.
    Im due July 23 or so, but will have an US to confirm next week. I have previously had 2 mc (over last 2 yrs) so US is very important to make sure everything is all right.
    I am overweight, but very active and am trying to " not eat for two" . I play weekly competitive Volleyball ( have for years) only just recently , have reasoned that i can no longer sprawl/dive on the court floor. I should be able to continue for a while though. I am finding that i fatigue soo much in the afternoon, especially after we swim (membership at a hotel gym/pool) and then i just pass out on the couch! Do you ladies feel that extra tired after you have excersised Im trying to be active every day but i do get soo tired. also been having much more morn sickness so that doesnt help.
  • hiba_84
    hiba_84 Posts: 177 Member
    This will be our second baby. I am due July 10th.
  • tiggerhammon
    tiggerhammon Posts: 2,211 Member
    Baby #2 - due June 15th :)
  • KMMM2
    KMMM2 Posts: 3 Member
    Due August 9th with our first!!
  • carriea67
    carriea67 Posts: 181 Member
    Morning! I am about 8 weeks along with a due date of July 21st.

    First baby for us and it's a bit of a surprise.

    I am still adjusting...and feel BLOATED.....the scale says I haven't gained a pound but I have a gut now....

    I was adjusting my eating/work-out plan before I found out I was expecting to go more primal and a return to heavy lifting. The primal diet seems to be on hold but I am incorporating lifting into my workouts.

    Anyone have any tips on combatting the bloat?
  • eissacf25
    eissacf25 Posts: 151 Member
    Hi ladies!! We are due July 22nd with our second! My son is almost 13 months old. We are very excited :) Congrats to all you mommas
  • cdstaufenbiel
    cdstaufenbiel Posts: 45 Member
    I'm pregnant with my first kiddo and due on August 19th. I have an appointment with my OBGYN for early January. Very excited! Initially, I was hoping to conceive in February to lock down an October due date (it's my favorite month, by far), but now I'm thrilled to have an earlier due date so I can enjoy my favorite month/season with our new addition.
  • annie_etc
    annie_etc Posts: 9 Member
    Hi all! I am due on May 30th with our first. Would love to get to know some other pregnant ladies who are trying to stay healthy throughout and afterwards. What is everybody doing for exercise? I am 16 weeks and found the first trimester really tough. I've started doing pool jogging recently and although I feel silly doing it, I've noticed an improvement in my mood from getting exercise again.
  • kmode131
    kmode131 Posts: 3 Member

    August 9th as well!!!