Last of us??

Who here plays the Last of us?? i'm going to start this Thursday and I can't freaking wait. I'm probably not going to sleep for a while.


  • cb83580
    cb83580 Posts: 136 Member
    Haven't yet. Finally broke down and ordered a copy at the Black Friday price along with Beyond: Two Souls.

    I've been waiting until the prices came down.
  • MartialPanda
    MartialPanda Posts: 919 Member
    Yeah i finally gave in too.

    Gamestop did a PS3 bundle (250GB, Last of Us, and Batman Arkham city) for $200!!! I had to get it................had to. It was actually necessary.

    I can't freaking wait. The GF and I have been foaming at the mouth over this game for a month now.
  • pseudomuffin
    pseudomuffin Posts: 1,058 Member
    I finished The Last of Us about a month ago and had so many feelings after it was over I had to play non-serious games for a while, it's just THAT good
  • KirbyT16
    KirbyT16 Posts: 411
    I finished The Last of Us about a month ago and had so many feelings after it was over I had to play non-serious games for a while, it's just THAT good


    I loved it!

    Let me know what you think of Beyond: Two Souls!!
  • CannibalisticVegetarian
    I plan on getting it this Christmas. I've only heard great things about it, so I'm definitely looking forward to shutting out family, friends, and the most basic necessities so that I can get in on some of this.
  • Zomoniac
    Zomoniac Posts: 1,169 Member
    I finished The Last of Us about a month ago and had so many feelings after it was over I had to play non-serious games for a while, it's just THAT good


    I loved it!

    Let me know what you think of Beyond: Two Souls!!

    I thought Beyond was fine. On a technical level it's staggering, the animation and facial work is way beyond anything else made, no next-gen or PC stuff gets anywhere near what they achieved. But at its core it's really not a game. And I say this as someone who adored Heavy Rain, but even compared to that Beyond is painfully low on user input. Heavy Rain had a zillion different endings generated from things that happened at various points, often things you didn't know where happening. Beyond doesn't because it has a non-linear timeline. The order of chapters is chronologically all over the place, so the stuff you're playing late on with a young character has no real bearing on the ending since you've already played a section set ten years later, so it wouldn't work. You can't fail, failure simply plays out a different scene, that always ends in the same way, just with a slightly different backdrop. It's a 10 hour film where you occasionally have to press the right stick to make it keep playing. And if that doesn't bother you then it's worth playing through, I enjoyed it, but it's really not a game.
  • MartialPanda
    MartialPanda Posts: 919 Member
    @zomoniac - That's what i've been hearing from people in regards to Beyond two souls. I'm not buying a 10 hour film. I'm just not into that.

    Last of us - I just started playing this weekend. HOLY FREAKING CHRIST IT'S SO GOOD. AND BEAUTIFUL AND KINDA HARD. SO good! Everytime i play i get this insane adrenaline kick ..........had to workout after I stopped it was so good.

    However i've only been playing for about 4 1/2 hours and i'm already 31% through. I hope that's not true..........
    _SABOTEUR_ Posts: 6,833 Member
    I finished The Last of Us about a month ago and had so many feelings after it was over I had to play non-serious games for a while, it's just THAT good


    I loved it!

    Let me know what you think of Beyond: Two Souls!!

    I thought Beyond was fine. On a technical level it's staggering, the animation and facial work is way beyond anything else made, no next-gen or PC stuff gets anywhere near what they achieved. But at its core it's really not a game. And I say this as someone who adored Heavy Rain, but even compared to that Beyond is painfully low on user input. Heavy Rain had a zillion different endings generated from things that happened at various points, often things you didn't know where happening. Beyond doesn't because it has a non-linear timeline. The order of chapters is chronologically all over the place, so the stuff you're playing late on with a young character has no real bearing on the ending since you've already played a section set ten years later, so it wouldn't work. You can't fail, failure simply plays out a different scene, that always ends in the same way, just with a slightly different backdrop. It's a 10 hour film where you occasionally have to press the right stick to make it keep playing. And if that doesn't bother you then it's worth playing through, I enjoyed it, but it's really not a game.

    I agree with all of this. The biggest disappointment is that it's not even an interactive story where you can dramatically change the ending so it feels completely flat.

    I'd rather go back to the beginning of PS2s life and replay Shadow of Memories.
  • MartialPanda
    MartialPanda Posts: 919 Member


    I have no idea how I feel about the ending of last of us. That ending has stayed with me. On one hand i'm happy they steered away from all of the other cliche zombie movies and one of the main characters.....however I am so mad at Joel. I'm not sure how I would've acted but kill Marlene in Cold Blood was hard to watch. Also the fact that Ellie seemed to know Joel lied to her in the end.

    That was rough. I still can't sort out my feelings.
  • RedSockGreenSock


    I have no idea how I feel about the ending of last of us. That ending has stayed with me. On one hand i'm happy they steered away from all of the other cliche zombie movies and one of the main characters.....however I am so mad at Joel. I'm not sure how I would've acted but kill Marlene in Cold Blood was hard to watch. Also the fact that Ellie seemed to know Joel lied to her in the end.

    That was rough. I still can't sort out my feelings.

    I feel you! I don't know for sure but I think I read somewhere that Naughty Dog was quoted as revealing that they "weren't done in the world of The Last Of Us" or something like that. I would honestly love EITHER a prequel or a sequel, but if that's going to happen, it wont be any time soon -_- But hey, good things come to those who wait, right? :grumble:
  • MartialPanda
    MartialPanda Posts: 919 Member
    I think having a sequel might kill it. IDK. I'm always like I WANT TO KNOW WHAT **** HAPPENED TELL MEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!
    I'm a huge Final Fantasy Fan but the sequels are just never as good. It's more like the story needed to be told but they slack on the battle system or outfits or something. Who knows.

    We shall see. Did you see the alternate ending? That was hilarious.
  • thesupremeforce
    thesupremeforce Posts: 1,206 Member
    I just finished a few minutes ago. The game is fantastic, and the ending was brilliant. Put me on the side of those who wouldn't want a direct sequel, but I'd like to see something set elsewhere and/or in the future, etc.
  • juggz212
    I picked it up on midnight release...........awesome game! i finished the single player awhile ago, now playing the MP until the story dlc drops
  • pseudomuffin
    pseudomuffin Posts: 1,058 Member
    I just finished a few minutes ago. The game is fantastic, and the ending was brilliant. Put me on the side of those who wouldn't want a direct sequel, but I'd like to see something set elsewhere and/or in the future, etc.

    Ditto! I'd love to enter the universe again, I loved the gameplay (especially the stealth portions and luring mobs with noise) and the unique take on zombies... but I just don't want it to pick up where it left off. I'd be happy with an Ellie in the future sort of thing, or maybe even following different characters entirely as long as it wasn't another "Get from point A to point B because X may be the cure" because it might end up being kind of bland compared to the first one.
  • pseudomuffin
    pseudomuffin Posts: 1,058 Member

    Says it'll be out on Valentines Day. Right in the feels!
  • MartialPanda
    MartialPanda Posts: 919 Member

    Looks awesome. Thanks for the link pseudomuffin!
  • kmbweber2014
    kmbweber2014 Posts: 680 Member
    I just saw this thread. Man I'm still not ok after the end of that game. Such a good game.
  • GSNewberry
    GSNewberry Posts: 11 Member
    Love The Last of Us, it is probably one of my favorite releases in years. Ellie is fantastic!
  • Gilbrod
    Gilbrod Posts: 1,216 Member
    Late to the game, but...... SPOILER ALERT!!!!!!!

    It was one of the best games I've played in years. You know *kitten* got real when his daughter dies. But I almost couldn't play anymore after the little black kid turned and his father committed suicide. I remember just dropping my controller, and my wife crying next to me as she watched. One of the few games she would sit next to me to watch as I played. I can't wait for the DLC. I wouldn't mind a "gaiden" of Last of Us. I would have tried to save humanity. Joel wanted to save his own humanity.