Day 2

Day 2- 40 Squats/1 MIN Push Ups/1 MIN Plank/1 MIN Wall Sit/50 Crunches

DONE-before work even thankyaverymuch :wink:

Just a thought-I was looking ahead to when the numbers get cuh-razy high. I'm thinking on those days I'll split the types of crunches/squats-like sumo squats, oblique crunches, etc. Hopefully it'll help those number fly by!

Anyone sore from yesterday? I felt those squats in my tush this morning-I love it! I'm glad those muscles are feeling it-means I did it right ;)

Happy Monday!!


    NEWYEARNEWME2014 Posts: 15 Member
    Day two, man i am out of shape,but no more.:sad:
  • Laurali7
    Laurali7 Posts: 26 Member
    I think Im a day behind everyone else, but got my day 2 40 squats, 1 min plank, 1 min push ups, 1 min wall sit and 50 crunches done.