December goals

2boys111 Posts: 31 Member
Anyone want to share December goals they have?

I'm keeping it simple:
--lots of water
--minimal snacking (I can the nibble queen!!)
--mindful eating (I KNOW I'm going to indulge in treats, I want to enjoy it and own it!)


  • kcasey155
    kcasey155 Posts: 968 Member
    My goals... I would like to...

    - Be closer to 85kg (am now 85.8kg)
    - Finish the day within my calorie limit at least 4 days a week
    - Walk at least 90 minutes 5 days a week (until the schools are out for Christmas)
    - Get in at least two Zumba workouts a week (after the doc clears me to exercise)
    - Complete the 30 day Squat Challenge
    - Take Christmas day and Boxing day off of calorie counting and exercising!
  • Cheeky_and_Geeky
    Cheeky_and_Geeky Posts: 984 Member
    GW (12/31): 129lbs

    -Decrease HIIT from 4-5X week to 3X week
    -Increase strength training to 2-3X week
    -Keep doing yoga 1-2X week
    -Increase calories to 1400
    -drink more water
  • kgerm317
    kgerm317 Posts: 191 Member
    Dec. SW 183 (up a lb from Nov SW)
    Dec. GW <180

    Goals for December:
    -Run 3x a week (Tue, Thu, Sat)
    -Strength train 3x a week (Mon, Wed, Fri)
    -Stay within calorie limits 6 days a week
    -Drink 80 oz. of water everyday
  • tlcAK
    tlcAK Posts: 671 Member
    So waking up earlier to do a morning workout wasn't an option. My body needs the sleep to function through the day, but I have found a new time to do my 25 mins of workout. It just so happens my daughter's favorite show is 25 mins and it comes on right when I get home from work. So this week my goal is to go home, change my clothes set up T25 and as soon as her show starts (one of the few TV shows we let her watch) I'll start my workout. She comes and checks me out, does a couple of the moves with me (she's only 2) then runs back to see her show. It worked out great yesterday! :) Hopefully I can keep this up for the whole month of December. I need to stay organized this month so much to do but I need to make sure and have my time :)

    Dec SW: 183
    Dec GW: 175-178

    -T25 during my daughter's favorite show (Bubble guppies)
    -Run 30 miles
    -Limit my sweet intake
    -Drink more water than anything else
    -Eat as "Clean" as possible :)
  • jennegan1
    jennegan1 Posts: 677 Member
    One of my fav daughters show is Bubble Guppies as well and alot of the times I work out during it. I notice if I work out 11-1130 Im more capable of getting it done for say any other time of day except for at night time when she falls asleep and not all the time is the same time at night though a few days last week I was working out 830 at night after she passed out....

    Dec SW 182
    GW anything below 180 so between 180-175

    Continue not drinking wine and continue drinking more water
    Im doing a mix of cardio videos on you tube so my body doesnt get used to one
    Continue not eating chips every day though some days I eat 1 serving
  • chandanista
    chandanista Posts: 986 Member
    I may have held pretty steady in the weight department over the last month, but in the last 30 days I lost a half inch in the waist, calves and on my thighs. Everything else held steady. It ain't much but it's progress, even if I didn't really reach my November goals (though I did shave off 7 seconds from my PR 5K time--woo hoo!)

    My goal this month is to hold steady on my weight (158-160), start a training program for my next half marathon (it will be in May so I plan on a slow-paced 20 week program), and to say "no" occasionally to Christmas treats. I will also say "yes" to treats; everything in moderation.
  • HollyBBC
    My goal is to try to lose 5 more pounds in 30 days. I lost 5 pounds and 2" in my last 30 days. I also want to eat a bit smaller. I just started using this site yesterday and am calculating all of my food intake. I stayed within my calorie intake yesterday. I want to keep dong that without eating too little. I always drink lots of water, so that part I am ok with.
  • kcasey155
    kcasey155 Posts: 968 Member
    Week 1 went really well for me :happy:

    - Be closer to 85kg (am now 85.8kg) - Now 84.2kg
    - Finish the day within my calorie limit at least 4 days a week - managed 5 out of 7 days
    - Walk at least 90 minutes 5 days a week (until the schools are out for Christmas) - Completed
    - Get in at least two Zumba workouts a week (after the doc clears me to exercise)
    - Complete the 30 day Squat Challenge
    - Take Christmas day and Boxing day off of calorie counting and exercising!

    Roll on Week 2!
  • kgerm317
    kgerm317 Posts: 191 Member
    Dec. SW 183 (up a lb from Nov SW)
    Dec. GW <180

    Goals for December:
    -Run 3x a week (Tue, Thu, Sat)
    -Strength train 3x a week (Mon, Wed, Fri)
    -Stay within calorie limits 6 days a week
    -Drink 80 oz. of water everyday

    This week went well. I ran Tues and Thurs. Walked around all day Saturday and Saturday night and did okay with eating over the weekend. I did not really do any strength training, though.
    12/10 CW: 177.8!
  • Cheeky_and_Geeky
    Cheeky_and_Geeky Posts: 984 Member
    GW (12/31): 129lbs

    -Decrease HIIT from 4-5X week to 3X week
    -Increase strength training to 2-3X week
    -Keep doing yoga 1-2X week
    -Increase calories to 1400
    -drink more water

    12/10/13: 130lbs.

    I've been working out as above, but need to increase my water intake.
  • Cheeky_and_Geeky
    Cheeky_and_Geeky Posts: 984 Member
    Dec. SW 183 (up a lb from Nov SW)
    Dec. GW <180

    Goals for December:
    -Run 3x a week (Tue, Thu, Sat)
    -Strength train 3x a week (Mon, Wed, Fri)
    -Stay within calorie limits 6 days a week
    -Drink 80 oz. of water everyday

    This week went well. I ran Tues and Thurs. Walked around all day Saturday and Saturday night and did okay with eating over the weekend. I did not really do any strength training, though.
    12/10 CW: 177.8!

    Awesome job!!!
  • kgerm317
    kgerm317 Posts: 191 Member
    Dec. SW 183 (up a lb from Nov SW)
    Dec. GW <180

    Goals for December:
    -Run 3x a week (Tue, Thu, Sat)
    -Strength train 3x a week (Mon, Wed, Fri)
    -Stay within calorie limits 6 days a week
    -Drink 80 oz. of water everyday

    This week went well. I ran Tues and Thurs. Walked around all day Saturday and Saturday night and did okay with eating over the weekend. I did not really do any strength training, though.
    12/10 CW: 177.8!

    This week went okay. Really struggling emotionally with some things. And it's COLD so running has been tough. I really need to drag my bum outta bed and do a workout in the mornings! And get back to planning my meals...
    12/16 CW: 175.6
  • Cheeky_and_Geeky
    Cheeky_and_Geeky Posts: 984 Member
    GW (12/31): 129lbs

    -Decrease HIIT from 4-5X week to 3X week
    -Increase strength training to 2-3X week
    -Keep doing yoga 1-2X week
    -Increase calories to 1400
    -drink more water

    12/10/13: 130lbs.

    I've been working out as above, but need to increase my water intake.

    12/16: 130lbs. No weight loss this week. my macros are wack right now. Need to workout more & eat less junk food!
  • kcasey155
    kcasey155 Posts: 968 Member
    Week ending Dec 15th
    - Be closer to 85kg (am now 83.8kg)
    - Finish the day within my calorie limit at least 4 days a week - Just about, it was my birthday and I flew way over a couple of days.
    - Walk at least 90 minutes 5 days a week (until the schools are out for Christmas) - Done
    - Get in at least two Zumba workouts a week (after the doc clears me to exercise)
    - Complete the 30 day Squat Challenge - nearly halfway
    - Take Christmas day and Boxing day off of calorie counting and exercising!

    Very hungry at the moment, may have to allow a few extra calories for breastfeeding as I seem to be losing weight a little too rapidly and I'm only meant to be set to lose 0.25kg a week. Forgot to say that I hope to be cleared at my postpartum check up for exercise this Thursday :)
  • Cheeky_and_Geeky
    Cheeky_and_Geeky Posts: 984 Member
    GW (12/31): 129lbs

    -Decrease HIIT from 4-5X week to 3X week
    -Increase strength training to 2-3X week
    -Keep doing yoga 1-2X week
    -Increase calories to 1400
    -drink more water

    12/10/13: 130lbs.

    I've been working out as above, but need to increase my water intake.

    12/16: 130lbs. No weight loss this week. my macros are wack right now. Need to workout more & eat less junk food!

    12/27- 128lbs. Hoping to drop one more pound by 12/31, that'll be 40lbs down since I started MFP in July. I've been since throughout Christmas, so I haven't been working out as much as I wanted to & of course eating too many desserts! Hope to get back on track today!
  • kcasey155
    kcasey155 Posts: 968 Member
    End of month results
    - Be closer to 85kg - Finished at 84kg
    - Finish the day within my calorie limit at least 4 days a week - Hmmm, didn't log from Dec 23rd onward
    - Walk at least 90 minutes 5 days a week (until the schools are out for Christmas) - Done
    - Get in at least two Zumba workouts a week (after the doc clears me to exercise) - Yes, up to Christmas.
    - Complete the 30 day Squat Challenge - Stopped at Day 22 due to illness
    - Take Christmas day and Boxing day off of calorie counting and exercising! - Yes, all the way to New Year's Eve :wink:

    I could have done better and will do in 2014!
  • Cheeky_and_Geeky
    Cheeky_and_Geeky Posts: 984 Member
    I ended 2014 with 40lbs lost! July 2013- 167lbs Dec 31st 127lbs.
    Now to work on my fitness goals!
    Everyone have a great 2014! I hope you reached all your 2013 goals!