Day 2 Eat Good. Feel Good:

mstjmack26 Posts: 121 Member
"Why is striving to eat healthy so important? Most people are so busy that they don’t think about the health benefits (or consequences) of the food they eat. Eating healthy simply isn’t a priority or a part of their daily routine. People turn to fad dieting in order to quickly remedy a health or weight-based situation, which causes stress, which in turn causes weight gain. It’s a vicious cycle.

Clean eating isn’t a fad diet. It’s the real deal.

Clean eating is a simple, common-sense approach to a healthy lifestyle. Clean eating is the ultimate “un-fad” diet. Once you adapt a clean eating lifestyle, you will never be able to imagine that you thought black coffee and 1/2 cup of cottage cheese for breakfast was a “healthy” choice.

Eating healthy is something everyone should be concerned with because it doesn’t come naturally anymore. The standard American diet is high fat, high sugar, and high sodium foods mostly pre-packaged, processed, and of the fast-food variety.

A healthy diet consists of a wide variety of whole, unrefined foods that are in their natural (or closest to natural) form. A healthy diet does not include sugary drinks or beverages such as soda and does not include trans fats. A healthy diet is high in healthy fats, complex carbohydrates, lean protein, and plenty of H20.

Clean eating is not a diet, it’s a lifestyle that provides the body with healthy, natural, nutrient-dense foods. There are some incredible benefits associated with healthy eating"

Soon this will become a lifestyle, instead a 21 day challenge. Don't stop after this or quit in the middle. This is your wake up call!!! Get up and take care of yourself!


  • mstjmack26
    mstjmack26 Posts: 121 Member
    I’m an advocate of clean eating and it is something worth working towards everyday, even though it may be a difficult transition at first. Eating clean can be overwhelming. There are so many misconceptions that healthy food is expensive or that it’s not healthy unless it’s also organic.

    The reality? Eating clean is simple!

    Clean eating consists of food that is real and not laden with things that compromise health such as artificial flavorings, artificial colorings, and sugar substitutes. Food doesn’t need to be organic, it just needs to be natural. The clean eating rule of thumb? The shorter the ingredient list the better! No specific food is off-limits as long as it’s a real, honest-to-goodness food.

    In other words, this isn’t a “diet.” Clean eating is a lifestyle.

    Remember, you don’t have to start from scratch. When I made the transition to cleaning eating I didn’t go through my entire kitchen and throw everything away. I simply decided to remove processed foods from my next shopping adventure.

    Start by saying goodbye to common kitchen culprits. This includes all the “white stuff.” White sugar, flour, bread, rice, pasta, and table salt. Finish what you have and make a promise to yourself not to buy any more.

    Take your time. Switching to a clean lifestyle requires commitment, energy, and motivation. It is nearly impossible to overhaul an entire kitchen pantry and refrigerator in one shopping excursion. Replace one thing at a time. Rice noodles or quinoa instead of pasta, almond milk in place of cow’s milk, 72% dark chocolate instead of milk chocolate, muesli instead of processed cereals, brown rice in place of white rice, and whole grains instead of refined.

    I complied a list of Clean Foods that I think are absolutely delicious. Try incorporating foods from each category into your pantry and refrigerator. As you continually add in the clean, your taste buds will change and adapt and you will find yourself craving the good stuff!

    Clean Eating Grocery List from


    Sprouted Grain Bread or Whole Grain Bread without HFCS (Read ingredient list)
    Brown Rice
    Rolled Oats
    Quick Oats
    Quinoa (also a protein source)
    Soba Noodles (also a protein source)
    Black Beans

    Tip: Whenever possible choose organic or natural grass-fed beef or lean chicken for the most nutritional bang for your bite. If you are incorporating red meat into your diet, opt for 92% or higher lean beef no more than 1-2 times per week.


    Nut Butter (try Justin’s Nut Butters)
    Sunflower Seeds
    Pumpkin Seeds
    Flax Seeds
    Chia Seeds
    Hemp Hearts


    Green Leaf Lettuce
    Sweet Potatoes
    Acorn Squash
    Green Beans


    Goji Berries


    Feta Cheese
    Low-Fat Cottage Cheese
    Skim or 1% Milk
    Brown Cow Vanilla Yogurt (or your favorite low fat, low sugar, natural brand)
    Daiya Dairy-Free Cheese
    SO Delicious Cultured Coconut Milk Yogurt
    Unsweetened Almond, Coconut, Rice, or Hemp Milk


    Extra-Virgin Olive Oil
    Coconut Oil
    Agave, Raw Honey, or Natural Maple Syrup
    Soy Sauce
    Dijon Mustard
    Apple Cider Vinegar
    Balsamic Vinegar
    Red Wine Vinegar
    Fresh Ground Black Pepper
    Pure Salts (Pink Himalayan or Sea Salt)
    Cayenne Pepper
    Red Pepper Flakes


    Whole Wheat Flour, Coconut Flour, or Almond Flour
    Raw Cacao Powder
    Natural Vanilla Extract
    Natural Peppermint Oil
    Coconut Sugar


    Maca Powder
    New Chapter Whole Food Vitamins & Probiotics
    Vega Protein Powder (Plant based protein)
    Pure Protein Powder (Whey based protein)
    Body fortress Whey Protein Powder


    Black Bean Tortilla Chips
    Hot-Air Popped Popcorn
    Think Thin Bars
    Pro Bars


    Coconut Water
    Good Belly
    Herbal Teas
    Infused Water


    Dark Chocolate (at least 72% cacao or more)
    Gluten-Free Frozen Cookie Dough
    Frozen Yogurt
    SO Delicious Almond & Coconut Milk Ice Cream

    Happy Shopping!
  • Pamelawagg
    Pamelawagg Posts: 29 Member
    Good morning
    Thanks for the clean foods list...this will help me . I will return later with my meals.
    Have a great healthy Day everyone !
  • iceangel1992
    My breakfast was one sunny side up egg mixed into some grits. Its one of my favorite meals so don't be surprised if I post it as breakfast quite often. My lunch was apple cinnamon oatmeal with one tablespoon of all natural honey. I don't know if Honey is something we are suppose to cut out or not. Is it? If so then I will add it to my list of do not eats. And the dinner I plan to eat here soon is a homemade vegetarian burrito in a whole grain wrap. I love meat but I also love veggies.
  • df1982
    df1982 Posts: 147 Member
    So far I've been good (I think!)...

    Greek yogurt and berries for breakfast (I'm not planning to completely cut dairy but will try to stick to the healthier forms of dairy)

    Japanese for lunch - mixed sashimi, gomae (spinach in sesame sauce), and a vegetable roll

    leftovers from lunch for a snack

    ...but I am totally one of those people who is good all day, comes home after work/a workout, and gives in to eating junk with my boyfriend (who is addicted to snacking and watching TV) instead of eating a proper dinner.

    My plan for dinner is a feta cheese, cucumber and carrot salad with yogurt and fruit for desert - here's hoping!

    I hope that everyone had a good day :)
  • Pamelawagg
    Pamelawagg Posts: 29 Member
    Hello all
    Day # 2 went well
    B- coffee with vanilla almond milk and truvia/ multi grain toast/ egg beater
    L- Red grapes
    D- spaghetti squash/ lean ground turkey/ marinara sauce/ Parmasan cheese
    S- Apple/ jif whip peanut butter/ coffee with vanilla almond milk and truvia

    Fitbit calorie burn 1,864
  • mstjmack26
    mstjmack26 Posts: 121 Member
    Great job on day 2 guys! Iceangel1992, honey is good. There are lots of benefits using honey, especially when paired with cinnamon.
    So My breakfast was apple, cranberry and blueberry oatmeal.
    Lunch tuna salmon salad with wheat crackers
    Dinner: whey protein shake, mixed fruit, and natural peanut butter on whole wheat bread
    I have one more bottle water to drink before I reach my 2 liters of water.

    As for my workout, did yoga and 30 min on the arc trainer.
    Keep up the good work everyone and have a blessed night!
  • Beckyann1971
    Day 2 did not go good for me. All day I thought about chocolate. Then had some tonight, a lot. When I first lost weight, I had healthier alternatives to the things I needed to stop having, but at this point because I have so many food sensitivities it's really tough. Last night instead of chocolate I had a fruit smoothy with a rice cake and half a tbsp of pb. Woke up with symptoms. Chocolate is less bothersome, except the effects it has on my nervous system. So frustrating!

    Anyhow, I'm going to go at it again tomorrow, I know if I can get a week down I will be fine. Out of almost 5 years of being healthier, I have struggled with the chocolate just this past year. So I know I can do it.

    Congrats to those of you who made it through day 2 of eating clean!
  • garzadrive
    garzadrive Posts: 94 Member
    Love the support here! I had gotten addicted to homemade cookies everyday, but have stayed away from them since starting this group. Thanks!!!!!!

    Thanks for the list of clean foods!

    Also love the book "72 Money Saving Tips for the 99%" by Lynette Yetter. It's got not only clean eating suggestions, but clean living! Money-saving tips about building community and weaning ourselves from corporations to be happier and healthier in many ways. Yay!!!
  • loveme445
    loveme445 Posts: 2,439 Member
    mstjmack~Thanks for the info!

    Beckyann1971~You can do it, just dont give up!

    Garzadrive~Glad the group is helping you!

    ~Today was a good day!

    B: Chobani coconut greek yogurt & 100 calorie pack of dry roasted almonds

    S: granola bar & soy beans

    L: Turkey Sandwich, almonds & grapes

    D: 2 ground turkey tacos

    I need to eat more veggies....
  • ttiger33
    ttiger33 Posts: 165 Member
    Tuesday December 3, 2013
    Oranges - Small Cuties,
    Toufayan - Pita Bread Whole Wheat, 1 Pieces
    Veganise Mayo - Veganise Mayo, 1 Tablespoon
    - Brussels Sprouts, Steamed, 1 cup
    Homemade Chicken Salad -
    Homemade - Pad Thai With Tofu,

    Homemade - Pad Thai With Tofu,

    Persimmon -
    Apple Granny Smith (Small),
  • Beckyann1971
    Thanks for the encouragement!!
    mstjmack~Thanks for the info!

    Beckyann1971~You can do it, just dont give up!

    Garzadrive~Glad the group is helping you!

    ~Today was a good day!

    B: Chobani coconut greek yogurt & 100 calorie pack of dry roasted almonds

    S: granola bar & soy beans

    L: Turkey Sandwich, almonds & grapes

    D: 2 ground turkey tacos

    I need to eat more veggies....
  • Fivepts
    Fivepts Posts: 517 Member
    Went to buy honey for my kids today. The lady selling the honey said I must be about 35. I'm 45, and she's a good sales person. Of course I bought the honey to help my honeys make it through til Christmas eating clean. My lil 8 yr old was whining about no desert last night so I'll have to whip up a healthy smoothie. I'm so glad the whole family's participating. Hoping eating cleaner equals movement on the scale!