Dairy- is it my enemy?

BryonyKate Posts: 32 Member
Hi guys

so I started keto about 9 weeks ago now, and honestly my progress has been minimal if any at all. I don't actually weigh myself (due to a vicious cycle I was in for months where I'd weigh myself 3/4 times a day) I don't want to get back into that so instead go by how I look and how my clothes fit. I really don't notice any difference. I know everyone has a tendency to be too self-critical but I bought a shirt at the end of September that was a little too tight and it still is now, so I KNOW the inches are not coming off. I (think) I want to lose 15-20Ibs, or basically get down to a size 8 (that's UK size 8, think that is a 12 in US). I really could not figure out where I was going wrong as I exercise 2-4 times a week and always stick to 1500 cals or below and 10-15 Net carbs.

I have read that for some people dairy really makes them stall. So I am going to experiment with cutting it out completely which will be hard as cauliflower cheese is one of my fave meals! As is flax bread with egg bacon and blue cheese..yum yum..oh and celery sticks dipped in cream cheese and coffee with heavy cream! I also love making "cheesecake" fatbombs and icecream using heavy cream and cocontu milk... The list goes on. But as you can see...I like my dairy!! I was just wondering if anyone has any personal experience with good results after cutting out dairy? I know people may suggest that I am eating more carbs that I realise but I track everything into MFP meticulously so I know i am not going over my carb count. I just don't know where it is all going wrong and I am getting very disillusioned with keto :(


  • lebowski8
    lebowski8 Posts: 55 Member
    i am wondering if dairy is my enemy too??
    I've upped my fats and I am still in a plateau. I started keto around September 25. But I need to figure out a plan to replace the fat without the dairy. At this point, I've got so much dairy in the fridge it will be 2014 when it's all gone. Then I'm cutting it out for a month, cold turkey, to see what happens. For me, it has to be 30-40% of my diet.
  • Wilhellmina
    Wilhellmina Posts: 757 Member

    It mentions something about the diary intake. I have noticed tho I can eat soft cheese and cream, but when I eat hard cheese I don't even have to check the scale. I am also wondering tho how to cut back diary and what to take in return for it...
  • Wilhellmina
    Wilhellmina Posts: 757 Member
    I am planning not to wait tho. I am going to cut back diary now and see what will happen...
  • Golightly17
    Golightly17 Posts: 347 Member
    I've seen articles in support of full fat dairy and ones that demonize it. I have no dairy allergies or intolerances, but I do better with less dairy in general. I use coconut oil, MCT, avocado, evoo, etc to keep fat intake up there. I think things like heavy cream or cream cheese, especially when sweetened with say Splenda, are very good and indeed keto friendly but also very easy to over indulge in.
  • Hard cheese has been ok for me as long as I keep it to 1-2 oz a day and no more than that.
  • mo7882
    mo7882 Posts: 12 Member
    I had no weight loss (on the scale) for 5 weeks while i was eating dairy. I replaced it with oils, avocado, nuts and eggs and now im in a great place where im losing 1.5kg every week.

    If you are serious about Keto then get some Coconut Oil - it turbo charges your liver into burning ketones.

    "Unlike most edible oils which are made up of long chain fatty acids (LCFAs), coconut oil contains primarily of medium chain fatty acids (MCFAs). These shorter chain fatty acids are absorbed quickly and are sent directly to the liver where they are almost entirely burned for fuel. This beta oxidation of MCFAs stimulates metabolism to an even greater extent than eating protein does."

  • I had no weight loss (on the scale) for 5 weeks while i was eating dairy. I replaced it with oils, avocado, nuts and eggs and now im in a great place where im losing 1.5kg every week.

    How much dairy were you eating? and what kinds? I'm kinda in the same boat....its been almost a month with no real significant weight loss on the scale. Lose 3 gain 2.7, kinda thing. Been steadily in Ketosis (per KetoStix) for 3+ weeks. I have a lot of weight to lose, and entered into keto in a fed/rested state (relatively). However, eating low(ish) carbs had already been a lifestyle thing for me for quite some time..... Also, to note, I hadn't been eating dairy for quite some time, and when i started Keto, I was all sorts of excited about cheeses and creams, lol
  • mo7882
    mo7882 Posts: 12 Member

    How much dairy were you eating? and what kinds? I'm kinda in the same boat....its been almost a month with no real significant weight loss on the scale. Lose 3 gain 2.7, kinda thing. Been steadily in Ketosis (per KetoStix) for 3+ weeks. I have a lot of weight to lose, and entered into keto in a fed/rested state (relatively). However, eating low(ish) carbs had already been a lifestyle thing for me for quite some time..... Also, to note, I hadn't been eating dairy for quite some time, and when i started Keto, I was all sorts of excited about cheeses and creams, lol

    I was putting 150-300 calories of melted cheese and mayo on all my meals. Cauliflower cheese, grilled salads ect. also full fat cream in my tea. Almond & Coconut Oil have replaced the cheese and mayo.
  • fruttibiscotti
    fruttibiscotti Posts: 986 Member
    Not my enemy at all. I stick to total calorie target, not more than 25 grams carb, keep protein at 1.5 gram per kg lean body mass, and remainder calories (approx 70%) as fat. Dairy has not stalled me at all. I should also mention, I eat ReAL FOOD, no processed stuff, no take aways, no powders, no gimmicks, etc. favorite dairy: butter, +10% mf fat Greek yogurt, heavy cream, cheese from grass fed pastured cows like kerrygold, emmental, parmigiano reggiano, grana padano, marscarpone, ricotta, mozzarella di buffula, montassio, Comte, Swiss, raclette, and all sorts of pecorino and goat cheeses.

    I should also mention that I have been in keto for months now...pink on Ketostix and good levels with blood strips tester.