Looking for Support along my journey with Sleeve Gastrectomy


My name is Karen and I am looking for support, tips and encouragement along my journey. My first consultation is tomorrow and my eating habits are horrible, I really need some ideas of how to change my eating habits. Exercise is nowhere in my vocabulary unless you count walking 15 min from the train to my job. I am desperately looking for some ideas and maybe motiviational speeches. Someone please assist, and I would love to make some new friends on this site for future motivation.



  • bikrchk
    bikrchk Posts: 516 Member
    Welcome Karen and congratulations on your decision to get healthy!

    My consultation was in early September, (after the 6 months of physician assisted weight loss, psych eval, Nut visit and the rest of the insurance hoops). Like you, my eating habits were awful and I was getting little to no exercise. I didn't even want to get off the sofa to socialize with friends. VSG was October 14. I've lost 45lbs since September, (@ 30 of that since surgery 7 weeks ago), and am down 3 sizes into a 12 in most cases! I'm almost half way to goal! With the weather changing in the Midwest, I still don't exercise like I should :embarassed: , but I definitely move more than I did 45lbs ago and enjoy it!

    I came through surgery really well, only one night in the hospital, (they'd planned for 2) and was ready to go back to my desk job after a week off, (I'd planned for 2). I'm back on solid foods and haven't found anything that doesn't agree with me yet, though I do stick to the tiniest (1/4c - 1/2c) high protein portions.

    This has been an amazing journey. I'd lost the same 60 lbs multiple times in my life and it was clear to me that without help, I would not be able to overcome the major health problems I'd developed form years of obesity. This time it will be different because I have a tool to help me maintain a healthy lifestyle. SO excited for the future now!
  • platinum3karat
    platinum3karat Posts: 66 Member
    Thanks for the encouraging words, and congratulations on the weight loss. Do you have any suggestions on protein shakes and breakfast food, I am not willing to eat oatmeal or cream of wheat, I had very bad childhood experiences with it and when i try to eat it I gag and throw up. I can use some great ideas on breakfast, lunch and dinner.

    Also can you advise after surgery what types of food you ate and can you advise if I can eat baby food. My husband said he refuses to puree any food, he said and thinks that is so gross.
  • DJRonnieLINY
    DJRonnieLINY Posts: 475 Member
    I had felt the same as your husband but after my pre-surgery week of clear liquids and pudding follwed by post-op liquids I was ready for something "more" that helped me meet my protein goal. Believe it, or not, pureed Pot Roast (including the veggies) tasted great even though it looked like what you would expect. During the pureed stage of my post op diet teh Pot Roast and Sweet Potato mash were staples. Some of the people I have met chose baby food as a starter but I chose to keep it home made. It's a good 3 to 4 week period (pre and post) that you will be on some form of liquid of soft food.
  • platinum3karat
    platinum3karat Posts: 66 Member
    Thanks I plan on eating organic baby food and drinking lots of water and protein shakes. Have you completed eliminated carbonated drinks. I love Sierra Mist, I don't drink it everyday but was wondering if I have to give up carbonated drinks all together?
  • bikrchk
    bikrchk Posts: 516 Member
    I typically eat Greek yogurt for breakfast as it's high in protein. For after surgery, Chobani makes a small cup that's a bit easier to get down early on. Sometimes I go for an egg. For protein, I like the Syntrex Nectar water mix products. They have an Iced Tea, lemonaide and Twisted Cherry flavor I really like and the water based "shakes" are easier to get down post-op than the thick, milky ones. Whatever you choose, the "make your own" ones taste WAY better IMHO.

    I did not eat any baby food, ewww. I DID get creative with my "cooking". During my liquid and puree stage I ate a lot of Greek yogurt, whizzed black bean soup or whizzed ham and bean soup and protein shakes. Check out http://theworldaccordingtoeggface.blogspot.com/. She has a TON of recipes for every stage. All of them tasty. Her Ricotta bake is yummy. Eggs\egg salad was also a staple then.
  • BoysMommaX4
    BoysMommaX4 Posts: 41 Member
    I would not drink carbonated drinks. The very idea that it can stretch out my sleeve freaks me out. As far as protein I have found that the isopure premade drinks are easiest to get down. Good luck on your journey!