Week 1: Progress thread

kawookie Posts: 813 Member
It is the starting week of a new challenge and we are daring to do things differently. We've all talked about our goals, so I would to hear updates about what you are DOING to reach those goals.

If you are starting out by taking the challenge to get active three times this week -- what have you done for your exercise? What are your plans to get your remaining workouts in? If you are following a work out program, we'd love to hear about it. :drinker:

Whether you need daily interaction or just want to check in occassionally, I would love to hear about your progress!


  • ThriceBlessed
    ThriceBlessed Posts: 499 Member
    What I am doing this week is a minimum of 90 minutes exercise each day. With an average of 30 of those minutes being vigorous (jogging, high intensity cardio DVDs, etc.) and the remainder being moderate, (walking, easy pace on elliptical, lower intensity cardio DVDs, etc.)

    I have a bodymedia arm band that automatically tracks my activity levels and calorie burn, and adjusts my calorie levels on MFP accordingly. I don't eat back all of my exercise calories, but I do eat back some... more if I'm hungry, less if I'm not so hungry.

    I am using the T25 workout DVDs, right now I am on my second round of Beta, and will most likely repeat it again once more before moving on to Gamma. I also jog, walk, use the elliptical, and sometime work in some of the cardio and stretching routines from P90x.

    I have my MFP calories set to 1200 net calories, but I eat a lot more than that, I aim for 1500-1600 calories a day, but on a very active day I eat closer to 2000, my net still stays around 1200 because of the calorie adjustments made by my bodymedia arm band.
  • renewondergem
    I did squats, deadlifts and bench presses on sunday, going to do upper body training today. improve my shoulders especially.

    Going for a run on friday and more squats and deadlifts on sunday!

    I eat between 1700 and 2000 kcal (calories) a day. My bmr is 2300.
  • catruff
    Things are going well. This week is a bit challenging as I have so many "social" enagagements that involve dining out-sooo, my goal next week will be to eat out only 1 time. I think that is what gets us. I have been great about exercising and this challenge has motivated me to track!!!! Thanks again.
    Down 1lb.
  • ttiger33
    ttiger33 Posts: 165 Member
    Way to go with the workouts! You rock on!! Again great job!!
  • ttiger33
    ttiger33 Posts: 165 Member
    My workouts have been daily 1 hr walks. in addition to:
    knee squats
    30 sec wall sit
    chair dips
    bicycle crunches
    mountain climbers
    single leg circles

    I use fitbit to monitor my activities and calories burned and adjust MFP accordingly.
  • thistimesucess
    thistimesucess Posts: 169 Member
    My goal tha week was to do 30 day shred every day. I missed last night due to working late, but otherwise have done every day even whe now as full of a head cold. Two more days to finish the week and I'm determined to make it 6/7 days this week. Good effort to those who are keeping to their goals.
  • clarkeje1
    clarkeje1 Posts: 1,636 Member
    I'm doing Insanity plus a workout challenge on fb.
  • endoftheside
    endoftheside Posts: 568 Member
    I'm doing fitnessblender.com workouts mostly. Yesterday the internet was out during my exercise time so I did yoga instead (it had been a while, I could really tell that my body shape and fitness were better!)
  • Nix_Way
    Nix_Way Posts: 201 Member
    My goal was to workout for at least 30 minutes for a least 4 times this week. I am actually getting ready to do my Leslie Sansone walk video right now and then some Pilates for a bit.

    Tuesdays are my rest days and this last Monday I missed my workout because some friends came over and I was too polite to tell them to leave... they didn't leave till after midnight and I was almost too tired to crawl up stairs to bed let along workout. :sad:

    So today (Wednesday Dec 4th) is the first day this week I'll be working out.

    My plan is Wednesday- Saurday with a possible Sunday workout.

    I'm also working on getting up and out of bed an hour earlier in the mornings to do my workout then, so no matter what happens during the rest of the day and evening I have already gotten it done, but I'm sooooo not a morning person so I'm STILL working on that.

  • kawookie
    kawookie Posts: 813 Member
    Today I managed to get two work outs into my schedule. I went to water aerobics this morning before work and then when I got home I did the Leslie Sansone assigned miles (three miles). That means I have 1 hr 45 minutes of exercise on the day.

    Tomorrow I might have to take as a rest day because I am working early and babysitting in the evening. I'm not sure that when I get home it will be wise to exercise (as it seems to rev me up).
  • Vex3521
    Vex3521 Posts: 385 Member
    Well, I reevaluated my schedule and am switching my workout days a little so rest day is Tuesday. I portioned out my snacks for today and next week at work also. Since it's 4am I'll be working out after I get off work and get some sleep.
  • cccoursey
    cccoursey Posts: 116 Member
    I have started the StrongLifts 5X5 programs. I have also begun an Intermittant Fasting diet as laid out in LeanGains with an 8hr window in which to eat from 1400(2pm) until 2200(10pm). My last meal is usually around 2000(8pm). I am starting to eat at a greater deficit then I probably should. I gained quite a bit of BF back over the last 2 months. Going from 21% back up to 30% somehow. I will look into adjusting this as I speak with people more knowledgeable than myself on the subject.

    I am just hoping to undo my mistake of too much cardio. I was doing 2hrs of P90X and burning 1000+ calories a day easily. I lost alot of muscle learlier this year going from 213lbs to 167lbs. I am now back up to 172lbs but I understand that is probably because of the glycogen stores being replenished since I have cut out the insane cardio I was doing.

    Best of luck to everyone. Lets keep each other in check. Feel free to add me if you like. Have a great day.
  • emaurine
    emaurine Posts: 6 Member
    My goal for this week is to acknowledge that I may need to take some time off from exercise to heal my injury. Sidelined by injury for the past few months, I think I have turned to food to cope with my inability to train how I would like (in addition to the fact that I am no longer burning as many calories!).
  • genene111
    genene111 Posts: 386 Member
    I have three goals
    1. 5:30 am short runs on days I have class and 1 long run on Sundays
    2. Be mindful of what I'm eating and stay at my goal calorie number
    3. 2 week hot yoga challenge in the new year.

    If I meet these goals then my main goal will come true...
    Healthy body:)
  • jscarrick
    Doing 40 min on the teadmill and 20 min of weight trianing
  • Vex3521
    Vex3521 Posts: 385 Member
    Looks like everyone is doing well this week! Way to go.
  • kawookie
    kawookie Posts: 813 Member
    Glad to see everyone is articulating a plan.

    I did my 2 mile walk today. I hope to sneak in two workouts tomorrow (one in the morning and one with my husband).

  • thistimesucess
    thistimesucess Posts: 169 Member
    Hmmm - week one has been interesting for me. I've worked out 5 times and generally been ok with eating (2 days slightly over), but I'm now 1.5kg heavier than a week ago. I'm pretty sure it's fluid but still discouraging to see that number on the scale.
  • ttiger33
    ttiger33 Posts: 165 Member
    I have walked daily for an hour and incorporated 20-30 min of strength training.
  • alondria
    Low impact Aerobics for 30 min a day no days off
    and eating clean