Introduce Yourself!



  • Zibberroo
    Zibberroo Posts: 31 Member
    DietBet: Matthew S.
    Starting weight: 339.6

    % Weight Loss
    3-12 10.2-40.7
    6-18 20.4-61
    8-24 27.2-81.5
    9-27 30.6-91.6
    10-30 34-101.8

    I started the journey weighing 430.2 pounds. My goal is actually about fitting in my cloths, but I put the number 225 as my goal as I was 235 when I was much more muscular. I am hoping to reach my goal before my next birthday. I am currently on track to reach my goal.
  • MFP Name: kigermeister
    DietBet Name: Jen K.
    Location: Southern California

    Start Weight: 151.2
    3% Goal (Nov.-Dec.): 146.7
    6% Goal (Dec. - Jan.): 142.1
    8% Goal (Jan. - Feb.): 139.1
    9% Goal (Feb - Mar): 137.6
    10% Goal(Mar - April): 136.1

    My biggest weakness: Eating out! I have been trying to cook some of my favorites so at least I know what I am putting into the dishes and can control portion size.
    My motivation: Wanting to feel more comfortable in my own skin. My husband loves me the way I am and thinks I am beautiful, but I know in the past I was much healthier and fit and look forward to being that person again.
  • MFP Name: askilan1
    DietBet Name: Alison S
    Location: United Kingdom, Cheshire

    Had my fitness pal for a while- been naughty and not really used it as I should have, now I see the benefits and the links to everything else. I'm now linked to Withings, DietBet, Fitbug. The barcode scan in my fitness pal is awsome and will help me be consistent with monitoring my food intake an area where we probably all kid ourselves with what we've eaten - I'm know I've been guilty of that! It makes the task of recording intake easy and not onerous.
    I'm looking forward to long term goals and changes to healthy lifestyle.
  • ButterflyAngela97
    ButterflyAngela97 Posts: 97 Member
    MFP Name: Butterflylover97
    Dietbet Name: Angela Lynn
    Location: Willimantic, Connecticut

    Starting Weight 370 (July 8, 2013)
    Starting Weight on Dietbet 10: 310.2
    3% Goal (Nov.-Dec.): 300.9
    6% Goal (Dec. - Jan.): 291.6
    8% Goal (Jan. - Feb.): 285.4
    9% Goal (Feb - Mar): 282.3
    10% Goal(Mar - April): 279.2

    My motivation: I am wanting to become healthier and fit better in clothes. I want to be happy in my own skin. I am wanting to complete a half marathon.

    Feel free to add to to your friends on here or on dietbet.
  • TreenaLucero
    TreenaLucero Posts: 2 Member
    Laura- we also had trouble conceiving our 2nd child. My girls are 8 years apart. I was very heavy while trying to get pregnant and we lost 2 before my 2nd daughter. I truly believe that losing 50 lbs helped me to have a healthy pregnancy.
  • YzzyBella
    YzzyBella Posts: 12 Member
    Hi all,

    Hope your journeys are going well so far! Here are some of my stats:

    MFP Name: yzzybella
    DietBet Name: Yz
    Location: North Yorkshire, UK

    Start Weight: 214.8
    3% Goal (Nov.-Dec.): 208.4
    6% Goal (Dec. - Jan.): 202
    8% Goal (Jan. - Feb.): 197.8
    9% Goal (Feb - Mar): 195.5
    10% Goal(Mar - April): 193.3

    My biggest weakness: Fried chicken.
    My motivation: i was diagnosed with diabetes type 2 and that was quite the kick up the backside to lose the weight. Also me and my OH are thinking of children in the future and I have PCOS so losing weight will help. I started at 224.8lb about 10 weeks ago so I'm looking forward to being the lightest I've been in years!
  • Welcome those trying to concieve...I feel your struggle, we tried at least 2 years before my 4year old was conceived. What I did right before that was join weight watchers and lost 20 lbs, and bam then I was pregnant. I really think that my weight was a big KUDOS to you for taking this step BEFORE you get pregnant. You are doing the right thing, its so much easier to lose it before (at least for me!)
  • Hello all,

    MFP Name ascjstep
    Dietbet name Sharon
    Location Athens, GA

    Start weight 190.8
    3% Goal (Nov-Dec) 185.1
    6% Goal (Dec-Jan) 179.3
    8% Goal (Jan-Feb) 175.5
    9% Goal (Feb-Mar). 173.6
    10% Goal (Mar-Apr) 171.7

    My biggest weakness French fries and anything Chocolate!
    My motivation to look and (more importantly) feel great and enjoy my life to the fullest. Be present to spend quality time with my grandchildren and be around to enjoy/participate in their lives as well! What more motivation could one need!
  • AllyBird82
    AllyBird82 Posts: 43 Member
    HI all!

    MFP Name: AllyBird82
    DietBet Name: Alison S.
    Location: Minnesota, USA

    Start Weight: 151
    3% Goal (Nov.-Dec.): 146.5
    6% Goal (Dec. - Jan.): 141.94
    8% Goal (Jan. - Feb.): 138.92
    9% Goal (Feb - Mar): 137.41
    10% Goal(Mar - April): 135.9

    My biggest weakness: Snacking and Chocolate
    My motivation: I want to be in the best shape I can be before I have children. My 10% goal is about where my BMI gets back into the "Normal" range so I'm looking forward to that!
  • ariateh
    ariateh Posts: 7 Member
    Hi everyone! I know I'm late to the party but I'd been on the fence about using MFP as a social platform for a while... But what the heck right?

    MFP Name: ariateh
    DietBet Name: Paola C.
    Location: Madrid, Spain

    Start Weight: 81.7 kgs = 180 lbs
    3% Goal (Nov.-Dec.): 79.2 kgs = 174 lbs
    6% Goal (Dec. - Jan.): 76.8 kgs = 169 lbs
    8% Goal (Jan. - Feb.): 75.1 kgs = 165 lbs
    9% Goal (Feb - Mar): 74.3 kgs = 163 lbs
    10% Goal(Mar - April): 73.5 kgs = 162 lbs

    My biggest weakness: Vanilla ice-cream with m&ms or anything I've never tried before.
    My motivation: First, my health, I like feeling my body be able to do more each time. Second, I want to be an inspiration for a certain person in my family who needs to get her act together before she actually goes into the morbidly obese part of the scale. Third, I want to be the hottest and prettiest bride ever, and since I have an inkling that my SO's gonna pop the question sometime next year, I decided I might as well get a jump start :P
  • Hi Everyone! I just joined MFP and I need some buddies please!

    MFP Name: yogakitten2014
    DietBet Name: 6 month slim kitty
    Location: Columbia, Missouri

    My biggest weakness: Procrastination. If I lose my momentum I have a really hard time getting started again because I keep telling myself 'I'll work out later' or 'I'll eat better tomorrow.'
    My motivation: Getting healthy and losing the extra pounds I've been carrying way too long.

    Anything else interesting... I'm in my final year of veterinary school and am getting ready to take my National Board Exam on December 12th!!!
  • magnolia3407
    magnolia3407 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi all! I first joined Diet Bet in October with Shayloss. I was 1 pound away from making my goal but I'm determined not to let that happen with The Transformer. My husband and I are doing this together.

    MFP Name: Magnolia3407
    DietBet Name: Magnolia
    Location: Chicago, IL

    Start Weight: 248.8
    3% Goal (Nov.-Dec.): 241.3
    6% Goal (Dec. - Jan.): 233.9
    8% Goal (Jan. - Feb.): 228.9
    9% Goal (Feb - Mar): 226.4
    10% Goal(Mar - April): 223.9

    My biggest weakness: pizza! I love, love, love pizza
    My motivation: My husband. He has high blood pressure and diabetes. We met 5 years ago, and since then we've both put on a tremendous amount of weight. We're doing this together and he's already lost 20 lbs.

    Anything else interesting.....I love to cook and bake. No baking for now. Just getting really creative with salads and trying to eat as clean as possible.
  • Good Luck on your upcoming exam next week Yogakitty2014!!! I can always use motivation too so I've sent a friend request.:smile: