Here's your surprise for 12/09 OR 12/11

So here's the details on the surprise. I hope you find this as exciting as I am :)

I have a friend here on MFP that I made when I first started on MFP. She has been on her journey for a while now & has lost over 130 pounds. I admire her for sticking with it for long. She understands the ups & downs & frustrations & successes & set backs, etc. that anyone goes through.

She has agreed to live chat with us so we can ask her any questions we want about her journey & tips/ideas for our own journeys.

We've set up two live chat sessions to catch as many folks as we can. If you can't make one of these, we will put up a thread on our group where we can talk about what we got out of the chat session with her. You can see what you missed there. And it may be possible to try again next year to do something like this if you miss it this time.

You can get a head start by reading up on her facebook page called "Watch My Pounds Drop to the Ground".

I will "narrate" the chat sessions. So please post your questions here that you would like to ask. In the live chat session, I will lead with these questions and you can respond back to her answers with more questions if you have them.

Live chats are set up for 8:30pm Eastern on Mon 12/9 & Wed 12/11 - just pick the one that works best for you!

Jenna's info:




Blogspot: for daily rambles!

@jennagetsfit on weilos


  • AmyZ46
    AmyZ46 Posts: 694 Member
    sounds awesome I hope I can participate and I think I can !
  • SlimDownWithChristina
    Sounds great! I know about her, shes pretty awesome.. very inspiring.
  • ankdworak
    ankdworak Posts: 336 Member
    Do great! Can you please remind us next week?
  • spring423
    Okay, guess I'll start.

    How big a part did exercise play in your loss? What did that progression look like. Did you start with cardio and later add strenghth training?

    What role has diet played in your journey? Have you followed a certain plan and/or what kind of modifications have you made?

    Was your weight loss steady? Did you drop quickly in the beginning or was it slow and steady?

    How do you deal with stress and have you had to deal with hectic changing schedules?

    What is your living environment? Do you live with others who don't diet and have temptations constantly around you?
  • spring423
    How big a role does meal planning and prepration play in your success? What tips do you have?
  • andy_geek
    andy_geek Posts: 85 Member
    This is exciting, great idea and thank you for lining up this interview :)

    Because of my work schedule i'm not sure i'll get back home in time to participate live, is it possible to save the transcript of the chat and share it online? I'd love to see the full chat and how she handles things that challenge me.

    Can i post a couple of questions here that you pose to her in-between the live questions?

  • AmyZ46
    AmyZ46 Posts: 694 Member
    My question would be if she had any uneasiness when people make a big deal out of her weigh loss ( like oh my god you look so great and then everyone startes saying it and they keep on about it . Or does she think people treat her differently now that she's lost so much weight .