Week 5 and NSV!

dsearle67 Posts: 50 Member
Week 5 Day 3 T25

I cannot believe that I have done this! I have never been this dedicated to a program before! Shaun T makes me push play every day and I love it! I have been fighting the same 4-5 pounds for a month now, but I totaled up my inches lost so far and I have lost over 12" on my entire body since I started T25!!

AND.... Today I RAN!

For the first time in over 2 years, I RAN AGAIN! Not far, but I ran the track in between each weight circuit! a total of 6 times!

I am still fighting with my macros, and the scale, but I eat clean and train hard and the inches are melting off! Soon I hope the scale will move!

" your are successful the moment you start moving toward a worthwhile goal!"

Have a great day!
