Female Problems question

FromHereOnOut Posts: 3,237 Member
Okay, this is really hard to write. Just this weekend, it has come to my attention that I might have Pelvic Organ Prolapse (most likely brought-on by one of my past pregnancies). Before this weekend, I'd never even heard of such a thing, nor even knew it was possible. Now, I've learned that my sister had it and had corrective surgery as part of her hysterectomy procedure; and that if you do have it, that distance running and weightlifting are the biggest "no-no's".

I'm absolutely crushed.:cry: Obviously, I need to see a doctor, but I am so afraid I'll hear, "No more running and no heavy lifting." I cannot imagine life like that. Is there anyone out there with good stories or outcomes to this sort of thing? I could really use some hope.:frown: Anyone, please?

Thank you.:heart:


  • femmecyclist
    femmecyclist Posts: 27 Member
    I wonder if you might be able to do some physiotherapy? I'm a midwife and we often recommend an assessment postpartum with a physiotherapist (there are physios that specialize in this area) for women who have pelvic floor weaknesses - this may be more preventative but I wonder if it can be used as treatment as well. The pelvic floor is such an important part of your core.
  • whitebalance
    whitebalance Posts: 1,655 Member
    There are different kinds of prolapsed and different kinds of treatments - gotta talk with your doctor/gyno/surgeon about your specific situation. I'm running and lifting heavy after a hysterectomy, but I didn't have pelvic floor issues. A close friend of mine had a prolapsed bladder repaired at the same time as her hysterectomy removing a prolapsed uterus... Her recovery is months longer than mine was, but she hasn't been given any activity restrictions. So there is hope! but you need to discuss it with someone who knows your condition. If the news isn't great, you might inquire about getting fitted for a pessary that you could use just during exercise.
  • FromHereOnOut
    FromHereOnOut Posts: 3,237 Member
    Thank you all. I should update that I dodged the bullet and am so relieved. I went to the doctor and he couldn't find any problems whatsoever (and he did a very thorough ultrasound & exam). I had had a strange feeling running and that is what had led to the possible prolapse concern. It took me a few days to even HEAR of prolapse (had never heard of it) and a few more days to get the appointment, so over a week had passed. So, he just said that everything seems just fine but that if it happened again, to come in right away to see what he finds.

    Meanwhile, now that I know, I am that much more committed to using great form and to progressing conservatively in all of my fitness goals (giving my entire body the time it needs to adjust). It was definitely an eye-opening and learning experience for me.
  • whitebalance
    whitebalance Posts: 1,655 Member
    Great news! Thanks for updating, and enjoy those workouts!