12/8 Weigh In



  • sbaby22
    sbaby22 Posts: 6 Member
    SW 176 (80kg)
    CW 176.6 (80.3 kg)

    My trainer says its because of more weight training this week>>> Taking her word for it. Hopefully next week will be better
  • SW: 210lb
    CW: 210lb

    Challenge GW: 190lb

    I managed to maintain which is brill considering I was out on Saturday night for a Christmas Party and there was lots of food and alcohol consumed. That is the last of them now until the big day so fingers crossed for next week.
  • December 9 253. That is 4 lbs dropped since I STARTED mfp
  • Howie3123
    Howie3123 Posts: 18 Member
    SW (12/1): 203
    CW (12/8): 201

    GW(3/1): 186

    Ultimate Goal Weight by end of 2013-14 school year: 170-176
  • T1Holly
    T1Holly Posts: 15 Member
    SW (12/1): 185
    CW (12/8): 183.6
    GW (3/1): 169

    lbs to go: 14.6

    Had to wait to get to my computer to log this in, so it's a couple days late. Hope everyone is in there.
  • endoftheside
    endoftheside Posts: 568 Member
    SW (12/1): 138.5
    CW (12/8): 138.5
    GW(3/1): 132
  • femmecyclist
    femmecyclist Posts: 27 Member
    SW: 12/1: 144.2
    CW: 12/8: 148.8 <---- yikes!!
    GW: 135

    I'm not sure what happened - I had a not great weekend eating wise but not THAT bad - I did have some drinks at my work christmas party. I'm going to commit to tracking everything I put in my mouth this week and follow my eating plan (5 small meals, focus on lean protein and veggies, fruit only around my strength training sessions) and put some extra walking in this week and see what happens.

    Time to get it!!!
  • trugift
    trugift Posts: 102 Member
    SW (12/1): 239
    CW (12/9/): 235
    GW (3/1): 200
  • SassieFit
    SassieFit Posts: 119 Member
    I have been doing Whole30 and weighed for the first time today so I will use today's weight as my SW. Post Whole30 I was 187.

    SW 181.4
    CW 181.4

    GW #1 - 157
    GW #2 - 130

    LBS until GW#1 - 24.4
  • Jgal8123
    Jgal8123 Posts: 1,378 Member
    SW (12/4): 167.1
    CW (12/10): 166.4

    Challenge GW: 152
    Long-Term GW: 137
  • doointhis4me
    doointhis4me Posts: 53 Member
    Starting 250
    last week 248.2
    this week 245.4
  • Vex3521
    Vex3521 Posts: 385 Member
    SW (12/1) - 192.6
    CW (12/10) - 193.6
    GW (3/1) - 160
  • Saree1902
    Saree1902 Posts: 611 Member
    Been rubbish at checking in but still keeping reasonably on track
    SW - 1st Dec - 82.9kg
    Weight 8th Dec - 82.5kg
    Goal 1st March - 72kg