

  • jfea
    jfea Posts: 31 Member
    Okay, unconventional: Raked leaves and moved flower pots for 2 hours, went on Saturday to the building I work in and did stairs for 20 minutes, Sunday, I moved 20 boxes for Christmas stuff up from the basement, today I shoveled our driveway and two of the neighbors driveways which took me an hour and a half. I did do some floor work - situps and pushups at home but I am not sure that is considered unconventional since I already do that.

    THE AWARD for most unconventional work out certainly has to go to moving large pythons - I thought I read it wrong at first - wow, I don't think I have ever seen that listed in the activity log or calories burned section of any weight loss app!! Good job!!

    My daughter volunteers at a food pantry on Saturdays so I did donate some food on Saturday. However, to be honest, I didn't clean out ALL unhealthy food because I still pack kids lunches so chips and cookies still go in them. So does that still count?

    Thanks again Tammie!

  • tambam72
    tambam72 Posts: 242 Member
    Okay, unconventional: Raked leaves and moved flower pots for 2 hours, went on Saturday to the building I work in and did stairs for 20 minutes, Sunday, I moved 20 boxes for Christmas stuff up from the basement, today I shoveled our driveway and two of the neighbors driveways which took me an hour and a half. I did do some floor work - situps and pushups at home but I am not sure that is considered unconventional since I already do that.

    THE AWARD for most unconventional work out certainly has to go to moving large pythons - I thought I read it wrong at first - wow, I don't think I have ever seen that listed in the activity log or calories burned section of any weight loss app!! Good job!!

    My daughter volunteers at a food pantry on Saturdays so I did donate some food on Saturday. However, to be honest, I didn't clean out ALL unhealthy food because I still pack kids lunches so chips and cookies still go in them. So does that still count?

    Thanks again Tammie!

    You did awesome!! I love how everyone had various ways of thinking outside of the box and how ordinary or not so ordinary (as in the case of the pythons) can all add up for weight loss and we can still do things enjoy!! Great thinking everyone!!

  • Tolstoy26
    Tolstoy26 Posts: 134 Member

    PS- Tol your Husky in your profile pic looks absolutely adorable my Marlee looks smaller but she is the best little hiker ever!

    Thank you!! He's my baby, I also have an all white husky that is a lot smaller than he is.

    I'm excited I had a little loss this week so at least I have pushed through the plateau that I've been stuck at for a few weeks now. Last week's weight was 163.8 lbs and today's weight is 162.9 lbs so a .9 lb loss!! :wink:

    Also last night I started Month 2 of Insanity, and oh my goodness it is challenging, making Month 1 look like a piece of cake!
  • FieryVixsin
    FieryVixsin Posts: 102 Member
    That's great always feels amazing to break that plateau. I already emailed tammy but wanted to post here yesterday I was down to 179 this morning I was 177.8 woot!
  • tambam72
    tambam72 Posts: 242 Member
    Again I just want to say everyone did an awesome gains again and some really big losses. My weight was the same this morning 181.4, so -2.5 lbs for me. This team rocks and I think we can take it all the way. Keep pushing and believing in yourselves, WE HAVE THIS!!! Also I want to say that this team is great about mutual support even if we are not having a great week, you do not know how far that goes in someone's journey to know that they have people who have their back. Awesome ladies. I also noticed that our team usually has the top amount of posts or pretty close and may be a good reason why we are doing so well. Please keep your posts coming even if they are out of frustration, we all get there. The feedback that you will receive will help and I enjoy each one of your posts..I have learned a lot. The New Year is upon us and I think we are going to see a new us looking us back in the mirror. I am so proud of all you and your hard work..big ((HUGS)) to each of you!! Have a great night, enjoy tonight's show. I have some evil ideas for next week's last chance workout, but waiting to see what the official challenge will be so I can work them around that and you can the most bang for your buck!! This week seemed to have paid off for everyone.

    (Your humble coach)
  • tambam72
    tambam72 Posts: 242 Member
    Just a quick note, this week our team lost 23.1 lbs!! Yeah!! Great job!!

  • jesserunsfree
    jesserunsfree Posts: 194 Member
    Hugs everyone!! Great job this week.