
Hey, everyone!

I'm super excited about this challenge and about having a bit of support for trying to reach my goals. I'm a grad student who lives alone, so generally I get to dictate what groceries are in the house and what's for dinner. But I'm heading home for a week for the holidays and I'm dreading the damage it's going to do to my progress being home where someone's always making home-cooked meals and the house is filled with junk food and holiday treats! (MY GOD, I LOVE EGGNOG.)

How do you deal with holiday food temptation? Got any advice for me for my trip home? How will I ever resist?



  • MindofShannon
    MindofShannon Posts: 21 Member
    I just went through four days with the family, it could have been WAY worse, but I planned and planned and planned. I told the MIL that I needed to have a lot of veggies and fruits on hand and that I needed to be able to watch what I eat. So, we planned what snacks to have on hand for me and then when we would go out, I insisted on a salad every time then I would eat a little of whatever else was ordered.

    I drank a lot of H20 and tea! I am not big on Egg Nog, but I do love Hot Cocca, I had two mug-fuls while there.

    All in all, I was so proud of myself. I still ate a sweet or two each day, but I munched on veggies with fat free dip most of the day and threw in some fruits. I always had a nice healthy breakfast as well. Chewed lots and lots of gum too!

    Good Luck!
  • jennegan1
    jennegan1 Posts: 677 Member
    I know how you feel!!! Im going to be visiting family in FL around that time. I believe we will be at my sisters house for the Holiday....A few years back I was there and they didnt exactly have alot of healthy options for dinner and of course they had so much food we ate left overs every night we were there....This year {like I did in July while I was down there} buy alot of my own food that I will eat plenty healthy thru out the day and remember to eat smaller portions and to stop when Im full. Plus my mom mentioned that my sister wants to learn some new recipes. So I believe Ill be teaching her alot of new ones while im there so hoping to teach some good healthy ones.....Plus get out and walk around her new neighborhood or get outside and run around with the kids
  • kawookie
    kawookie Posts: 813 Member
    If you make your needs known many families will go out of the way to be helpful. Request salads for lunch and a "lite" dressing. Ask that they stock your favorite fresh fruit and a few veggies (I like raw carrots and apples to snack on). Request what you normally eat for breakfast. If you can just get your breakfast and lunch under control you should be able to eat fairly normally for dinner.

    250 calorie breakfast, 300 calorie lunch, that should leave you 600+ kcals for dinner. More if your threshold is above 1200. Remember to request double veggies and to watch your portion sizes.
  • mimimonster
    These are all really good suggestions, guys. Thank you. I bet if I asked my mom she would be willing to go healthy grocery shopping with me when I come into town :) I also like the salad suggestion...I hate salads, but my mom loves them so it would be much easier to motivate myself to eat them if someone's making it for me, LOL!
  • Mama_Jaxx
    Mama_Jaxx Posts: 15 Member
    I plan to take some of my favorite snacks with biggest challenge will be breakfast. We always go to my mom's and she cooks a big breakfast with eggs, potatoes, bacon, toast. I think I will still eat it, but I will switch my breakfast/lunch that I normally do. For instance, I usually drink an Adkins shake for breakfast, but I eat hard-boiled eggs for lunch. I will also probably cut out my morning snack. If I plan it out on MFP first, I can usually stick to the plan.

    I do the same thing when we travel for my son's weekend hockey tournaments. Between now and February 1st, the only weekend we do not have hockey is the weekend we will be visiting family in South weekends will definitely be my biggest challenge.
  • keller44
    keller44 Posts: 51 Member
    My plan for Christmas is to enjoy myself without going overboard. I won't go back for seconds, and I will watch my wine intake. I will keep up my exercise routine, and hopefully I won't gain any weight. If I just maintain the week of Christmas I will be happy.

  • colibri23
    colibri23 Posts: 223 Member
    I think everyone's given really good advice. My top suggestion is to drink lots (!!) of water (I have a special water bottle that I love---sounds silly, but I'm more likely to drink water if I have that bottle with me). Also, I wouldn't be TOO worried about avoiding everything: in my personal experience, too much deprivation can lead to going overboard. Take small portions of what you really really want (like eggnog--SO MUCH YUM!) and pass on the "treats" that aren't as special to you. They also make lite eggnog just so you know, but there's also nothing wrong with a little bit of the "real" stuff.