Learn your sweeteners!

garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member

I always wondered why I like Grade B syrup better then A. Well, now I know. But it is nice to know that we do have sweeteners that also have added benefits. Challenge yourself and learn about the foods you put in your mouth and especially sweeteners since they are such a hot topic in the USA. We love and hate them! Kinda like that 'bad boy' or 'bad girl' LOOOL!!!!!!!

So, how are you going to use the new healthy sweeteners in your diet?



  • aakaakaak
    aakaakaak Posts: 1,240 Member
    I'll stick with my demarara (straight up washed cane sugar) if I'm going to do sugar with calories:

    While not as cheap as plain white sugar, it's definitely cheaper than pretty much anything else. It's perfect in coffee or tea.
  • verdemujer
    verdemujer Posts: 1,397 Member
    I like demerara too but I'm not crazy about carmel in my coffee. I perfer chocolate. For tea, I use Stevia. Give me molasses for cooking though! I love that stuff! I will eat it by the tablespoon. (I will also eat vinegar by the tablespoon too though not together.) I cook with molasses all the time because I need the iron. I have childhood memories of 'snow ice cream' - a bowl packed with fresh snow with drizzled mollasses across the top. It was yummy! Due to how we know pollution travels across the world, I wouldn't do it now. My poor kids don't know what they are missing!
  • WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr
    WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr Posts: 2,150 Member
    I very rarely add sweeteners to anything, unless I'm baking and I don't bake for myself that often. I've been finding that when I do bake, I've been cutting the sugar down and I don't see that much difference in taste. Now that the metformin seems to be kicking in, I'll probably have even less (I've already lost interest in the cookies I made for my Christmas cookies and I only had one)
  • Mazydasiy2001
    Mazydasiy2001 Posts: 54 Member
    We have just bought some fresh honey from local farmers market this past Saturday. Was looking for away to incorporate it in to my diet. Besides adding it to Tea. Any suggestions one is reg honey and the other is lemon flavor honey.

    Thanks Kim
  • Jilleelicious
    Jilleelicious Posts: 14 Member
    I am new to this group! I just started the whole30... so no sweeteners for me. I do keep raw local honey in the fridge for when I want something sweet(when I am not whole30ing it)! Raw honey is the way to go because it is a super food!!!
  • Joanne1568
    Joanne1568 Posts: 12 Member
    Well lets me see here, I know about Equal, Sweet n low, Sugar... I must admit I do use these products, however, I am slowly moving away from them as I can. I like the Aguva nectar as well. There are so many things in the "sweeter" isle at the grocery store its unbelievable. :)
  • aakaakaak
    aakaakaak Posts: 1,240 Member
    We have just bought some fresh honey from local farmers market this past Saturday. Was looking for away to incorporate it in to my diet. Besides adding it to Tea. Any suggestions one is reg honey and the other is lemon flavor honey.

    Thanks Kim

    Ice Cream topping
    Mix it with plain greek yogurt
    Peanut butter and honey on high protein/fiber toast
    Roast it on plain nuts (I've never had good luck doing this, but I've heard others manage it well.)
    Replace the brown sugar in chili with honey
    Almost any other recipe that requires brown sugar that isn't baking may be replaced with honey
    Mix honey into your hot wing sauce recipe
    Dip your sweet potato fries in it, or bake the honey on in the oven
    Put it in a smoothie

    Does that cover it?
  • aakaakaak
    aakaakaak Posts: 1,240 Member
    Well lets me see here, I know about Equal, Sweet n low, Sugar... I must admit I do use these products, however, I am slowly moving away from them as I can. I like the Aguva nectar as well. There are so many things in the "sweeter" isle at the grocery store its unbelievable. :)

    You meant Agave nectar, the same sugars that makes tequila and other mezcal, right?