Don't you just HATE it when....



  • KariD1114
    KariD1114 Posts: 1,215 Member
    New office staff at doctor's office doesn't pay attention to previous tests done every 6 months so doesn't order the right blood work causing me to have to come back in to town again to get my extended thyroid panel drawn. Seriously....time & mileage should be compensated here! :/
  • jrosedavis
    jrosedavis Posts: 10 Member
    - your husband always as if it's TOM because your mood swings erratically all of the time
    - you are accused of being lazy when the truth is that you simply do not have the energy to get your chores done
    - no one seems to understand what you are going through
    - people try to sell you on a "cure" for Hashi's
    - someone sniffles near you and you end up with a cold that lingers for a month
    - your thyroid swells up so much that it feels like there is constantly a hand around your throat.
    - you have doctors who tell you that you don't need treatment because your TSH level is 5 which means that you are "normal"
    - your elbows and ankles look dirty because of the thick layer of dry skin that no lotion can fix
    - you try the same diet as your non-Hashi friend and while she is losing weight really fast each pound is a struggle for you and she accuses you of cheating on the diet because she thinks that you should be losing just as fast as she is
    - when you finally lose weight and no one notices
  • soupandlettuce
    soupandlettuce Posts: 114 Member
    Hi, can you explain more what your 'dirty ankles' are like and how it relates to hypothyroid?
  • jrosedavis
    jrosedavis Posts: 10 Member
    The skin at my ankles and elbows is usually thick, dry and cracked which I think makes them look dirty. I have tried every solution I could find, but it never goes away. My endo says that thick, dry, discolored and/or itchy skin and scalp are common symptoms of Hashi's. I am hopeful that this will eventually get better.
  • calliekitten9
    calliekitten9 Posts: 148 Member
    -You lose your car key in the parking lot and can't find it….for about an hour in a store that you did not realize you would have even lost them in.
    -You can't remember peoples names, movies, things that other people remember…it's all a fog.
    -When it is cold, you have to wear gloves all the time…and even then..your hands are never truly warm.
    -You lose so much hair that you have to have drano close by so that your drain will not stop up
    -You have so many fillings that you are just biding your time for the next crown
  • soupandlettuce
    soupandlettuce Posts: 114 Member
    Thanks! I have that dry dirty patch too, but my doc dismissed it. I didn't know it was due to my hashimotos!
  • soupandlettuce
    soupandlettuce Posts: 114 Member
    Sorry to go off are my peeves

    Don't you just hate it when:

    - you sum up the energy to do laundry, but there is just not enough energy left to fold and put it away
    - and then that laundry sits there mocking you
    - and gets so creased you have to do it over
  • kspexet
    kspexet Posts: 27 Member
    I feel you! I am so sick of being hot and cold, hot and cold! Taking a shower and then 5 minutes later being soaked with sweat. Peri-menopause sucks!
  • afittomorrow
    -you pour yourself a glass of milk and find the milk in the cupboard 3 days later..
    -when you yell at your boyfriend for throwing out your bag of lettuce only to find it in the cabinet under the sink...

    i cant even tell you how many times i have done this with various items. bags of lettuce, my keys, forks; the list is endless.
  • jrosedavis
    jrosedavis Posts: 10 Member
    -When it is cold, you have to wear gloves all the time…and even then..your hands are never truly warm.

    ^This. My hands are NEVER warm!
  • linsev17
    linsev17 Posts: 3 Member

    I put my coffee cup in the fridge and almost drank out of the creamer bottle..oops!
  • linsev17
    linsev17 Posts: 3 Member
    I went throught this all with my doctor almost 18 years ago and finally I was referred to a Naturopathic Doctor and the minute I walked into his practice he asked me if I was tested for low thyroid. He placed me on Natural Thyroid. I believe in the US it is referred to as Amour Thyroid, in Canada, it is just called Thyroid.

    I also went to see a medical Doctor, who was the only one in my area who would prescribe this and he also put me on Natural Progesterone cream, which was made up at a compounding pharmacy.

    Once all my hormones and thyroid stabilized, I went on the Isagenix Program and lost 60lbs - that was about 8 years ago and slowly the weight is creeping on.

    I need to lose about 20 lbs to be in an okay range again, despite all the changes I have made, I am struggling to shed those pounds!


    I was on Armour for about 8 months myself and felt better on that than on levo or synthroid. But feel even better on Westhroid-P. I do suggest to people to look at what they eat though as it might be a food you have an intolerance to flaring your Hashi's making weight loss very hard.

    Hang in there!!! xo

    Have you ever been on nature-throid? I am thinking of switching from armour? Or do you think Westhroid is better?
  • _Pseudonymous_
    _Pseudonymous_ Posts: 1,671 Member
    -when you need shoes and you find 12 of them... non of them have a matching pair and you have no idea where the matching halves are? anyone? anyone?
    -Always leave my boyfriend or any other ride waiting because I can't stay focused long enough to get it done quickly.
    -when you have the hip pain of a 90 year old woman, and haven't even breached your late 20's yet... lol
    -Family still thinks your are crazy even though you have a certifiable medical condition to explain it all
    -I can read/watch/listen to things for hours... can't regurgitate that same information to save my life. lol.

    maybe it's just me but these are the things that happen to me