When did you start wearing maternity clothes?



  • superhelga
    superhelga Posts: 68 Member
    I feel I never stopped wearing maternity clothes after I had my first son 2 years ago. Just before I got pregnant I lost about 20 lbs, so I'm hoping I can just use my old "fat clothes" as my belly starts growing.
    And then.. Once baby is out, I'm gonna get really fit and never wear maternity clothes ever again, unless I'm pregnant..
  • aylawill
    I started wearing my maternity tops around 25 weeks, but just started wearing maternity jeans at 29 weeks (now 30.5). I still occasionally wear my pre-preg jeans with the bella band, and at home I'm in sweats or yoga pants, but maternity jeans are definitely more comfortable for work.
  • meghanvest
    Well its official at about 20 weeks with number two I decided to start wearing the pants so I'm more comfortable. I can still fit in my pants but I don't look pregnant, just fatter. Why do maternity pants look so unflattering? Either too baggy it too tight.....
  • MommyisFit
    MommyisFit Posts: 139 Member
    With my 1st and 2nd pregnancies, I was wearing maternity clothes right around the 10-12 week mark. This is my 3rd an I am 13 weeks and still have some time, I think. But I am definitely starting to show now.
  • Jem411
    Jem411 Posts: 46 Member
    With my first it was around 25 weeks or so, just because it was more comfortable..

    With this one I started around 8 weeks because I had such a gas belly it was ridic! Or at least I thought I did. I took pictures and when I THOUGHT I was huge, I wasn't what-so-ever, lol.

    I am now 32 weeks, still can wear my size 28 jeans with a band but hate it and always end up changing. My size 27's have been retired, however. I can JUST get them over my butt, but if I don't want some sort of funky muffin/butt top...yes it gives me a butt top, I move a size up. :) I started taking measurements right away (usually did that over any kind of weighing before pre-preg anyway) and my hips literally started to spread by week 6. My body is no joke when it comes to pregnancy, lol.
  • tzig00
    tzig00 Posts: 875 Member
    As far as I can calculate I'm about 6 weeks along and my body is already changing. I'm in bigger bras and I have to safety pin my pants. :( This is horrible! I gained about 8 pounds back before getting preggers and I've gained 2 pounds since. I don't really want to buy the next pants size up but don't want to buy maternity clothes yet either. I'm very short waisted so any weight gain shows very quickly with me.
  • misskerouac
    misskerouac Posts: 2,242 Member
    I'm 13 weeks and I bought a belly band this weekend, all my pants still do up but a few of them become uncomfortable half way through the day, so I thought "why the hell am I making myself uncomfortable?" so I spent the $16 and now I can leave the button undone.
  • tzig00
    tzig00 Posts: 875 Member
    I think I"m going to have to invest in the belly band thing. What is it?
  • Mslmesq
    Mslmesq Posts: 1,001 Member
    Tzig, I don't have one yet, but saw them at target yesterday. They remind me of a a store in the 80's that used to carry that as the style, lol. They basically are just a large cotton/spandexy band to go over clothes to hold them up.

    By the way, I was pleasantly surprised by the cute maternity styles offered at target. I'll probably get most of my stuff there. Who wants to spend a fortune on clothes you'll only wear for a few months. :-/
  • tzig00
    tzig00 Posts: 875 Member
    Good to know Mslmesq. I haven't started shopping yet but I got rid of my maternity clothes from the past one. I'll look at Target and see what they have. Motherhood Maternity is ridiculously expensive!
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    This is my 3rd, and I needed maternity clothes at about 18 weeks, although I wore some before then, just for comfort! I'm 21 weeks now and wear a mix of maternity and non maternity.

    With my first, I actually gave birth at 10 days overdue wearing a normal long top, and I had been wearing non maternity leggings too. It was all a bit fast, so I just about had time to pull my leggings off!
  • dexyfox7
    dexyfox7 Posts: 11 Member
    I'm 33 weeks into my 3rd pregnancy and still haven't started wearing maternity clothes. I wore my pre-preg jeans until 27 weeks or so (used a hair tie when I couldn't get them to button anymore lol) and then switched to leggings for a bit. I bought a new pair of jeans in size 8 to last me through the rest of the pregnancy (yay for being able to button them!), I don't plan on buying anymore clothes. I can never find anything cute in the maternity section and I figure I've made it this far, why waste money on something I'll only wear another month and a half?
  • misskerouac
    misskerouac Posts: 2,242 Member
    Good to know Mslmesq. I haven't started shopping yet but I got rid of my maternity clothes from the past one. I'll look at Target and see what they have. Motherhood Maternity is ridiculously expensive!

    Target carries belly bands, they are in with the Maternity clothes, mine was 16.99 but i'm in Canada, so it's probably much cheaper for you! They have black and a "white" which looks more beige to me. Walmart also has their own brand of them as well.
  • tzig00
    tzig00 Posts: 875 Member
    Good to know Mslmesq. I haven't started shopping yet but I got rid of my maternity clothes from the past one. I'll look at Target and see what they have. Motherhood Maternity is ridiculously expensive!

    Target carries belly bands, they are in with the Maternity clothes, mine was 16.99 but i'm in Canada, so it's probably much cheaper for you! They have black and a "white" which looks more beige to me. Walmart also has their own brand of them as well.

    Our Walmarts are all torn apart right now as they're all being made into "Super Walmarts" and won't be normal again until June of next year. It's impossible to find anything in that store right now. :(
  • lisapr123
    lisapr123 Posts: 863 Member
    Good to know Mslmesq. I haven't started shopping yet but I got rid of my maternity clothes from the past one. I'll look at Target and see what they have. Motherhood Maternity is ridiculously expensive!

    Target carries belly bands, they are in with the Maternity clothes, mine was 16.99 but i'm in Canada, so it's probably much cheaper for you! They have black and a "white" which looks more beige to me. Walmart also has their own brand of them as well.

    Our Walmarts are all torn apart right now as they're all being made into "Super Walmarts" and won't be normal again until June of next year. It's impossible to find anything in that store right now. :(

    Hopefully your Walmart will carry maternity. My local one is a Super Walmart and when I asked about maternity clothes (in a moment of desperation!) they told me they no longer sell them in store and that I could either "buy online" or "venture into plus sizes, that works just the same"! I was shocked. And immediately drove the 5 extra miles to Target where I bought lots of great clothes.
  • misskerouac
    misskerouac Posts: 2,242 Member
    Good to know Mslmesq. I haven't started shopping yet but I got rid of my maternity clothes from the past one. I'll look at Target and see what they have. Motherhood Maternity is ridiculously expensive!

    Target carries belly bands, they are in with the Maternity clothes, mine was 16.99 but i'm in Canada, so it's probably much cheaper for you! They have black and a "white" which looks more beige to me. Walmart also has their own brand of them as well.

    Our Walmarts are all torn apart right now as they're all being made into "Super Walmarts" and won't be normal again until June of next year. It's impossible to find anything in that store right now. :(

    Hopefully your Walmart will carry maternity. My local one is a Super Walmart and when I asked about maternity clothes (in a moment of desperation!) they told me they no longer sell them in store and that I could either "buy online" or "venture into plus sizes, that works just the same"! I was shocked. And immediately drove the 5 extra miles to Target where I bought lots of great clothes.

    Boooo!!! That sucks! Ours is a Super Walmart and has a maternity section, the belly bands were in a weird spot though, they were sort of on the bottom half of a rack below a bunch of shirts. I remember their white one being ACTUALLY white (unlike the target one) so I'm waiting until the next time I have to go to Walmart (I avoid it like the plague because it's always so damn busy).

    I did buy some actual maternity clothes on Black Friday online from Pink Blush Maternity (even though i'm only 13 weeks) because the sale was quite good and the stuff I got I could wear now and should be able to wear until the end. I got a Maxi skirt ($17), a maternity/nursing dress ($12), a long shirt/tunic that can be worn with tights ($20) and a cute t-shirt ($11).
  • mycrazy8splus1
    mycrazy8splus1 Posts: 1,558 Member
    first pregnancy - never
    9th pregnancy - 26 weeks
  • pgfiremedic1619
    1st: 12 weeks
    2nd: 10 weeks
    3rd :7 weeks (lots of bloat)
    4th: im currently 8 weeks am had to buy new shirts and bras bc my chest has grown 2 sizes :0. Im just wearing "my bigger jeans" for now. my size 2 jeans wont come above my knees lol
  • Momma2CharlieJane
    Momma2CharlieJane Posts: 142 Member
    My first at 28 weeks. This is my second and I just started wearing them this week (24 weeks). I can still wear my pre -preg jeans with an elastic. My maternity clothes from my last pregnancy are way too big still. The legs are really baggy, but the could be because I am about 15lbs less than last time and I am still under my pre-preg weight when with my first I was up 9lbs at this point. I may need to invest in a band to get me a little further before the bigger pants will fit. :(
  • RatherBeInTheShire
    RatherBeInTheShire Posts: 561 Member

    this is my first and I was in maternity pants by 8 weeks. I didn't gain a single lbs until week 16 but I was far too uncomfortable in my regular pants. They hit at just the wrong spot. I guess i'm the odd person out here. LOL.