***official week 9 thread****

soccerella Posts: 623 Member
Hi everyone, did you miss me?

Im back from my trip and it was great (aside from the emergency landing on the flight home, but thats another story). Unfortunately I am sick now though and have been since sunday. I havent gotten to watch the show yet but am going to try to do it now to figure out a challange for us and then get to work on the spreadsheets for the past couple weeks. Just wanted to get this started so you would know I hadnt forgotten about it!

And thanks to AprilStar for running the challenge while I was gone!
Edit:: Ok the challenge on the show last night had to deal with answering trivia questions about obesity to get points for your team. This is one we've done here before and people seem to gather alot of good infomation. This weeks challenge for us is going to be 3 parts

Part 1) AS A TEAM - answer the ten multiple choice questions listed here. You should discuss on your team thread and then one member should post your teams answers here (or in a PM to me if you prefer)
Part 2) AS AN INDIVIDUAL - answer at least one trivia question in the main thread, and post a new one. PLEASE make sure you are responding to the last question asked and make reference to that question in your response, then post a new question of your own for someone to asnwer.

For example:
AprilStar480 posts : "How many teaspoons of sugar does a typical can of soda have?"
I repond " A can of soda has 10 teaspoons of sugar. Next question: True or false, You should wait until you are hungry to eat?"
TamBam72 "False, waiting until you are hungry could result in skipping meals which triggers your body to hold on to fat and burn fewer calories. Next Question: How many calories will a person burn if they walk 1 mile on flat ground, at 3 miles per hour, and they weigh 200 pounds? A. 110 B. 200 C. 400

Get it? Good

Part 3) The challenge on the show had everyone worrying about how they are going to balance work and workouts once they get home (the losers had to work in a diner all week instead of spending it in a gym) This is a problem most of us face as there just isnt enough time in the day to get everything done. The physical challenge this week is to complete the 'workout at work" found in this link http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/special/health/workout-at-work/ This has a total of 12 exercises that you can do anywhere. No, they dont have to be done at work necessarily, but they could. They could also be done while you are watching TV, waiting at the bus stop for your kids, cooking dinner, riding the elevator, even talking on the phone. They can all be done fairly quickly, involve some cardiovascular exercise, and could have weights added in if you wanted for an extra kick. The point of this exercise is that there is always some type of exercise that you can fit in even if you only have 20 seconds. If you have the option to do this at work, I strongly suggest you try it - Sitting at a desk for 8 hours a day can have bad effects on your body (sore back and neck anyone?) and just a few moments of activity and stretching can help to remedy hours of sitting there

Challenge summary
1)as a team answer the 10 quesations posted in the main thread - one rep for each team shoudlo post the answers
2)individually post one trivia answer and a new question for the next person in the main thread
3) complete the "workout at work" http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/special/health/workout-at-work/

Im working on the spreadsheet and can hopeully have the stats from this week and last up soon!

Team trivia questions: please discuss as a team and have one member report your answers to me by 8pm EST tuesday

1) A BMI of ___ is considered obese for adults
a. 25
b. 30
c. 35

2) A startling ____ of people who reach their weight loss goals relapse and gain the weight back within 5 years
a. 68%
b. 85%
c. 90%

3) All of the following diseases have been linked to obesity except
a. Diabetes
b. Gallstones
c. Cancer
d. Ulcers
e. Crohn’s
f. All of the above are linked to obesity

4) Excess weight may be linked to memory loss. A recent study showed a ___point drop in memory score for each BMI point increase in a woman’s weight.
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3

5) Lower levels of ____ in obese people may affect the immune system and increase the risk for asthma and allergy
a. Iron
b. Zinc
c. Vitamin D
d. Vitamin A

6) Obesity can affect a woman’ s fertility through all of the following except
b. Decreased sex drive
c. hyperandrogenic (excess male hormone) state
d. irregular menses
e. all of the above are linked to obesity

7) Obesity ranks ___ among preventable causes of death
a. 1st
b. 2nd
c. 3rd

8) How many pounds would a 300 lb person need to lose before they started to see improvements in their health
a. 1-5 lb
b. 10-15lb
c. 25-30 lbs
d. 40-50 lbs

9) What obesity related disease, typically associated with adults is now being diagnosed in children as young as 5-10 years old in the US
a. Type 2 Diabetes
b. Heart Disease
c. Osteoporosis
d. Infertility

10) Approximately ___ of the adult US population is considered obese
a. 10%
b. 20%
c. 30%
d. 40%
e. 50%


  • soccerella
    soccerella Posts: 623 Member
    Ok lets start off the individual trivia. You can feel free to google these, or take an educated guess, either is fine. Trivia should have to do anythign really with health and fitness (obesity, weight loss, healthy eating, etc). Just remember to respond to the latest question asked and make sure you post a new question for the next person after you answer one. If it happens that someone gets yours wrong, just post the correct answer when you notice so that we can all be getting accurate information

    How many calories will a person burn if they walk 1 mile on flat ground, at 3 miles per hour, and they weigh 200 pounds?
    A. 110
    B. 200
    C. 400
  • justformel
    justformel Posts: 193 Member

    How many calories will a person burn if they walk 1 mile on flat ground, at 3 miles per hour, and they weigh 200 pounds?
    A. 110
    B. 200
    C. 400

    I am choosing A-110 cals.

    How many servings of protein-rich (meat, beans, eggs) foods should an adult aim to get each day?

    A) 1-2 servings
    B) 3-4 servings
    C) 5-6 servings

  • How many calories will a person burn if they walk 1 mile on flat ground, at 3 miles per hour, and they weigh 200 pounds?
    A. 110
    B. 200
    C. 400

    I am choosing A-110 cals.

    How many servings of protein-rich (meat, beans, eggs) foods should an adult aim to get each day?

    A) 1-2 servings
    B) 3-4 servings
    C) 5-6 servings

    I would say B : 3-4 Servings for an active person

    How far would you have to walk to burn off the calories in a McDonalds Salad?

    A. .5 mile
    B. 1.25 miles
    C. 2.5 miles
  • worsleys13
    worsleys13 Posts: 26 Member
    How far would you have to walk to burn off the calories in a McDonalds Salad?

    I would guess 1.25 miles but it depends how fast you walk!


    How many calories equals 1 pound of fat?
  • BMP9713
    BMP9713 Posts: 107 Member
    3,500 calories equal one pound of fat

    Question: how many calories should you eat per day to lose weight?
  • Tolstoy26
    Tolstoy26 Posts: 134 Member
    Question: how many calories should you eat per day to lose weight?

    The number depends on your weight and activity level, but you should eat less calories than you burn to lose weight.

    Question: How many minutes should the average adult exercise every week to maintain a healthy lifestyle?
  • MichelleP418
    MichelleP418 Posts: 54 Member
    Question: how many calories should you eat per day to lose weight?

    The number depends on your weight and activity level, but you should eat less calories than you burn to lose weight.

    Question: How many minutes should the average adult exercise every week to maintain a healthy lifestyle?

    Get at least 150 minutes a week of moderate aerobic activity or 75 minutes a week of vigorous aerobic activity. Strength training. Do strength training exercises at least twice a week.

    Question: What should you eat to help sweet cravings?
    A. Breat
    B. Fruit
    C. Meat
    D. Junk food
  • kaylikee
    kaylikee Posts: 68 Member
    B. fruit

    question-how many calories does one typically need to eat a day for the body to function properly?
  • tambam72
    tambam72 Posts: 242 Member
    Of course Shelley we missed you!! Glad you had a great trip, sorry that you are feeling ill. Love the challenge this week. Welcome back-Tammie
  • gtdattitude
    gtdattitude Posts: 216 Member
    Answer - A minimum of 1200

    Question -What is the basal metabolic rate?

    A. the rate at which your body produces fats
    B. the length of time it will take an individual to lose a specified number of pounds
    C. the amount of energy a body needs to function when at rest
  • khearron26
    khearron26 Posts: 171 Member
    Answer - C) The amount of energy a body needs to function when at rest.

    Question - Which is the minimum number of servings of vegetables we need each day?

    A) 6-11
    B) 3-5
    C) 2-3
    D) 1-2
  • katonaroof
    katonaroof Posts: 181 Member
    Answer - C) The amount of energy a body needs to function when at rest.

    Question - Which is the minimum number of servings of vegetables we need each day?

    A) 6-11
    B) 3-5
    C) 2-3
    D) 1-2

    i'm going to guess A) 6 - 11 because i believe that's what we should be eating :bigsmile:

    next question: You're trying to release weight & you've had a crazy day so you're running short on time and in order to get any exercise in, you'd have to cut into your sleep time (you aim for 8 hours a night). you should:
    A. still exercise for at least 30 minutes
    B. bag the exercise and get at least 8 hours sleep
    C. exercise and then eat a bag of cookies before heading to bed.
  • FieryVixsin
    FieryVixsin Posts: 102 Member
    next question: You're trying to release weight & you've had a crazy day so you're running short on time and in order to get any exercise in, you'd have to cut into your sleep time (you aim for 8 hours a night). you should:
    A. still exercise for at least 30 minutes
    B. bag the exercise and get at least 8 hours sleep
    C. exercise and then eat a bag of cookies before heading to bed.

    I'm going to say A

    A well-designed diet should:

    A) increase physical activity.
    B) alter problem behaviors.
    C) reduce energy intake.
    D) all of the above.
  • RaineyLaney
    RaineyLaney Posts: 605 Member
    A well-designed diet should:

    A) increase physical activity.
    B) alter problem behaviors.
    C) reduce energy intake.
    D) all of the above.
    A balanced diet means getting the right types and amounts of foods and drinks to supply nutrition and energy for maintaining body cells, tissues, and organs, and for supporting normal growth and development.

    My answer is none of the above. Diet is "Food" and your answers are not "Food". A well designed diet should include: getting the right types and amounts of foods and drinks to supply nutrition and energy for maintaining body cells, tissues and organs, and for supporting normal growth and development. Now to help your designed diet, you can do all of the above answer (D)

    Next Question: which answer/answers are correct for the mineral Potassium?

    A.) Potassium is crucial for life
    B.) You should get 4,700mg of potassium (if 14yrs and older)
    c.) If breast feeding you should get 5,100mg of potassium
    D.) the average adult gets between 400 to 900mg of potassium
    E.) Low potassium is associated with a risk of high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, arthritis, cancer, digestive disorders, and infertility.
    F.) The more potassium we consume, the more sodium is excreted through urine and out of the body
    G.) All of the above
  • Pfil
    Pfil Posts: 73 Member
    Next Question: which answer/answers are correct for the mineral Potassium?

    A.) Potassium is crucial for life
    B.) You should get 4,700mg of potassium (if 14yrs and older)
    c.) If breast feeding you should get 5,100mg of potassium
    D.) the average adult gets between 400 to 900mg of potassium
    E.) Low potassium is associated with a risk of high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, arthritis, cancer, digestive disorders, and infertility.
    F.) The more potassium we consume, the more sodium is excreted through urine and out of the body
    G.) All of the above

    G. All of the above.

    Next question:
    Which of the following has the most grams of protein per ounce?
    A) Steak
    B) Pork
    C) Chicken
    D) Tuna
    E) Turkey
  • jesserunsfree
    jesserunsfree Posts: 194 Member
    Next Question: which answer/answers are correct for the mineral Potassium?

    A.) Potassium is crucial for life
    B.) You should get 4,700mg of potassium (if 14yrs and older)
    c.) If breast feeding you should get 5,100mg of potassium
    D.) the average adult gets between 400 to 900mg of potassium
    E.) Low potassium is associated with a risk of high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, arthritis, cancer, digestive disorders, and infertility.
    F.) The more potassium we consume, the more sodium is excreted through urine and out of the body
    G.) All of the above

    G. All of the above.

    Next question:
    Which of the following has the most grams of protein per ounce?
    A) Steak
    B) Pork
    C) Chicken
    D) Tuna
    E) Turkey

    E. Turkey

    True or False

    An obese person has excess weight that includes muscle, bone, fat, and water.
  • loveme445
    loveme445 Posts: 2,439 Member
    True or False

    An obese person has excess weight that includes muscle, bone, fat, and water.


    Next Question:

    What is the minimum amount of fiber we need each day?

    A. Women 15g Men 20g
    B. Women 22g Men 27g
    C. Women 25g Men 38g
    D. Women 30g Men 35g
    E. None of the Above
  • tambam72
    tambam72 Posts: 242 Member
    True or False

    An obese person has excess weight that includes muscle, bone, fat, and water.


    Next Question:

    What is the minimum amount of fiber we need each day?

    A. Women 15g Men 20g
    B. Women 22g Men 27g
    C. Women 25g Men 38g
    D. Women 30g Men 35g
    E. None of the Above

    Answer is C.

    Next Question: In obesity, what rank is the United States compared to all the other countries of the world?
    A.) 1
    B.) 6
    C.) 101
    D.) 67
  • tambam72
    tambam72 Posts: 242 Member
    Green Team's Answers to the ten questions:

    1.) B
    2.) C
    3.) F
    4.) A
    5.) C
    6.) E
    7.) B
    8.) C
    9.) A
    10.) D
  • health1971
    Next Question: In obesity, what rank is the United States compared to all the other countries of the world?
    A.) 1
    B.) 6
    C.) 101
    D.) 67

    Answer: A

    Next Question: Which state ranks #1 in obesity?

    A) Colorado
    B) Mississippi
    C) Alabama
    D) West Virginia
This discussion has been closed.