wishing you all a productive Advent.

jerber160 Posts: 2,607 Member
go get em peeps.


  • kimjutjor
    kimjutjor Posts: 387 Member
    Happy Advent Season to All! I have no distinctly different plans for Advent this year. I will fast on Fridays as usual with a no-meat meal late Friday night. I have started "A year with Jesus" daily email newsletter from HEARTLIGHT in December and the daily "Catechism in a Year" and daily "Gospels in a Year" start again on December 9th. If anyone is interested, flocknote.com/catechism or flocknote.com/gospel can get you signed up too. I already get the daily mass readings each evening and a daily devotional from Heartlight each morning. So with all of this it assures me that I am reading some scripture each day even if I don't make it to my Bible to read my bible plans for that day.

    Also am planning to do the Daniel Fast starting January 1. Have the book on my Christmas list and learned about it from this group. So thanks for that suggestion.
    Have a blessed day!
  • kimjutjor
    kimjutjor Posts: 387 Member
    Another resource I just learned of today is the Friday fast intentions of the US Bishops. If interested, the link is below. I will add it to my fasting to join it in prayer with others around the US

    Please visit www.usccb.org/fast to subscribe to receive the weekly reminder, intention, and reflection by email. Or text "FAST" to 99000 to receive text messages.
  • jerber160
    jerber160 Posts: 2,607 Member
    happy 2nd sunday of advent. food not going well but hopefully the link will make you smile
  • jerber160
    jerber160 Posts: 2,607 Member

    I can't help it. J. t B gets me. ever since I saw ALL those painting TOGETHER in London's Natnl Gallery. from infant through beheading.
    and I'll share my advent play list bcs some people think it's odd I have one!

    O Come Emanuel by Bette Midler
    Gabriel's Message by Sing
    On Jordon's Bank by Mike Scott
    The King of Glory by Tonic Sol-fa
    Canticle of Mary by Fr. David Herman
    Come thou long expected Jesus by Gareth Robinson
    Baby King-Tonic Sol-fa
    OCome Emanuel/what child is this by Linda Eder
  • kimjutjor
    kimjutjor Posts: 387 Member
    and I'll share my advent play list bcs some people think it's odd I have one!

    O Come Emanuel by Bette Midler
    Gabriel's Message by Sing
    On Jordon's Bank by Mike Scott
    The King of Glory by Tonic Sol-fa
    Canticle of Mary by Fr. David Herman
    Come thou long expected Jesus by Gareth Robinson
    Baby King-Tonic Sol-fa
    OCome Emanuel/what child is this by Linda Eder

    I love that you have an Advent playlist -- What an awesome thing that I had never thought of. Thanks for suggesting this!
  • jerber160
    jerber160 Posts: 2,607 Member
    I gotta tell you, I'm not the 'friending' type.. Many issues! Like, the song I left off my Advent playlist is by Patti Smith the pretty grandmother of punk rock. It's Lo and Beholden and it's about Salome asking for the head of John! I tend to be too much on an angle for most! but thank you....
  • suehaynee
    suehaynee Posts: 21 Member
    Great! Thank you!