What are your Strength Goals?

tomcornhole Posts: 1,084 Member
I had a thread running asking "when are you strong enough?". Got some great responses. After thinking on it for a few months, I have decided that is the wrong question. I think having a strength goal is sufficient regardless of its real world applicability or usefulness. So I have set my strength goal simply as 1,000 lbs total in the 3 big lifts: DL, squat and bench. That will challenge me for a while and motivate me to keep adding weight.

What is your strength goal?



  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    good question.

    I had goals of Benching and OHP my 70lb nephew...done..

    Squatting my own body weight (deload due to injury) so that is still not met.

    DL my body weight...did that prior to injury

    Now chin/pull ups and dips (which were on my initial list anyway) and after these are done...

    Benching more then my husband...might motivate him to workout more...not that he isn't somewhat fit due to his job just would be nice to share my hobby.

    I have been told that benching your body weight is a good goal...
  • Slrajr
    Slrajr Posts: 438 Member
    Right now it's just to dead lift my body weight five reps by Feb. 2014 and complete one pull-up and do a push-up in the next year.
  • Phoenix_Warrior
    Phoenix_Warrior Posts: 1,633 Member
    I would love to at least be able to bench my body weight. Get over 200 lbs for DL. Not sure about others, just continue to improve all-over.
  • _errata_
    _errata_ Posts: 1,653 Member
    My goal is progress. I want to lift more or heavier each week until I die.
  • Chieflrg
    Chieflrg Posts: 9,097 Member
    Bench BW+ 50%
    Squat BW+ 75%
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,809 Member
    Short answer is "constantly evolving". I'm very goal oriented (in both strength and cardio), as I'm not currently doing any competitive sports it gives an outlet for that element of competition that is missing when you train alone.

    Start of this year target for bench press was body weight, then it was 200lbs and next year it's going to be 1.5 x body weight.

    20 pull ups is a smaller goal not yet ticked off.
    Max out the five weights machines at my local gym is just a vanity / fun goal for my own amusement (currently maxing 3 out of 5).
  • twixlepennie
    twixlepennie Posts: 1,074 Member
    Right now I'm aiming to just finish Mark Lauren's Body By You program. I started it this spring and quit half way through because it was to 'hard'. I'm back at it, three weeks in, and it's going really well-much better than the last time I tried. After I finish it I'd like to move on to his other program YAYOG, and then after that I think it will be time to start buying some weight equipment (going to a gym is not an option for me).
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Basically, to keep getting stronger/progressing in my lifts. However, putting a number in them:

    Goals next year:

    Squat: 250 for 5
    Dead: 315 for 5
    Bench: 150 for 5
    Front squat: 200 for 5
    OHP: 115 for 5

    Longer term goals (not sure if do-able, but they are not totally out there), 1RM

    Squat: 3 plates
    Dead: 4 plates
    Bench: 200
    Front: 275
    OHP: 1 plate

    And to compete in a national PL competition and hold my own.
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    I'd like to see a 300lb bench this coming year. I'm at a sloppy 285 (butt comes up a bit), but it's been stalled for a while. Hopefully my RFG diet (rapid fat gain) helps.

    I'd like to get my deadlifts to 500. That's going to be a long term goal most likely. I just hit a 10lb PR after a LONG dry spell where my deads were just terrible for a few months. Currently at 415 for 1.

    I'd like to get my squats to 450 this coming year. Currently at 410. Doesn't sound like a lofty goal but they went up significantly the past 4 months so I would expect to hit a wall really soon as far as gains.
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    DL 500 (current 415)
    SQ 315 (current....who knows)
    BP 275 (current is 200x5 or approx 240-250
    OHP 185 (current is 140x4, about 160-170)
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    I'd like to see a 300lb bench this coming year. I'm at a sloppy 285 (butt comes up a bit), but it's been stalled for a while. Hopefully my RFG diet (rapid fat gain) helps.

    I'd like to get my deadlifts to 500. That's going to be a long term goal most likely. I just hit a 10lb PR after a LONG dry spell where my deads were just terrible for a few months. Currently at 415 for 1.

    I'd like to get my squats to 450 this coming year. Currently at 410. Doesn't sound like a lofty goal but they went up significantly the past 4 months so I would expect to hit a wall really soon as far as gains.

    But in reality, he just does not want me catching him up with my maxes.
  • twixlepennie
    twixlepennie Posts: 1,074 Member
    I'd like to see a 300lb bench this coming year. I'm at a sloppy 285 (butt comes up a bit), but it's been stalled for a while. Hopefully my RFG diet (rapid fat gain) helps.

    I'd like to get my deadlifts to 500. That's going to be a long term goal most likely. I just hit a 10lb PR after a LONG dry spell where my deads were just terrible for a few months. Currently at 415 for 1.

    I'd like to get my squats to 450 this coming year. Currently at 410. Doesn't sound like a lofty goal but they went up significantly the past 4 months so I would expect to hit a wall really soon as far as gains.

    But in reality, he just does not want me catching him up with my maxes.
  • juliebeannn
    juliebeannn Posts: 428 Member
    strength goals i made on 1/1/13:
    squat: 185 --- current 170
    deadlift: 200 --- current 190
    unassisted pull up -- done

    some additional goals i made mid-year:
    clean & jerk: 135 -- current clean: 130, current jerk: 115
    snatch: 100 -- current: 90

    sooooooo close. we'll see where those numbers go in the next 3 weeks. :tongue:
  • juliebeannn
    juliebeannn Posts: 428 Member
    Basically, to keep getting stronger/progressing in my lifts. However, putting a number in them:

    Goals next year:

    Squat: 250 for 5
    Dead: 315 for 5
    Bench: 150 for 5
    Front squat: 200 for 5
    OHP: 115 for 5

    Longer term goals (not sure if do-able, but they are not totally out there), 1RM

    Squat: 3 plates
    Dead: 4 plates
    Bench: 200
    Front: 275
    OHP: 1 plate

    And to compete in a national PL competition and hold my own.
    woah. you're my hero. :flowerforyou:
  • PriceK01
    PriceK01 Posts: 834 Member
    I'd like to get a 450lb total in 2014. More immediately, fix my squat to get it back above BW.
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    Like most... short term goals are to simply see progress.

    Longer term goals all revolve around more big plates... big plates are good for my ego.

    - 225lb 1RM bench
    - 225lb working set squat
    - 315lb working set dead
    - 135lb working set OHP

    - muscle up
    - handstand push-ups

  • _benjammin
    _benjammin Posts: 1,224 Member
    ...More immediately, fix my squat to get it back above BW.
    You and me both.
    I thought I was there until my back started to hurt and I videod my form, now I'm at 5x5@140, BW=159. Then I want to be able to squat more than I bench (5x5@200 currently). I'd love to squat 300 1x5 and bench 300 once. I don't really have aDL, OHP, or row strength goal. ..yet.