How do you use your Slim and Sassy?

How many times a day do you take it internally using a capsule? Or do you cook with it? How do you cook with it? What are some other ways that you all have found to be beneficial?


  • icandoit1200
    I don't know what it is o how to use it
  • Jilleelicious
    Jilleelicious Posts: 14 Member
    Hi!!! I am so happy people have joined!!! I have to apologize for the lack of info. It has snowed and our pipes are busted! So my life has been a lot more busy.
    ~ I drink it all day long in my water.
    ~I haven't tried any recipes but I am planning on it
    ~I am planning on doing a wrap tonight to detox!
    Please be patient with me. I will get some info up A.S.A.P!
  • Jilleelicious
    Jilleelicious Posts: 14 Member
    Slim and Sassy is an essential oil blend of peppermint, ginger, cinnamon, lemon and grapefruit. Essential oils go straight into your cells to replenish and nourish them. They can also get past the blood brain barrier!!! I have been drinking it for 4 days and feel amazing. I have problems with my blood pressure so I can't drink coffee but I feel like I a get a better energy from slim and sassy water!
  • Julievs05
    Julievs05 Posts: 6 Member
    Thanks for the info! I have been taking it internally for a while now and was wondering about different ways to use it that others had success with as well. Also if anyone was taking it internally how often were they taking it and how many drops in each capsule were they doing? I usually will do anywhere 5-8 drops in a capsule and take it three times a day. I have noticed quite a difference in my appetite and mood/energy. I am happier and more energetic and I do not rely on food for either of those! Ha! Ain't that something? Anyways I was curious how others were using it and what success they had had with it so far. :) I love doTERRA oils and take other ones internally as well. They are truly amazing. :)
  • Jilleelicious
    Jilleelicious Posts: 14 Member
    I just add 5 drops to every glass of water I drink! I only drink water and tea. No sodas, no dairy, etc. I have been taking slim and sassy for 10 days and frankincense and my blood pressure has gone from 145/100 to 128/90! I have had high blood pressure since my last pregnancy! I am so relieved!:happy: