
Each month we are going to have different challenges with possible prizes at the end of each challenge. What are some ideas you have for various challenges? A few of the ones I have planned so far are - Most inches lost, most pounds lost, highest exercise times, most steps for the month, any others you can think of you'd like us to do?


  • I like the highest exercise times lol. That particular challenge topic always gets me going!
  • It's my favorite one I think. We will probably do it a few times during the year. Because it's one that it doesn't matter where you are in your weight loss journey, you can still get an equal playing field.
  • What about most days logging food and exercisie. That is something I struggle with.
  • AnnaYESiCANdoIT
    AnnaYESiCANdoIT Posts: 86 Member
    I like highest exercise times and highest calorie burn, but you need a HRM for that one and not everyone has one...ill try think of more....