Overdid it. :(

Do you think it would hurt to make yourself throw up when you were stupid and ate too much?

I've done it when food has gotten stuck. (twice) It's not stuck, but feel miserable and know that is the reason.


  • jostamo
    jostamo Posts: 9 Member
    walk around, it'll pass.. Making yourself throw up is a very unhealthy way to go.
  • Rindabu
    Rindabu Posts: 33 Member
    That has happened to me a couple of times. My doctor says that when that happens to sip hot liquids. SIP VERY SLOWLY and avoid solid foods for a couple hours. Just try and remember to eat slower. It will become second nature soon enough.
  • annwyatt69
    annwyatt69 Posts: 727 Member
    Mix a little meat tenderizer in with some hot water. It will break down anything that is stuck. Do NOT make yourself throw up. That's a very dangerous way to go.
  • DebbysJourney
    DebbysJourney Posts: 82 Member
    Thank you all for your responses! I have to admit I did try but I guess too much time passed and it didn't come up. After I rested a bit and got my mind off, it's fine now. Lesson learned.... For the final time this time I hope.

    I have tried coffee in the past too and it helped, but honestly it felt like I could not get one more of anything down and didn't want to risk it.

    It was leftovers from a Mexican meal that was probably too rich too, especially eating it 3 days in a row. It's gone now and another lesson learned. Hopefully I won't have to keep learning the same one. Thank you all again for the quick replies.