much needed support

Hi I am having my vsg on 12/17. I travel on my job being away from friends and family is hard. Looking on facebook and watching tv all I am seeing is Food. (On liquids). On top of all that I am getting butterflies. I Had two friends that have had WLS one sleeved and the other bypass. In three months the one that was GB has lost 80 and the other which was sleeved only 22 post op. Is there any one that wish they would've gotten the bypass? Pleas add me looking forward to meeting new people and success stories.


  • BoysMommaX4
    BoysMommaX4 Posts: 41 Member
    I am 4 weeks out today. I am down 16 lbs from the date of my surgery and 22.5 lbs total (2 week liquid diet). I like the sleeve so far. I think that the weight loss is hard to judge based on other people. There are many who have had the sleeve within days of me who have lost twice what I have. Don't let that be the deciding factor for you :)
  • jennielou75
    jennielou75 Posts: 197 Member
    Since my sleeve 18 months ago I have lost 144lbs. It works as well as you make it!! Get ready to count calories, weigh your food and make sure you move every day!!!
  • Very well said. Thanks to.both of you and congrats on your weight loss.
  • dimples4u2luv
    dimples4u2luv Posts: 2 Member
    First, i understand how hard it is to be on that liquid diet. I was sleeved 6/18 and so far I've lost 79lbs. My cousin was sleeved on 8/26 and she has lost the same amount of weight as i have. I have read a lot of blogs where people are not happy with the amount of weight lost. For me, i don't care about the number because the weight will come off eventually. I have seen success with both procedures. Bypass patients may loss faster, but i wouldn't want to put myself thru some of the things they may potentially go thru. Its the long run that matters to me the most.

    Now i can tell you what i was not prepared for. I was not prepared for the affects of this surgery mentally. My body has gone thru so many changes and frankly i don't know the person i see when i look into the mirror. I find myself missing the one person:glasses: I've known my entire life and i feel like subconsciously i want her back. I don't like my family giving me complements about the way i look. It makes me feel like i looked nasty prior to surgery. I know this sounds crazy, but its my truth. On the flip side, I am getting excited about my new possibilities. Nov of last year i weighed 436lbs and today 293lbs. I am going to six flags in two weeks for the first time in 15 years. I can fit in a restaurant booth..single seat on a bus...chairs with arms...i no longer need special desk chair at work...can finally buckle the seatbelt in my car while shoulder strap is across my chest... The biggest thing of them all...I'm not getting stared at by little kids or hearing them telling their mom that i am so big... Kids are so brutally honest lol..

    I knw i can talk for days lol.. My point is try not to compare your results to someone else. Everyone will lose diff.
  • bikrchk
    bikrchk Posts: 516 Member
    I'm 2 months out and have lost 40 lbs since surgery. I'm about half way to goal. I actually put on a size 10 skinny jegging last night! I would not have thought that was possible in such a short time. I'm off most of my meds I was on pre-op and feel GREAT. I haven't found anything that doesn't agree with me so far as long as I stick to tiny portions. My hope with the sleeve over the bypass is that I won't experience the malabsorption issues that are known with the bypass. I'm taking my supplements and will have labs drawn next month, so we'll see!

    As others have said, this is quite the head trip. I've lost weight temporarily before, but when your body changes this quickly, sometimes the person looking back in the mirror or picture does look like a stranger. It's really weird. And quite the emotional roller coaster. I was way more emotional than normal for the first couple of months, but that seems to be returning to normal now.

    No regrets!
  • Dimples that is wonderful. And thanks for sharing your story with me. I must say you are right about it depends on me. I need this tool cause I turn to food for comfort. Keep me posted on your journey.
  • Bikrchk thanks for.the support and story lord knows I need it. I have gained 70 lbs in five years so to just get back to my normal size will be a blessing. This weight is hard for me to carry and if I can lose more would be an even bigger blessing.
  • I had the gastric sleeve 5 weeks ago and this last week has been very discouraging. I'd lost 35 pounds by week 4 and this last week I actually gained 3 pounds and suffered from severe dehydration and a Bp crash. Why did the weight lost just stop? Also my stomach seems more bloated as well- anyone expierence Anyrhing like this? Getting discourage
  • dimples4u2luv
    dimples4u2luv Posts: 2 Member
    Quilla4u, i knw what you about the food. I also struggle with using food for comfort. Prior to surgery, i took some time off work to deal with all my issues. Started therapy and currently working thru it. I didnt want to be one of those people who gains all there weight back because they still use food for comfort. Therapy has helped me develop a new relationship with food. When i have the urge to bing, i now take a step back and ask myself why do i want this food. My point is that it is a long and hard road. Going in all i thought about was surgery, but never in a millions i would have thought tht surgery opened up all of these deep seeded wounds. Keep me post on your success. I am here if you just need someone to talk too.
  • pattycakes726
    pattycakes726 Posts: 348 Member
    Good luck to you tomorrow!
    I chose the sleeve because I didn't want to deal with malabsorption and dumping syndrome. I'm happy with my decision. I'm 5 months out from surgery and have lost about 87 lbs, including the pre-op diet. Everyone is different. Although we all want to lose the weight immediately, the important thing is that it will come off in time.
  • DJRonnieLINY
    DJRonnieLINY Posts: 475 Member
    I had the gastric sleeve 5 weeks ago and this last week has been very discouraging. I'd lost 35 pounds by week 4 and this last week I actually gained 3 pounds and suffered from severe dehydration and a Bp crash. Why did the weight lost just stop? Also my stomach seems more bloated as well- anyone expierence Anyrhing like this? Getting discourage

    Glass is half-full. Think of it this way " In 5 weeks you lost a whopping 35lbs - how great" We all have weeks where we stall, and sometimes we retain some fluids and gain a bit. The support group I attend likes to remind the ladies to "track the inches lost as much as the weight". Your body has been shocked and is changing, weight loss is not a smooth, decrementing scale. Take a good look at your protein intake, make sure you are getting enough fluid and make a good effort to start a regular cardio program. Most importantly - stay positive.
  • I am 6 weeks post op from the sleeve and I'm so happy that I don't have to deal with the side effects of the bypass. It's tough enough with the sleeve, I couldn't imagine having to deal with dumping syndrom on top of it. Just stay hydraded! I had to be hospitalized last week for dehydration. You have to force it sometimes, but it hurts less in the long run. I've lost 35 pounds thus far.
  • Dimples, this is an awesome post! Much luck and continued success to you!