Midweek Checkin

Hey everyone! Since we're halfway to the Thursday weigh in I just wanted to see how everyone's doing. Have you been able to stick to your calorie goal or whatever your diet plan may be? And what have you been doing for exercise so far?

I've kept my calories to 1300 since we started (maybe a little over :P hehe but still pretty close). And I've been either running or biking every day for 30 mins. Yay, only 3 days until the weigh in! :smile: I hope everyone's doing well!


  • keller44
    keller44 Posts: 51 Member
    I normally weigh in on Sunday, so I did yesterday and I am down 2 pounds. I have been keeping my calories to 1200 (except one day) and went on my first Christmas outing and was good! I am hoping to keep losing at this rate, and feeling pretty good.
  • jennegan1
    jennegan1 Posts: 677 Member
    I havent really done any cardio since Thurs...did alot of walking sat and sunday though and cleaning to stay active....Im trying to get back to maintaining 1500 but didnt exactly do that over the weekend but ate in moderation and kept within my servings. Got alot of cleaning to do today also and just be on my feet alot this week coming up
  • FreeLovingLisa
    FreeLovingLisa Posts: 7 Member
    I'm doing well! This was my first official 'cheat-free' weekend...meaning I didn't eat the calories I earned ;) Sticking to my calorie goals of 1200 daily and burning at least 300 calories per day.
  • FreeLovingLisa
    FreeLovingLisa Posts: 7 Member
    Also, I have been paying close attention to EVERY category (sugar, fat, etc.) will only allow myself to go over in the Protein category. Although it bothers my boyfriend, I'm turning into a a Nutrition label fanatic lol I can say Healthy Living is contagious...I caught him reading labels while grocery shopping yesterday ha
  • ktied
    ktied Posts: 137 Member
    My calories are way higher than that...I couldnt work out and go about life on 1300, geez! I am much bigger than a ;lot of you though =( . anyway my plan is eating around 1800 cals a day and doing either Turbo Fire or Chalean Extreme every day, Except Sunday where the exercise was snow shoveling....:noway: Anyway, I weigh myself everyday and was down to 248.8 this morning!!
  • kawookie
    kawookie Posts: 813 Member
    I'm with ktied - I don't do well on 1300 a day. I'm currently have a goal of 1440 and I eat back most of my exercise calories. As I have been losing 2 lbs a week, this is working for me.

    I am staying on plan with my exercise mostly. I had a few off days because my neck decided to go out :grumble: It is painful and it puts me off my game. I managed a 5 mile power walk yesterday, and I did a burn 30 today. So, I think I'm on track. :drinker:
  • MindofShannon
    MindofShannon Posts: 21 Member
    I've had a pretty good run at it so far!

    I actually switched from being on WW and started calorie counting on Sunday, so for Sunday & Monday, I was within calorie goal!

    I also signed up for an online personal trainer and life coach! Waiting to get my nutrition and training plan back soon!
  • Mama_Jaxx
    Mama_Jaxx Posts: 15 Member
    Sorry for posting late on the mid-week post...I've been doing pretty well. I try to "net" 1200 calories after my burn. My original calorie goal is set at 15??....I'm set up for a slow lose plan. .5/1 lb per week. I'm trying to average 10,000 steps/day and I use Walk-It-Out on the Wii and measure my steps and calorie burn using an UP24 wristband. My step average is actually been over 11,000 steps this past week, so I've stayed on track with that pretty well.