A Question About Sugar

tatanisky Posts: 33 Member
Would adding two teaspoons of white sugar (about 4 carbs) to my coffee in the morning keep me from going into ketosis even if I remain under twenty carbs?

It's not enjoyable just drinking it with cream, and I can't stand the taste of the artificial stuff.


  • Binkie1955
    Binkie1955 Posts: 329 Member
    try truvia as an alternative to sugar.
  • ea101367
    ea101367 Posts: 175 Member
    I would have trouble with carb cravings through out the day if I started it with sugar. Try an alternative sweetener. I like flavored stevia drops. Vanilla with heavy cream is almost like a vanilla capp!
  • 50racinggirl
    50racinggirl Posts: 96 Member
    Would adding two teaspoons of white sugar (about 4 carbs) to my coffee in the morning keep me from going into ketosis even if I remain under twenty carbs?

    It's not enjoyable just drinking it with cream, and I can't stand the taste of the artificial stuff.

    I use Stevia. It is a natural sugar and it comes in flavors. I prefer vanilla.
  • linbert57
    linbert57 Posts: 154 Member
    You could also try sugar free flavored syrups like Da Vinci or Torani. You might find though that after being without for awhile, you get used to the taste, especially if you use yummy heavy cream.
  • tatanisky
    tatanisky Posts: 33 Member
    I appreciate all the suggestions, but I haven't gotten an answer to my question.

    Will having 4 carbs of white sugar keep me from going into ketosis even if I remain under 20 carbs?
  • spicekat77
    YMMV (your mileage may very) which means every one reacts diferently to sugar. I cannot have any added sugar because it will stall my weightloss.

    I love all natural Xylitol. It's my go to sweetner and taste just like sugar.

    Just a FYI: even though my WL sticker only say 4 lbs lost I was over 250 lbs and lost the majority of it by LCing (all before joining MFP).

    Good luck,
  • ea101367
    ea101367 Posts: 175 Member
    I guess, in response to your question, the only way to know is to experiment with it. I would assume that if you are staying under or at 20g then technically it should not kick you out of ketosis.
  • kiramaniac
    kiramaniac Posts: 800 Member
    I appreciate all the suggestions, but I haven't gotten an answer to my question.

    Will having 4 carbs of white sugar keep me from going into ketosis even if I remain under 20 carbs?

    That's because there's not a clear answer to this. For some it will, for others it may not. It depends on too many other variables to provide a definite yes or no. Since it is unclear, the safest thing, is to not have sugar. If you are actually trying to achieve ketosis, sugar is never endorsed. It simply goes against the principles that are followed.

    If it's the difference between you being able to be on the program or not, you have to make that decision for yourself on whether it's worth it to take the risk.