New members introduce yourself please :)



  • Wannabslim2014
    Wannabslim2014 Posts: 21 Member
    Hi, just wondering if anyone uses this page?! :-)
  • aldomodo
    aldomodo Posts: 19 Member
    Hi WannabeSlim14,
    I haven't looked in on this group for a while. I was sleeved nearly 5 weeks ago, and recovery has been pretty good. (I went to the Czech Republic as had no chance of getting suregery on the NHS where I live. I had about 110lb to lose. Hope things go well with your surgery.
  • Wannabslim2014
    Wannabslim2014 Posts: 21 Member
    Hi WannabeSlim14,
    I haven't looked in on this group for a while. I was sleeved nearly 5 weeks ago, and recovery has been pretty good. (I went to the Czech Republic as had no chance of getting suregery on the NHS where I live. I had about 110lb to lose. Hope things go well with your surgery.

    Wow!!! 45lb loss in 5 weeks is absolutely amazing ! Well done you !!!! I am going to see the dietician on Friday (17th) and the appointment will follow after that. I am a little concerned though as I have gained weight since I saw the surgeon in December. I think I went into panic mode and ate everything I knew I couldn't eat after the operation. I hope that it doesn't now delay their decision to give me an apt to do the surgery. I live in the UK so I have been pretty lucky with the waiting times etc.
    Did you suffer with a lot of pain from the surgery? xxx
  • Hi I'm new here.

    I went along for a consultation for a gastric balloon and was advised to go for the sleeve. I'm now booked in for Sat 12th July.

    The consultants nurse is very approachable but I have a lot of questions that I thought could be better answered by those actually going through it.

    When I asked about time off work, the consultant said I could be back at work very quickly; if he operated on a Friday for example, I could be back at work on the Monday.

    I'm thinking that might be a little quick?? What do you guys think?

    I actually work two jobs; I'm a chauffeur and a financial controller. I start at 7am with my driving work and arrive at my office at 9am to start work there at 9.30. Then leave for an afternoon pick up at 4pm or 8pm. I would hate to drive tired or just not to feel up to it. Did any of you struggle? Or we're you straight back to work.

    I can book a weeks annual leave for the Financial Controllers role. I am the proprietor of the chauffeur biz so I could arrange cover for the driving and I'd rather do that planned in advance than at the last minute. Just don't want to give away fares if I don't need to.

    Another concern I have is my age and how my skin will look after weight loss...and dare I mention 'the girls' are likely to fare? I've always been hour glass, even at my I likely to loose 'em? I don't mind losing from there, they are a little overwhelming, I'm just wondering 'how low can they go'? Am I going to look horrific? They are really the only part of me I'm happy about should I brace myself for some adjustment?

    And lastly, one of the reasons I'm going for this is because amongst other issues I have advanced arthritis in my hips. Is there anywhere I could get exercise advise specifically tailored for me? My surgeon wants me to exercise 2 hours a day and I'm figuring out how to fit this in timewise, but I don't want to damage my joints in the process.

    Best of British to all you other sleevers, would love to hear your experiences and glen some tips.
  • Wow your results sound very impressive.

    How are you doing now.

    Would it be rude to ask how much the surgery cost? And how much follow up have you revived?

    I'm looking at £8k here but that does include a years follow up. Not exactly sure what that entails though.

    I have to say my husband isn't massively keen on me having it done. I think it's because it's not reversible, but why would you want it reversed? And in a way it naturally reverts as the stomach stretches again.
  • bkw2010
    bkw2010 Posts: 16 Member
    Hello from across the pond!

    My name is Bambi (yep, it's my given name). I'm new to this forum, and soon to be sleeved. I just started my two-week pre-op liquid diet this morning. My surgery is scheduled for 7/1/14. I'm reaching out now to form some new online friendships for added support. I do have a few people in my life who have been successful with WLS, but I find that the broader your circle, & the more information and experience you have to draw on, the better!

    So, I hope you don't mind me ducking in here to say hello. I'll be happy to share my story & my experience and hope to draw on the wisdom of those of you who've been traveling this road for awhile.

    Cheers! (I say this as I raise my decaf green tea to you all!) :)
  • Hi Bambi,

    You're a bit ahead of me; my surgery isn't until 19th July and I'm just on a low fat diet at the moment. But I guess in the great scheme of things we'll be pretty much going thru this together.

    I've spent a lot of the day looking at YouTube blogs of other gastric sleeve patients, and they are pretty inspiring. You can really see who puts in the 2 hours exercise.
    Actually it's the exercise bit that bothers me the most; I'm seeing a physio on Tuesday as, since I started exercising (just gentle swimming) some of my symptoms have got worse. I want to find out what I can and what I should avoid.

    Hope the green tea is to your taste!
    All the best for the 1st,

    Jacqui x
  • Hi I'm new here.

    I went along for a consultation for a gastric balloon and was advised to go for the sleeve. I'm now booked in for Sat 12th July.

    The consultants nurse is very approachable but I have a lot of questions that I thought could be better answered by those actually going through it.

    When I asked about time off work, the consultant said I could be back at work very quickly; if he operated on a Friday for example, I could be back at work on the Monday.

    I'm thinking that might be a little quick?? What do you guys think?

    I actually work two jobs; I'm a chauffeur and a financial controller. I start at 7am with my driving work and arrive at my office at 9am to start work there at 9.30. Then leave for an afternoon pick up at 4pm or 8pm. I would hate to drive tired or just not to feel up to it. Did any of you struggle? Or we're you straight back to work.

    I can book a weeks annual leave for the Financial Controllers role. I am the proprietor of the chauffeur biz so I could arrange cover for the driving and I'd rather do that planned in advance than at the last minute. Just don't want to give away fares if I don't need to.

    Another concern I have is my age and how my skin will look after weight loss...and dare I mention 'the girls' are likely to fare? I've always been hour glass, even at my I likely to loose 'em? I don't mind losing from there, they are a little overwhelming, I'm just wondering 'how low can they go'? Am I going to look horrific? They are really the only part of me I'm happy about should I brace myself for some adjustment?

    And lastly, one of the reasons I'm going for this is because amongst other issues I have advanced arthritis in my hips. Is there anywhere I could get exercise advise specifically tailored for me? My surgeon wants me to exercise 2 hours a day and I'm figuring out how to fit this in timewise, but I don't want to damage my joints in the process.

    Best of British to all you other sleevers, would love to hear your experiences and glen some tips.
  • Sorry, new to this and think I have done this wrong!

    Anyway, I wanted to say that the NHS has a service you can even 'self refer' to for physiotherapy, and I have an appointment on Tuesday which I'm really excited about. Some of my symptoms have got worse since I started exercising so I'm desperate to find out what I can safely do. I've watched lots of blogs on YouTube and you can really see who puts in the 2 hours a day.

    Does anyone here keep a video diary?

    I was thinking of of filming a daily twirl in front of the mirror on my iPhone. Knit together it would show me spinning around starting fat and finishing slim and toned. Perhaps weekly would be enough! Just a thought!

    Would love to hear others thoughts.

    Jacqui x
  • Nnekari
    Nnekari Posts: 2
    Hi I am new to the group. I am based in the UK and been researching a lot about having the VSG. If there are anyone from the UK here please let me know which hospital you had the surgery because I am in the process of deciding where to have it done and have had a consultation with the Hospital Group but really would appreciate some recommendations.

    Much thanks
  • Alybags
    Alybags Posts: 3
    I am Aly and I had gastric sleeve surgery on 12 July and I have only lost a stone since 20 June and some of that was pre op. I have lost nothing in the last week. What am I doing wrong? I feel depressed and very despondent. I am a Type 1 diabetic and wondered if anyone has experienced this lack of weight loss? Have I wasted my money on surgery?
  • Alybags
    Alybags Posts: 3
    Hi I had mine done by Mr A Jenkinson part of The London Clinic and he and staff and hospital not far from Harley Street were brilliant.
  • smila1202
    smila1202 Posts: 13 Member
    Hey... Is this discussion still going? I'm Chloe 27 from Yorkshire new to MFP looking for other UK member so share motivation recipes positive thinking etc
  • misschoc72
    misschoc72 Posts: 7 Member
    Hello I was sleeved on 12/10/15 and it was the best choice I have made
  • digivill
    digivill Posts: 1 Member
    misschoc72 wrote: »
    Hello I was sleeved on 12/10/15 and it was the best choice I have made

    Hi misschoc 72 is this group still active ? Im 4 months into this journey . Using MFP to be accountable. Hows your journey going ?
  • Carbybarbie
    Carbybarbie Posts: 102 Member
    Hi my name is babz and I had the gastric sleeve at the end of May 2018. I went Istanbul for the surgery as i couldn't afford uk prices. I had been on the nhs pathway for 2.5 years and was giving up the will to live waiting to be revered for surgery after jumping through hoops. I lost 2 stone on the pathway and since my op in May I've lost a further 6 stone.i still have another 2 or 3stone to loose. I struggle to get my protein in and I struggle to drink enough water. I rarely feel hungry . A lot of foods smells make me feel nauseous and I just don't fancy food any more.i would appreciate friends who could give me tips and encouragement on my journey