what keto tips are you learning?

lebowski8 Posts: 55 Member
Since I've started keto (round 2), I'm catching on to some things that escaped me 12 years ago. For me, besides staying low carb, the next challenge is not overdoing the protein.

Do you have any small tips you can share?

Thanks to MFP community and the web, here's two tips I can share with you:

1. One keto tip I've learned is the homemade fatbomb. I made my first fatbomb batch last weekend. I used this recipe: http://lowcarbbetterhealth.blogspot.com/2012/07/fat-bombs.html

Today I altered the recipe -- no almond butter, but added dried shredded coconut. It seems to have turned out pretty tasty.

2. The next trick involves shopping, subbing fattier cuts for lean ones. I'm still compromising at this a little, because my wife dislikes fatty cuts. Anyhow, For example, subbing skin on bone in chicken thighs (which i've always preferred) instead of boneless skinless breasts. Much fattier. Pork shoulder and Pork Belly are pretty fatty compared to the loin.... and so on.

What tips do you have?


  • Ralthor125
    Ralthor125 Posts: 139 Member
    The chicken thighs have always been my go to food!

    My other main stay of food in a hurry has been sausage, but you have to choose carefully. Some of them have carbs added. Bacon is good as well, but that can be tricky as well as some brands add sugar for whatever reason.

    Bulletproof coffee is great for upping the fat count when needed. (sub with just heavy whipping cream when in a hurry)

    Protein intake has to be kept to a moderate level.

    Great snacking food is pork skins!
  • fruttibiscotti
    fruttibiscotti Posts: 986 Member
    Good fatty and healthy and tasty sides to your meats or eggs is vegetables fried in butter. Can even buy frozen veg to save money. Or better yet, combination of fried bacon pieces and butter - chopped cabbage, asparagus, cauliflower, broccoli, spinach, kale, list of choices is almost endless. What's real nice is that it doesn't look or taste greasy at all, as veg soaks up the buttery and bacony goodness.

    Faux mash potatoes made with cauliflower instead - omg so good. I add tons of butter, cream cheese and cream to the cauliflower and it comes out tasting so good. The cream cheese makes it real nice - big difference without it.

    Also learned alternative for breading is ground almonds. And don't waste money buying the almond meal (or sometimes called almond flour). Sitting on grocers shelf gets stale loo. So easy to make, just grind almonds up in a food processor. Great to use with the egg dip followed by rolling in "faux" bread crumb process. Used it to make fried chicken...awesome!

    Don't want to sound like a food snob, but have you ever tried olive oil infused with white truffle on soft poached eggs? OMG Heavenly!
  • lebowski8
    lebowski8 Posts: 55 Member
    a couple more tips:

    -- keto flu is very real. and quickly remedied with electrolytes. sometimes i have bouillon, but sometimes i just use 1/4 tsp of salt in a shot glass of warm water.

    -- avocados or guacamole are a favorite addition to many meals.
  • Wilhellmina
    Wilhellmina Posts: 757 Member
    I have learned that low carb doesn't mean high protein and the good fats aren't scary and unhealthy, needed even.

    I also learned by experimenting that adding some whipping cream to the fat bombs make them taste better.
  • Wilhellmina
    Wilhellmina Posts: 757 Member
    Ow and the most important thing I have learned is that I have to look at netto carbs, instead of the over all amount.
  • Love the ground almond idea for breading!
  • Carnivor0us
    Carnivor0us Posts: 1,752 Member
    I've learned even the tiniest carb creep can interfere with success.
  • mamamudbug
    mamamudbug Posts: 572 Member
    I've learned to have low carb snacks at hand. I carry them with me or in the car for times that the food choices around me are not that great. I have some automatic meals. Usually breakfast, sometimes dinner. Like Frutti, I'm teaching myself to find more low carb sides.
  • soubriquette
    soubriquette Posts: 10 Member
    I've started swapping out salad dressing for just plain olive oil. Tastes wonderful.
  • gailygail99
    gailygail99 Posts: 582 Member
    i have learned that eating a lot of fat is hard..haha! i also use alot of olive oil and butter now for cooking and stuff. add avocado to everything. i just love it! but if i dont hit my exact ratio percents of

    carb 5%
    fat 65%
    protein 30%

    I am not going to just go eat a bunch of butter. as long as i am close to that, i am fine with it. I just started about 10days ago.
  • I can think of a few "tips" but they're kind of just common sense to me....still, here goes:

    1) Drink water! Copious amounts of water. Noah's Ark during the flood levels of water! (I exaggerate a bit, but really, a gallon a day isn't excessive on this diet.)

    2) Skip the substitute foods. Sugar free and "net carb" foods aren't your friends, in my experience, for two reasons: 1) The carb information on those foods is often misleading or inaccurate, and 2) You're just teaching your body to continue to crave carbs by eating foods that mimic carbs, making it more likely that your weight will "yo-yo" once you reach your goal. (Also, some substitutes such as Splenda appear to induce an insulin-production response, which defeats the purpose of a ketogenic diet in the first place.)

    3) Vegetables aren't the enemy, just be sure to stick to low carb varieties such as assorted greens including spinach, swiss chard, kale and mushrooms. This is pretty important because LCHF diets are notoriously low in potassium, so those dark green veggies are necessary to pump up the potassium.

    Lastly (and this is a bit of tough love here) remember that just like anything in life, you get out what you put in. You can have a cheat day if you so choose, but just remember that it will slow your progress dramatically and probably make you more frustrated than satisfied in the long haul. That's not to say that you should expect perfection of yourself; no one is perfect, but a little discipline goes a long way, especially if you can stick with the diet long enough to kick those carb cravings. I find that it realistically takes a month to truly get past the craving period. For some, it might be longer, and for others it may be less. Just remember that you're doing this for a reason, and nobody said it would be easy but it WILL be worth it, if you commit yourself. Accept yourself, have patience with the process and keep going even when you hit road bumps, and I believe any person can reach their goals.
  • I've learned that you need to ignore people when they look at you funny for eating butter, cheese, cream and bacon! Best tips i've found are on the blog fullfatfitblr, which is FANTASTIC, also looking at Instagram really helps me to get meal inspiration :)
  • msnucerity
    msnucerity Posts: 333 Member
    Full fat mayo rocks in a pinch (needed to up my fat, but didn't want to make bacon or anything) so I just add a tbsp or so to some sour cream, spices and BAM! Delicious, fatty sauce to accompany plain old baked chicken :)
  • bacitracin
    bacitracin Posts: 921 Member
    Scotch eggs are a PITA to make, but refrigerate for up to a week WONDERFULLY.